My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 201

Under such an invisible attack, they had to retreat obediently after losing several battleships in succession.

The attack of the sonic cannon is not a missile. Even if their “Aegis” system is advanced, it cannot be intercepted at all.

Aircraft can’t get in, warships can’t get close, the action impossible is so easy to give up, the coalition commander simply ordered a direct missile bombing!

The missile silos on the battleship slowly opened, and huge “Tomahawk” missiles rose in the flames and smoke, spraying long tail flames, and leaping into the air from the battleship. He immediately adjusted his posture in the air and flew at high speed in the direction of the African continent.

But before they were out of sight of the fleet, they exploded one after another in the air, apparently because they were successfully intercepted by Wakanda fighters.

The coalition forces were unwilling to give up and made their last struggle. They launched intercontinental missiles from other bases. Unfortunately, these are expensive, technologically advanced, and formidable power huge intercontinental missiles, none of them can cross Africa. All the border lines have been discovered and successfully intercepted in the middle section.

Under the banner of liberating Africa, the aggressive Western coalition forces are completely inadequate, and all attack methods are unable to pose a threat to Africa. The technological advantages that were originally proud of are gone. Seeing that military force cannot To solve the problem, several countries simply changed other means.

Does not recognize Wakandas domination of Africa, economic sanctions, trade blockade, and condemns it in the United Nations. They want to completely isolate Africa, blockade, and force Wakanda to submit. They dont know how many times they have used these methods. They are already familiar with it, but this time, they seem to have miscalculated.

In the past, as long as they proposed, most countries would stand up to support them, let them stand in a righteous position and occupy the righteous position.

But the development of this event completely exceeded their expectations.

Many countries ignored their demands and stood up to support Africa, acknowledged Wakandas rule over Africa, congratulated Africa on its peaceful reunification, and established diplomatic relations with the new Wakanda kingdom and started various cooperation And exchanges completely tore through the blockade of several powerful countries on Africa.

Although the major powers are powerful, they cannot be enemies of the entire world. The military force intervention failed and political methods were ineffective. Seeing that the situation in Africa was already powerless, several countries had to grit their teeth. Recognize planting.

The kingdom of Wakanda successfully completed the unification of Africa under the siege of several great powers, allowing a brand new Africa, a brand new Wakanda to stand above the world.

The drastic changes in Africa came to an end. Not to mention that Wakanda began to construct and develop the entire Africa according to Chen Mos plan. Tony _ Stark and the others in New York soon after the initial shock Throwing this aside, things in Africa are too far away from them. They cannot intervene in the reform of a continent’s regime, and it is also a good thing for the African people.

A unified Africa will inevitably no longer have wars, and the advanced technology demonstrated by Wakanda will definitely improve the living conditions of the African people. They are not governments of various countries, and they are also happy to see this incident. Into.

So, when the outside world continued to pay attention to the development of the situation in Africa, several people returned to the laboratory again and officially began the construction of the super war chariot.

But this time, their living standards have greatly improved.

After knowing that they couldn’t take care of themselves at all, Pepper, who was too busy with the management of Stark Industries, arranged for them a new life assistant.

“BOSS, it’s time to eat!”

A beautiful alluring figure appeared outside the door of the laboratory as a lazy female voice with a slightly hoarse magnetism came.

A hot red wavy curly hair sets off her snow-white skin, her delicate face is as beautiful and alluring as the most perfect artwork, a pair of charming pale blue eyes seem to contain thousands Amorous, sexy and plump red lips slightly curled up, charming and charming, fascinating.

She was wearing a professional suit, but the short shirt and skirt could not conceal her hot figure. The perfect S-curve curvaceous, sexy and hot, the towering chest seemed to The shirt bursts!

When her silhouette appeared outside the glass door of the laboratory, Tony _ Stark’s eyes were attracted by her.

She is the new personal assistant Pepper Pepper Poz finds for Tony, Natalie Rushman, from the legal department of Stark Industries, and her real identity is the national strategic defense attack and The secret agent of the Logistics Security Bureau, Natasha Romanov, is also the famous “black widow” in the Avengers!

She was ordered by Director Nick Fury to mix into Stark Industries, the real purpose is to monitor Iron Man Tony Stark!

Although she looks young and beautiful, only in her twenties, in fact, her real age is a bit older than Tony _ Stark, but for some reason, her His appearance has been kept young.

And her identity, speaking of which is also quite complicated.

Originally, she was a spy of the Soviet intelligence agency KGB. She received special training in the KGB secret service “Red House” since she was a child. She is a top agent with world-class fighting skills and comprehensive abilities. .

Later, she betrayed the Soviet Union and joined SHIELD. Yes, it was SHIELD, not the National Land Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Service. It was Tony Stark’s father who recruited her. , Howard _ Stark.

After joining SHIELD, Natasha was secretly sent to the National Land Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau to strengthen SHIELD’s control.

After all, after the end of the war, the Strategic Science Reserve, which was fully controlled by SHIELD, was reorganized and supervised by the newly established world Security Council.

The director of the reorganized National Land Strategic Defense, Attack and Logistics Support Bureau will also be appointed by the World Security Council. SHIELDs complete control over it has been weakened, and the current directors one-eyed person Nick Fury Not a SHIELD person.

Therefore, in order to ensure the control of strategic national defense attacks and the Logistics Security Bureau, SHIELD has strengthened the strength control of the middle and lower-level personnel and institutions. In addition to the many SHIELD personnel who have already occupied key positions, A large number of people, including Natasha Romanov, were successively deployed to strengthen the control of the various departments of the National Land Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau, and always firmly control it.

So, although Nick Fury is the director appointed by the World Security Council and seems to be in full control of the National Land Strategy Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau, in fact its real controller has always been SHIELD!

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