My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 187

The personnel arranged by Hydra and SHIELD under these warlords mostly hold certain rights and manpower.

Although it is not easy to get rid of the powerful and heavily guarded warlords, and they need to take very high risks, it is still very difficult to kill a few officers who covet military power when there is no leader and the army is in chaos. relaxing.

In addition, they were prepared for a long time, and immediately after the warlord was killed, they started collectively. With mental arithmetic and unintentional, it was reasonable to succeed in seizing control of the army.

All this happened very quickly. The European and American countries that originally wanted to take the opportunity to support their spokespersons had not had time to act, and the change of rights was completed. They no longer had the opportunity to intervene, and some of them remained. The personnel from various countries in these forces were also unceremoniously invited out.

After completing the control of the African army, the next step can be launched.

The penetration and control of the world by Hydra and SHIELD is not only in the armed forces, but the high-level governments of many African countries have actually been penetrated by the two organizations.

In this upheaval that spread to the entire African continent, many warlords who controlled most of the African armed forces were all assassinated in one day, and the military power of most of the African armed forces immediately changed. The situation has become complicated and chaotic. The high-level governments of African countries have also had differences and contradictions on how to deal with this drastic change, and conflicts and struggles broke out.

Many uncertainties and strong unrest have plunged the political situation of various African countries into violent turmoil. Hydra and SHIELD personnel have contributed to this, intensifying conflicts and In the end, taking advantage of the political chaos, they directly seized control of the government.

Of course, in the eyes of the outside world, this is only the power struggle and the alternation of positions within the country caused by the disagreement of political opinions under the drastic changes in the army. It is the high-level government of their own country that is in power.

Since the warlords who directly control the military have been eliminated, the remaining regular government-controlled troops have not been in turmoil, nor have they intervened in the power struggle between the high-level government, or that they have not Time to participate.

Chen Mos plan of action has long been communicated through Hydra and SHIELD. These high-level spies lurking in African countries have been preparing for a long time, while others have been beaten by this upheaval spreading across Africa. I was completely unprepared and hurriedly dealt with it without preparation. Simply didn’t expect someone was already plotting against them in secret and leading them to destruction step by step.

In the whole process, Chen Mo’s side was in complete control of the development of the situation. They simply did not give them a chance to turn around. The military only watched the high-level government fight. Before they had time to think about what to do, they already After the fight is over, so the alternation of power can proceed smoothly.

The new high-level governments of various countries do not at all take any action against those warlord forces. Similarly, the new warlords who have just taken power did not take any unusual actions. The two sides seem to have agreed to a general agreement, and they are digesting and consolidating. The right that has just been acquired maintains a rare peace.

After the drastic changes in military and political affairs, the whole of Africa suddenly changed from the chaotic situation of wars in the past and entered a period of exceptionally stable peace, but it seems that some larger undercurrent is accumulating in it, waiting for the final outbreak .

During this period of time, African governments did nothing. When all the armed forces contracted their forces and stood still, the governments of all countries took advantage of this rare period of stability and started unanimously. Rescue operation.

Originally, due to the war, rescue was very difficult, and the danger was very high. Rescuers were often killed by militants. Now the fighting has ceased. At this time, rescue is naturally normal.

African countries quickly mobilized to rescue their refugees from war and famine. A large number of human and material resources were mobilized. Doctors, nurses, medicines, medical equipment, food, drinking water, Tents, clothing, etc., arrived in various regions one after another.

However, the strength of these countries is still limited. In the face of countless refugees, the materials they can provide are far from enough.

So all countries began to request assistance from other countries, but the strange thing is that they only seek help from native African countries. They prefer to seek help from African countries that are poorer than themselves, rather than from Europe and the United States. Developed countries request support.

So a local rescue operation that was naturally initiated after the drastic changes in various countries has evolved into a joint rescue operation across Africa. Rescue aircraft and rescue personnel from various countries have no borders and are unimpeded on the African continent. A vigorous joint rescue operation began in Africa.

Although European and American countries may not understand, rescue operations are originally a loss-making business for them. Except for occasionally sending insignificant rescues for show, they are not willing to waste a lot of manpower. Material resources to help these African people who have nothing to do with them, they are more willing to send troops to provide military assistance than humanitarian assistance.

Because the humanitarian assistance is free and there is no benefit, and behind the military assistance, there are huge benefits!

If you don’t do a good deal, the fool will help for nothing!

As for the strange behavior of African countries with swollen faces and fatty faces, they are happy to watch.

The rescue of African refugees is simply a bottomless pit. Not only does it see no benefits, but it also wastes money. They have to see how these poor and backward African countries end up in the end. Asking for help from these big countries, when the time comes, due to the international influence, it is impossible to send some symbolic aids to show off.

But what happened next was obviously beyond their expectations.

In this joint rescue operation across the entire African continent, a small poor country that was originally unknown, mainly agriculture and animal husbandry, suddenly exploded with amazing power and stood out among all African countries. It became the main force of this joint rescue, and its name was Wakanda!


On an endless, barren and arid grassland, there are dozens of large and small villages around a dry lake.

The lake has long since dried up. There is only a small amount of fresh water in a deep well under the rock wall on the lakeshore, which supplies dozens of nearby villages and thousands of people with drinking water. Everyone can get water every day. Little pitiful, only enough to maintain the most basic survival.

Severe drought has caused a large number of plant deaths. Animals have also left to find new water sources. As a result, their food has become very scarce. Many people are already thin and skinny and may fall at any time. Then he couldn’t stand up anymore.

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