My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 186

Mbaku’s giant beast-sized size and fierce and violent imposing manner put tremendous pressure on the special fighters who surrounded him on one side of the room.

In case he jumps directly, they are not sure whether the weapon in their hands can stop him.

Everyones spirits are all highly tense, the rifle in his hand is firmly locked to Mbaku, and his fingers are on the trigger ready to attack.

So, when Mbaku’s figure suddenly began to move, the highly nervous special fighters pulled the trigger without the slightest hesitation, and dozens of automatic rifles all spit out fire. The snake, the dense bullets came out of the chamber, covering the past towards Mbaku.

Its just that Mbakus speed is too fast. A huge power five times that of ordinary people burst out. He instantly jumped up from the hole in the ceiling above and disappeared into everyones sight. All the bullets that followed fell through, without even touching his shadow, all hitting the wall behind.


When Captain saw this, he cursed in a low voice, and at the same time quickly stopped the attack, and quickly ran forward under the hole.

Standing where Mbaku was just now, Captain looked up into the hole in the ceiling above his head, and at the same time he raised the rifle in his hand, pointing the muzzle into the hole.

Above the hole is a room on the third floor. When the defense was set up, he went up to check it and locked the door.

At this time, through the big hole in the ceiling, you can clearly see the scene in the room. Unfortunately, there is no Mbaku silhouette inside, only one on the third floor ceiling is the same as the one below, with a diameter close to two The big hole of rice, through these two big holes that go through up and down, you can directly see the sky outside.

From here, Mbaku crossed directly over the barrier of the third floor, entered the room below, and killed the warlord.

Following Captain, other special fighters quickly rushed forward, forming a circle under the hole and pointing their guns upward.

Although the storey of this building is less than three meters, they are also impossible to jump up as easily as Mbaku. When they cooperate with each other to climb up, people will run away long ago.

Furthermore, who knows that he will not lie in wait for them to defeat them separately.

Under their highly tense and full guard, there is not at all any movement from the top, only a white cloud drifting lightly on the blue sky outside the hole.

It seems that the powerful enemy who appeared and disappear unpredictably, swift as wind has left.

For a while, she glanced at the warlord’s corpse lying on the ground, Captain’s face was extremely gloomy.

Their mission this time was a complete failure. The target of protection was violently infiltrated by the enemy from above and killed directly. Afterwards, they left easily while being pointed at by a dozen of their rifles. They didn’t even touch the corners of other people’s clothes, this time, they can be said to be a fiasco.


The annoyed Captain was about to order the team to close, but one of the team members suddenly pointed to the top and shouted.

Everyone hearing this looked up again and saw the blue in the sky outside the hole. It seemed that a group of transparent ripples appeared faintly, and if you didn’t look carefully, you wouldn’t notice it at all.

It just so happened that a white cloud floated above the ripples, and against the white background, three vaguely distributed light blue light groups appeared from the ripples.

But soon, this group of ripples completely merged with the background, and the three pale blue light groups disappeared.

“This is!”

Everyone who saw this scene was shocked. Could it be an alien spaceship?

The huge silhouette that was glimpsed just now, but powerful and unlike human beings, is it really an alien?

“Report to the superior immediately!”


In the stealth fighter, Mbaku took off the helmet of the combat uniform and moved towards the fighter piloting the fighter. Said the pilot.

“The goal is solved, go to the next place.”


The action just now seems simple, it seems to rely on the detection function of the fighter and the sound wave The formidable power of the gun can be accomplished by any ordinary soldier, but in fact, not at all seems so simple.

Although they bypassed the traps outside, the special fighters are very close to the target. As long as they find something wrong, they can quickly return to the target room for protection.

Mbaku is also at full speed. After using the sonic cannon to quickly destroy the two floors, he directly crossed the height of six meters between the two floors from the top of the building and jumped into the target room on the second floor. , And stabbed him to death with a spear.

At his speed, he had just killed the target. Before he had time to evacuate, he was rushed in by special fighters outside.

That is, through the strengthening of Super Soldier serum, Mbaku’s physical fitness is far beyond that of ordinary people. With the burst of strength, he can jump directly upstairs to a height of three meters, which is so easy to get out.

If the other elite Wakanda fighters are inevitably blocked by them, it is not easy to get out without going through a fierce battle to kill these special soldiers.

It is even possible to be stopped before he can kill the target. When he solves these elite special fighters, a large number of soldiers under the warlord almost arrived. When the time comes, the assassination becomes strong. Attacks have added a lot of troubles and variables.

Even if the task is finally completed, the impact will be very large, which is not in line with their original intention.

The tasks of T’Challa, Techaka and Zuli went very smoothly. They took action to deal with these difficult goals, and the decapitation moved quickly, and they completed all the goals that afternoon. The assassination, the entire African warlord was wiped out.

1st Step of unifying Africa, the beheading operation Perfection is completed, and what is needed next is no more military force.

Hydra and SHIELD, hidden behind the scenes, are beginning to exert their strength. The two huge organizations that have been operating secretly for decades have an amazing power in their hands. Once it breaks out in this brief moment, its formidable power is enough Changing the Heaven and Switching the Earth!

All the warlords in Africa were assassinated in one day, and none were left. Except for the regular army controlled by the governments of African countries, all the armies fell into a state of no leader.

But soon, under the influence of an invisible force, some officers who were originally quite prestigious in these troops quickly took over the command of the troops with the support of other people. All the officers who wanted to take advantage of the generals in power to be killed and fighting for military power were silently killed, all the voices of opposition were obliterated, and the troops quickly restored order, not at all there were riots and troops. change.

Hydra and SHIELD have long arranged a large number of personnel in these sensitive organizations. Many of them have leapt to high positions with their outstanding ability. Taking advantage of this opportunity of the group of dragons without a leader, they were launched together and smoothly Seized control of the troops.

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