My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 240

Learning that Chen Mo had told Tony Stark about the existence of SHIELD, Howard could not help but exclaimed, but when he saw Chen Mo’s contemptuous eyes looking at him, he still pretended to be indifferent .

“So what! No matter how powerful, he is also my son!”

“Yes, when he finds you, you will know that he is amazing!”

Chen Mos words directly hit his sore spot. Over the years, he has been watching Tony Stark silently, knowing his achievements well, and knowing the existence of SHIELD, and having doubts about his death With his ability, it is really possible to find SHIELD.

“Uh…or else, leave your sword of the king to me for self-protection. I have the possibility of exposure because you told him about the existence of SHIELD, you You have to be responsible to me!”

Imagine that Tony _Stark is wearing steel battle clothes and hitting the door, Howard can’t pretend any more, so he quickly asks Chen Mo for help.

More than 70 years ago, Howard still has a covetous heart for Chen Mo’s sword of king.

Chen Mo leaned in the chair, squinting at Howard, slowly said.

“Are you sure? Just your bad messy Sword Art, I’m worried you will slash Tony with the man and the armor.”

Howard thinks too. , He cant do the same as Chen Mo, using the long sword to make the long sword as good as his arms, and the battle clothes will not hurt the people inside.

“Then, or you can give me the shield!”

Howard’s eyes rolled, he immediately shifted the target, the primordial Edman alloy shield can easily resist any Attack, with it, he can also not fear Tony _ Stark.

“Well, I will let Shuri make you a nano combat uniform. As for my sword and shield, don’t worry about it.”

Chen Mo’s words are straightforward It breaks Howards selfish calculations, but its also good to be able to copy a set of nano combat uniforms, which can be stored in a watch to inspire at any time. The defensive power nano combat uniforms, Howard has been coveted for a long time, but this thing is only Wakanda’s Shuri Princess Even if he is the director of SHIELD, he can only be greedy, but Chen Mo is different. He is a “good friend” of King Wakanda. He helped him seize the throne and unify Africa. His influence and status in Wakanda is quite high. To put on a nano combat uniform is just a matter of words.

But Howard is still a little reconciled. For these two peerless soldiers, the resentment he has been seeking for more than 70 years has been deeply entwining him, making him wonder how many nights he woke up, especially when he originally belonged However, the primordial Edman alloy shield that he “sent” out by his own hands is the eternal pain in his heart!

“That shield is mine!”

Howard screamed unwillingly.

“Didn’t you give it to me?”

“Can I go back on it?”

“What did you say?”

Chen Mo said, looking towards Howard with a menacing look.

“When I didn’t say…”

Feeling the dangerous aura in Chen Mo’s eyes, Howard decisively recognized him. He didn’t want to be caught by Chen Mo before facing Tony. Hit it up.

After playing around, Chen Mo talked about business.

“I am going to leave for a while.”

Howard is not surprised. Chen Mo until now often appears and disappear unpredictably. It just disappeared for a while not long ago, and it was already when he appeared again Quietly, he changed the king of a country, and commanded the original king to fight for him. In the end, he simply unified the entire Africa.

I don’t know what plans he has this time.

But Howard knows that if Chen Mo doesn’t say it, it’s useless to ask.

“How long?”

“ShIELD will leave it to you and Steve.”

“Don’t worry! “

After leaving SHIELD, Chen Mo did not go to Hydra headquarters, but returned to Wakanda.

Chen Mo worked hard, planned step by step, and even acted personally, mobilizing the power of Hydra and SHIELD, and allowing Wakanda to unify the entire Africa, not just to realize Eric Kermangos ideals .

Whether it is Hydra or Wakanda, although the technology is very advanced, the development is actually not comprehensive, but in certain fields, especially weapons, it has a large technological advantage, but after all, the development time is still short. , The background is slightly insufficient, and the overall strength is simply incomparable with the real High Rank technology countries in the universe.

Because it has been hidden behind the scenes, the scale of development has been limited, and it is unable to fully carry out large-scale industrial development. Instead, it focuses on high-end technology research and development and small-scale manufacturing of cutting-edge weapons and equipment. The productivity is severely insufficient to carry out large-scale industrial production.

Build hundreds of small fighter planes and tanks. They can be quickly completed in a short period of time with advanced technology, but if it is thousands of large planes, giant tanks, or even aerospace aircraft carriers , The existing productivity is far from enough. It takes a long time to produce an aerospace aircraft carrier, and it is impossible to achieve mass and high-speed production.

Africa has a vast area. Although it may seem barren and backward, under this land, there are extremely rich mineral resources. Under Wakandas rule, these resources will be fully utilized and transformed into Amazing power.

Furthermore, Wakanda walked out of hiding and ruled the whole of Africa. The development of science and technology will no longer be so limited. Industry, agriculture, peoples livelihood, aerospace, biology, chemistry and other fields will be fully developed. Make up for the shortcomings in the science and technology tree, and develop towards a cosmic science and technology power with a truly strong comprehensive strength.

After the unification of Africa, Wakanda, under the leadership of Eric Kermongo and in accordance with Chen Mos plan and arrangement, carried out peoples livelihood construction and fundamentally improved the living standards of the African people. Increased the development of mineral resources and industrial construction.

Wakanda’s original production plant has again undergone a large-scale expansion, and its production capacity and efficiency have been greatly improved.

In the future, Wakanda will become the production base of Chen Mo. With top technology, strong production capacity and the support of human and material resources throughout Africa, when Chen Mo needs it, it will quickly start to carry out large-scale operations. Production, even if it is a huge aerospace aircraft carrier, can be produced quickly one by one like dumplings.

After assisting Wakanda to complete the unification of Africa, the forces of Hydra and SHIELD not at all withdrew. On the contrary, they continued to strengthen their control over Africa.

Africa is, after all, a continent with a vast area, a large population, complex ethnic and tribal forces, and Wakanda alone will rule it. Even if nothing happens in the short term, problems will arise sooner or later as time goes by.

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