My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 200

The screen turned back to the live broadcast room again, and the beautiful hostess continued to report to the camera, but in her expression, she could find a hint of disbelief inadvertently.

“Just now, all 61 countries in Africa held a press conference at the same time, announcing that the whole of Africa was officially unified. From then on, there is only one country in Africa, the Kingdom of Wakanda, which was originally all African countries. All were merged into the Kingdom of Wakanda and became a province under it. The original national government was directly downgraded to a provincial government agency of the Kingdom of Wakanda and no longer exercised diplomatic legislation and other rights.”

“Please see the front below. On-site report sent by the reporter.”

The people in the living room didn’t watch the next report anymore, but looked towards the people around each other with disbelief.

“I heard that right? Africa is unified? What Wakanda came out of that suddenly?”

Tony Stark looked up and looked towards standing in front of him with his face full of unbelief Pepper asked skeptically.

“Pepper, is it April Fool’s Day today? We were tricked by the TV station?”

Pepper, who was also shocked by the news, gently shook the head.

“No, today is not April Fools’ Day, this news should be true! Africa is really unified!”

Tony and a few others looked at each other in blank dismay, Could not help but burst out a foul language.

“Brilliant! Force!”

Chen Mo sitting on the sofa, the corners of his mouth slightly tilted upwards, revealing a faint smile.

The African Unity Project is finally completed, and everything is not as easy as Tony and the others saw.

After all, the European and American countries that have huge interests on the African continent are not eating dry food. The unification of Africa will inevitably infringe their interests. This is something they do not want to see and absolutely not allow.

Thats why the previous joint rescue operations and the Union of African Unity have used these seemingly normal means to cover up the true purpose while rapidly expanding Wakandas influence and control throughout Africa, and they All aspects of the action are very fast, even if European and American countries find something wrong, it is too late to stop it.

Who would have imagined that the unification of more than 60 countries on an entire continent would have been completed in less than a month.

This is the amazing power of Hydra and SHIELD hidden behind the scenes!

It can easily subvert a country’s regime, but it is also because the target is chaotic Africa. If you switch to Europe and America, it will not be so easy. It is even more impossible and so simple and rude.

Even with the full support of Hydra and SHIELD, the process of Wakanda’s unification of Africa is not easy.

If you want to thoroughly control Africa and realize the unification of Africa, apart from controlling the governments and military of various countries and gathering peoples hearts, the biggest problem is the opposition of European and American countries. They are impossible to watch the chaotic Africa achieve unification. Towards stability and unity, how can they easily grab huge benefits in resource-rich Africa?

This is also the reason why Chen Mo did not choose military force to unify Africa. If the name is not correct, it would be unsatisfactory. The military force conquest will give the western developed countries an excuse to intervene. When the time comes, they want to maintain Africa. Chinas vested interests will inevitably send troops to intervene, just like what happened in the Middle East.

They talk about democracy and human rights, but they wantonly trample on the sovereignty of other countries and interfere in the internal affairs of other countries, so Chen Mo simply will not give them an excuse or opportunity to intervene.

Not only that, after the start of the joint rescue operation, a number of huge large transport aircraft rescued the refugees, while under the cover of the rescue operation, secretly transported mass production materials from African countries to Wakanda.

With the supply of resources across Africa, Wakanda, with advanced technology, has completely exploded its terrifying production capacity.

The production base has fully begun the production and construction of military materials, and batches of world-class weapons and equipment are quickly produced.

After the establishment of the Union of African Unity, all the armed forces of all countries were reorganized. After screening, only less than 10% of the original elite soldiers were retained.

But there is no melee between warlords. It just protects Africa and maintains stability. It is indeed unnecessary to keep that many troops.

Moreover, all the fighters who remain after these screenings are the most elite fighters. Equipped with advanced weapons, the battle strength is much stronger than before.

However, the role of these soldiers is not to respond to military force interventions in Western developed countries, but to maintain the stability of the African continent. It is Wakanda’s elite soldiers and high-end military forces that really respond to foreign military force threats.

After the declaration of African unity, the armed forces of Western countries in Africa were quickly expelled, facing a larger number and more advanced equipment of African soldiers, these Western soldiers who were originally proud of African soldiers, instantly His face changed.

Looking at the now-changing shotguns, the African soldiers who are more advanced and powerful than their equipment, they didn’t even have the mind to resist, and they withdrew obediently.

The western countries that have been accustomed to Africa are naturally unwilling to take away the cake in their hands. After being expelled from the troops in Africa, they quickly formed a joint force to prepare for the liberation of Africa. Conduct military force intervention.

Then they discovered that Africas airspace and territorial waters were completely blocked, and their warplanes and warships could not get close to the African continent.

Whether it is the most advanced American F-22 “Raptor” fighter, B-2 stealth strategic bomber, or European “Typhoon” fighter, French “Rafale” fighters cannot enter African airspace. As soon as they approach, they will be quickly intercepted by Wakanda fighters. Their proud radar stealth is completely ineffective, and the speed, maneuverability and other aspects of the Wakanda fighters far exceed them.

In the air confrontation, they could not catch the shadow of the Wakanda fighter jets, let alone lock them for attack, but their own aircraft kept sounding the siren that was locked by the radar, regardless of How they maneuvered, avoided, or even accelerated to escape, they couldn’t get rid of the Wakanda fighter’s lock.

After several fighters were shot down one after another, the other fighters finally had to surrender obediently and were escorted to land in Africa.

Several attempts of the coalition forces all ended in failure. After the loss of a large number of fighters, the coalition forces had to give up the continued use of air power.

The navys offensive was also blocked. After ignoring Wakandas warning and crossing into African territorial waters, Wakanda fighters once again taught them a fiercely lesson.

I saw a ripple of air approaching a Burke-class destroyer driving forward at high speed from the air, and then this warship was hit by a missile, and the ships side was blown out by a huge damage. hole.

A large amount of seawater rushed into the hull madly, and this world’s top guided-missile destroyer with powerful battle strength soon sank into the seabed.

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