My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 182

After completely subduing the Mbaku and Jabari tribes, all Chen Mo’s orders were quickly implemented.

The Jabari tribal warriors, who have always adhered to the tradition and are unwilling to use high-tech weapons and equipment, have also obediently replaced them with elite warriors selected by Princess Shuri under Chen Mos instructions. Specially produced Vibranium technology equipment.

Mainly includes combat uniform, lance and auxiliary communication device, Kimo Yuzhu.

Different from the original warriors of all races, including the combat uniforms full of ethnic characteristics equipped by the womens Imperial Family guards, the combat uniforms designed by Chen Mo look somewhat similar to the Black Panthers battle clothes. The body is completely wrapped.

However, compared with the Black Panther battle clothes that are completely woven by Vibranium, the defense of these combat uniforms is not at all so powerful.

Although Wakanda has amazing reserves of Vibranium, it is not easy to mine. The annual output is limited. It is impossible to lavishly equip every soldier with Black Panther battle clothes that consume a lot of precious Vibranium.

These combat uniforms are woven with a new type of anti-theft fiber that Wakanda has mastered. Although there is no powerful defensive power that can withstand almost any attack without Black Panther battle clothes, there is still no problem with resisting ordinary firearms. of.

In addition to this more modern tight-fitting combat suit, and the built-in sonic cannon, which can automatically retract and retract Vibranium lance, Chen Mo also equips these fighters with an auxiliary communication device unique to Wakanda. Beads.

In addition to remote communication and holographic projection, this high-tech equipment also has a variety of auxiliary functions. It is not just as simple as replacing computers and mobile phones. It can even be used to insert wounds. Play a role in stabilizing the injury within time.

The elite fighters of all races put on the new equipment, no longer restored to their barbaric primordial appearance, wrapped in the black tight-fitting combat uniform full of technology, and the silver light shiny sharp Vibranium lance, It makes them look mysterious and powerful, full of deterrence.

The construction of the stealth fighter is still in progress. Everyday all more than a dozen fighters are offline to complete the construction. It does not take a few days to complete the construction of a hundred new fighters.

While waiting for the completion of the construction of the stealth fighter, Chen Mo was not idle.

After consulting a lot of intelligence and conducting a detailed investigation, Chen Mo asked more than 400 warlords in Africa about the actual situation of the thousands of large and small warlords in Africa. The elite Wakanda fighters who performed the decapitation task have conducted targeted training and training to ensure that they can complete the task smoothly.

After all, most of them have not performed such tasks before and lack the corresponding experience. In this regard, Chen Mo’s experience can be said to be quite rich.

From the beginning of the real world infiltrating the villa to assassinate Zhou Tianhao, to the Captain world in the United States infiltrating the Hydra base, disintegrating the defensive power, Chen Mo’s experience in infiltration, infiltration, and assassination, few people can match.

Under his teaching, the assassination ability of the elite Wakanda fighters has been greatly improved, and they have much greater confidence in completing the task.

A few days later, the construction of one hundred stealth fighters was finally completed, and the original more than one hundred fighters were enough to carry more than 400 fighters in pairs.

This evening, more than 400 elite fighters carefully selected from the various tribes of Wakanda, fully armed boarded more than 200 stealth fighters neatly parked in the square.

Each plane is equipped with a dedicated pilot and logistics personnel responsible for communication and intelligence assistance. The two elite fighters only need to be responsible for fighting.

After all the people boarded the plane, the door of the plane was slowly closed, and the engine under the plane sprayed three light blue beams, pushing the plane into the air slowly.

More than two hundred fighters took off at the same time, adjusted their positions in midair, and flew towards all directions.

After flying for a certain distance, a wave-like ripple flashed on the surface of the fighter plane, and then more than two hundred fighter planes disappeared into the air one after another, and even the blue beams of the propellers also disappeared, completely invisible. , Moved towards their respective destinations and flew at high speed.

This secret operation related to the future pattern of Africa is officially launched!


Under the night, a stealth fighter carrying fully armed elite fighters of various races set off from Wakanda and flew to various parts of Africa to implement the warlord cleanup plan.

With strong intelligence and technological support, the whereabouts of these African warlords are completely hidden.

The stealth fighter hovered directly above the target building. Two fully armed Wakanda elite fighters sneaked in from above. Even if there were guard soldiers on the roof, it was too late to give a warning. , It was solved by the powerful Wakanda fighters.

Without alarming anyone, they quietly approached the target.

These African warlords cannot escape the assassination of Wakanda fighters. They are often pierced in their hearts by mysterious fighters dropping from the sky in their sleep.

When the surrounding soldiers rushed in, they often could only see the dead body of his general and the pale blue halo gradually fading into the clouds in the sky outside the window.

In just one night, hundreds of warlords were killed across Africa, and this number is still rising, not at all because of dawn.

Each action team is assigned more than one goal. Wakanda fighters are very fast. After solving one goal, they can quickly rush to the next location. One night is enough for them. Complete several cleaning tasks in different areas.

By the time of dawn, most of their tasks have been completed, that is to say, more than half of the thousands of warlords in Africa have been killed.


Virginia, USA, CIA headquarters.


“It’s a major event!”

A young man with eyes rushed into his leader’s office in panic. In the office, Liang didn’t even bother to knock.

“What’s the panic! What happened?”

The fat middle-aged white officer in the office scolded the frizzy subordinates who rushed in, and quietly moved the mouse and turned it off. The video interface of the website where the shirtless war between men and women is being staged.

The young subordinate didn’t know that his chief was doing something inappropriate for children during working hours, and he quickly replied his question.

“It’s Africa!”

The white chief who was a little nervous by his panicked subordinates, hearing this instantly relaxes. The poor country in Africa, although the situation is complicated and chaotic. , But there is no major event, as long as it is not an accident in the country or a major movement from the hostile forces.

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