My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 241

Eric Kermongo is a powerful fighter, but he is not a qualified ruler.

Its good for the original Wakanda to rule. Although their technology is very advanced, they are in fact simple, traditional and conservative. They value tradition and rules very much, and they admire powerhouse very much.

Eric Kermongos throne is justified. As long as he has the most powerful power in Wakanda, no one wants to betray.

But now Wakanda rules the whole of Africa. Once refugees, militants, poor and rich have all become his subjects, various complicated problems will follow. The rule and management of Africa as a whole will be a big problem.

Wakanda, who is extremely simple and backward in politics and still relies on decisive struggle to win the throne, is simply unable to manage the complex situation in Africa. Without the help of Hydra and SHIELD, Africa will be divided again. And war!

So, not only did Hydra and SHIELD not withdraw, but they continued to strengthen their control over Africa.

Of course, Hydra, SHIELD and Wakanda are directly responsible to Chen Mo. They are not affiliated with each other, and even do not know the existence of each other, especially Hydra, which is the deepest hidden.

For the entire Wakanda, only King Eric Kermongo knew about the existence and participation of Hydra. After all, he was originally a member of Hydra.

Everyone in Wakanda except him is unaware of the existence of Hydra and SHIELD and the role they play in the African Unity Initiative.

SHIELD is only on the order of Chen Mo to secretly assist Wakanda in achieving African unity and saving the African people. It also has no knowledge of the existence of Hydra and the true relationship between Chen Mo and Wakanda.

The current director of SHIELD, Howard Stark completely trusts Chen Mo, and Chen Mos reasons are particularly high-sounding. If it is Colonel Phillips, he may also consider international influence. Howard is a bold guy. I didn’t think much about it. I was even more excited than Eric Kermongo after receiving Chen Mo’s news.

One after another continent, Im excited when you think about it. As the director of SHIELD, you should do such a major event to be worthy of your own status as a bigwig behind the scenes!

So from SHIELD’s point of view, they are secretly assisting Wakanda in unifying Africa behind the scenes. This is actually true, but their actions are actually in Hydra’s sight.

This time the entire African unity operation, only the most hidden Hydra, this Chen Mo created by Chen Mo and completely controlled by him, is fully aware of the participation of Wakanda and SHIELD, and is not Anyone knows.

The only people who know Hydra’s existence and participation are Chen Mo and Eric Kermango.

The newly unified Africa is mainly engaged in construction and development to improve the living standards of the people, while letting them invest in the construction and development of the entire Africa, providing Wakanda with a massive supply of materials, and the real core part , R&D and production of high-tech equipment are still in the original Wakanda.

Wakanda is small, but it is also a country after all, and the area is actually quite large. There is simply no problem in building several super-large production bases.

When Chen Mo returned to Wakanda again, a large factory building had already been erected on the edge of the city and will soon be completed. This will be the future super production base, as long as Chen Mo gives the order , All kinds of large, medium and small high-tech weapons and equipment can be quickly produced, put into use offline, and equipped with a powerful armed force that crushes the armies of various countries. The military force is just a simple matter to unify the earth. .

But Chen Mo will not use them to conquer the earth. To some extent, the earth is already under Chen Mo’s control. Over time, this control will only Getting stronger and stronger, what Chen Mo has to do is to protect it, protect his territory from damage by external forces, and use it as a scientific and technological base to support his development in reality and future crossing over in the other world.

Wakanda Palace, Chen Mo sat on the throne, listening to Eric Kermango below, reporting on the construction and development of all aspects of Africa during this period.

With Hydra and SHIELD secretly helping, coupled with the war dog organization of the Wakanda Kingdom itself, the situation in Africa is very stable.

Although there are some ambitious people who want to take advantage of the vacuum when the original warlord is eliminated and Wakandas unsettled rule, take advantage of the situation and establish their own kingdom, but they are either mobilizing tribes and convening manpower to form When he was in the army, he was discovered in advance, and he was secretly executed before he could start the operation.

Either it was the sudden appearance of the powerful Wakanda army crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood when it launched an offensive with the newly organized troops.

These sporadic resistances did not at all have any impact on the situation in Africa, and they were silently annihilated.

People’s livelihood construction has also been fruitful. The refugee problem has been solved. A large number of surplus laborers have joined agricultural production, mining, construction, and industrial manufacturing.

Wakanda’s rescue is only to solve the most basic survival problem. If you want to live a better life, get enough food and clothing, and get rid of poverty, Wakanda also provides them with many choices.

Africa’s various industries that are entering the big development need a lot of labor. They can choose according to their own wishes. Of course, some tribes are unwilling to change their customs, engage in agricultural planting, or join other industries, Wakanda It will also help them develop animal husbandry and other industries on the basis of respecting the original customs. Even if there are some tribes that rely solely on hunting for their livelihoods, Wakanda will respect their choices.

After all, Wakanda’s purpose is not to enslave them, but to change their original lives. There are already a lot of people who have devoted themselves to the construction of Africa. There is ample labor, and there is no need to force everyone to abandon their original customs.

But for those who dont want to do anything and want to eat and wait to die, Wakanda will only provide basic protection in the early stage, but it is only starving. With the end of the rescue operation, this kind of supply It will gradually stop, either returning to the original life, hunting, planting, grazing, or joining the wave of construction.

Wakanda just gave them a chance to live a better life. As long as they work a little bit, even if they still grow and graze in the tribe, their life will be much better than before, and they want a better life. , You need more effort and dedication, but if they like to work, then their lives will not change.

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