My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 183

The relaxed fat white officer looked at the panicked young man in front of him, his face suddenly sinking.

The white officer was very dissatisfied in his heart for being interrupted by this frizzy man who interrupted his interest in watching action movies and made him nervous for a long time. He immediately pulled down his face and scolded sharply.

“What major event can there be in Africa?!”

Staring angrily at the young subordinates, the white chief asked sternly.

“Where did the alien spaceship land?”

The young man shook the head quickly.

“Is the aliens already occupying Africa?”

As the white chief said, he put his hands on the desk and leaned forward, tall and fat. His figure and his big round face flushed with anger put a lot of pressure on the young man.

Faced with a harsh question from the chief, the young man shook the head again.

Seeing his silly appearance, the white chief came out even more unfettered, and the anger in his heart broke out completely, pointing to his nose and scolded loudly.

“Since neither, then tell me! What made you so panic that you forgot to knock on the door and broke into my office?! Dont tell me, its because of which two The warlords are fighting again!”

The young CIA civilian was not at all calmed down by the officer’s scolding, and there was still some confusion in his expression.

“Sir! It’s not a fight! It’s killed!”

The white officer hearing this showed an expression like this, watching the young subordinate shook the head disappointed. .

“Then its not a major event anymore. There is no direct conflict and battle, and the impact is much smaller. Just for this, you panic like this. It seems that I need to restart I have revised my evaluation of you!”

“No! Sir!”

Seeing that his chief is so old for a long time, I haven’t given him a chance to make it clear. Young people dont care. On the other side, he directly interrupted the white officer’s self-talk and said loudly.

“Not a warlord! It is a lot! Since last night, hundreds of warlords have been killed in Africa so far!”

The white chief is hearing this, who just sat down The body bounced from the chair in an instant, watching his subordinates shout in shock.



World intelligence organizations soon received news that a large number of warlords in Africa were assassinated almost simultaneously Without waiting for their response, more and more news of the killing of African warlords floated like snowflakes.

Almost everyone realizes that a major event must happen!

Orders were quickly conveyed, countless intelligence personnel lurking in Africa were mobilized, and more people are moving towards Africa, their tasks are the same, then It is to find out the truth behind the large number of assassinations of warlords!

A lot of more detailed information was delivered to the Intelligence Section chiefs. These hundreds of warlords were killed in the same way. Almost all of them were beheaded or pierced into the heart. They were very primordial. Effective means of killing.

The murder weapon has been forensically identified. It should also be a long knife, cold weapon such as lance, but according to the traces of the muzzle, these cold weapons are sharper than any known weapons.

The light blue halo hidden in the air that was accidentally discovered reminds many people of an alien spaceship. At least now, among the scientific and technological products known to mankind, not at all which aircraft has this Effect.

They appeared silently. After the crew infiltrated and completed the assassination mission, they quickly lifted up and evacuated, whether it was a helicopter or a fighter that could take off and land vertically.

Not to mention the difficulty of the control, the huge noises made by the two flying and hovering cannot be hidden from the guards. They have already alarmed everyone when they approached.

Primordial weapons and killing methods, advanced aircraft with stealth function, there seems to be no other better explanation except for aliens.

While they are conducting in-depth investigations, there are still news of warlords being killed. Obviously, the other partys goal is most likely to kill all warlords in Africa. In response to this, They also quickly dispatched manpower to the warlords who were still alive, waiting to find out, ready to find out.

After one night, most of the well-informed warlords have learned the news and strengthened their guard. Their people can’t get in, so they secretly control the surroundings.

Some have close cooperation with them, even where the spokesperson they fostered, they simply dispatched elite special forces and deployed inescapable net, waiting for this group of mysterious enemies to take the bait.

Unfortunately, they are destined to be disappointed. Wakanda relies on the highly developed technology developed by Vibranium, which leads them by more than one point. Wakanda fighters have very powerful stealth capabilities, even at close range. Use naked eye to discover the silhouette of the fighter.

The only thing that can expose the fighter is the Wakanda fighters who are exposed to the assassination mission. When the fighter takes off again, the stealth device restarts to fully function in just a few seconds, the thruster under the fighter The blue flames sprayed from there can’t be completely hidden. This is also the blue halo that was quickly submerged in the clouds that the soldiers saw before.

In addition to the stealth capability, the detectors equipped on the fighter planes are also extremely advanced. They can show the scene in the building below through the 3D sand table projection, completely restoring the internal situation, their carefully arranged traps and the ambush set by heavy soldiers. There was nowhere to hide, completely exposed to the eyes of Wakanda fighters.

While losing their unexpected advantage, the elite special forces soldiers and intelligence personnel of these countries are basically impossible to compete with the powerful and advanced Wakanda elite fighters.

However, if you want to complete the task and kill the target under their siege, you will inevitably exchange fire with these special forces soldiers. When the time comes, it will inevitably cause a lot of casualties, expand the situation, and These foreign forces are completely involved, which goes against their original intention.

So I found that the Wakanda fighter plane with traps arranged below did not land at all, but hovered high in the air, and quickly reported the situation to Wakanda.

This situation is not just one situation. Among the remaining hundreds of warlords, more than a dozen have in-depth cooperation with the forces of various countries, and even spokespersons fostered by various countries in Africa.

In the headquarters of the dozen or so warlords, traps have been set up. A large number of special operations personnel from various countries lie in ambush next to the target, closely guarded, ready to attack the intruder at any time.

In the operation headquarters in the Wakanda Palace, Chen Mo not at all received reports from more than a dozen teams. It was too unexpected.

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