My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 174

As Wakandas defense commander, head of the military department, and general in charge of Wakandas army, Wakanda has been guarding Wakandas borders for so many years, preventing outsiders from entering, and keeping Wakanda from entering Known, isolated from the world.

But as a soldier, what he really wants is to fight, to conquer, to expand!

This is what a general should do, not like a janitor all day long, pretending to be a herder in a small village on the border.

until now, he disagrees with Tchakas decision to hide from the world, but he is a pure soldier. Although he does not agree with the corner, he is eager to fight and conquer, but he commands the king He still enforced strictly without compromise.

Because he is a soldier, it is his duty to obey orders. As a general of Wakanda, his loyalty to the king is always first!

It’s not that no one questioned Eric Kermongo’s amazing plan, but after Eric’s arbitrarily direct order, all opposition voices disappeared.

In Wakanda, the king is the supreme ruler of the country. The kings orders are above all else. They can question and put forward their own ideas and suggestions. But once the king has issued the order, they must obey unconditionally. And go all out to implement it seriously.

Before the official implementation of the plan, the Elder Council announced the verdict on Techaka and Zuli. The two men killed Prince Nichob by mistake and abandoned his wife and children, and deserved punishment.

After a collective trial, the Elder Council decided to dismiss Zuli High Priest and sentenced him to ten years in prison. Tchaka had previously given up his position as king. The Elder Council decided to deprive him of his royal status and be demoted to The common people were also sentenced to ten years in prison.

However, now that Wakanda is about to launch a military operation, the Elder Council proposes to change their imprisonment to military service.

Techaka and Zuli are both Wakanda’s top warriors, especially Techaka. As the last king and the black panther who guarded Wakanda, he was very powerful after taking heart-shaped herbs.

Although he is a little older, his strength is not at all. It is only because too much energy has been put on government affairs that the responsibility of the black panther, which belongs to the king, is handed over. To his son T’Challa.

Moreover, after being the Black Panthers Techaka for several decades, he has more combat experience. The young and strong T’Challa is not necessarily his opponent.

Although Zuli has never taken heart-shaped herbs and his physical fitness has not been strengthened, he has reached the limit of ordinary people.

Wakanda intelligence organization “War Dog” spy background, and eventually became the leader of the “War Dog” Zuli, with superb fighting skills and rich combat experience.

Although Mbaku, who is stronger than the ape, is inferior in terms of physical strength, it is really hard to say the outcome of the fight.

If Eric Kermango had no plans for foreign warfare, then it would be nothing for them to go to Wakanda prison for ten years.

Its just that military operations are about to start now. Its a pity that the two top and powerful fighters stay in prison like this. Its better to let them play their abilities on the battlefield and fight for Wakanda. Can be regarded as making up for it.

For the Elder Council’s proposal, Eric Kermongo thought about it for a while, and was still slowly nodded in the perturbed eyes of everyone.

“Yes, they will be used in the next operation.”

T’Challa sees Eric Kermongo agreeing to it, eliminating Tchaka and Zu Li’s suffering in prison made him secretly happy.

Although the two need to go to the battlefield to participate in the battle at the front line, there may be a certain degree of danger, and Techaka is no longer a panther, so he can no longer wear the panther battle suit made by Vibranium.

But with Wakanda’s advanced technology, the defensive power of ordinary combat uniforms is also sufficient to withstand most conventional weapon attacks, and coupled with the powerful battle strength of two people, there is basically not much danger.

So T’Challa is still willing to see this new way to deal with the two people. He believes that the two people are also more willing to use this way to make up for the mistakes they made, and use their actions to Atonement yourself.

Of course, T’Challa, who has the power of the Panthers, will join them in the action.

However, even with the high-end battle strength of two panthers and a “war dog” leader, the manpower for action is still a little insufficient.

This large-scale “beheading” operation aimed at eliminating all warlords in Africa is not capable of ordinary soldiers.

All these warlords have a large number of guards to protect their safety. If you want to kill them silently without disturbing the guards and troops, you must have very elite fighters.

While the population of the Kingdom of Wakanda is not large, there are only a few thousand frontier tribal warriors in the five tribes who are responsible for guarding the periphery of the kingdom. Among them, there are only less than 100 elites capable of this arduous task.

If you want to quickly eliminate the African warlords in a short period of time, there is simply not enough manpower.

Even if you add all the elite fighters from other races who are capable of this task, and the elite spies of “War Dogs”, there are still some shortcomings.

However, there is a tribe not at all present in the five major tribes of the Wakanda Kingdom, and is not involved in the affairs of the kingdom at ordinary times. That is the Jabari tribe, which has been living alone and living alone on the high mountains.

They have always insisted on upholding traditions and refused to use technology. When other races use the advanced technology developed by Vibranium to enjoy modern conveniences and use various high-tech weapons to assist in combat, the Jabari tribes The clansman still maintain the most primordial life.

They are far away from civilized society, living on high mountains, hunting for a living. The hard living conditions and harsh environment tempered their steel will and extremely strong body.

Several hundred to above 1000 years, the continuous survival of the fittest has allowed the clansman of the Jabari tribe to have the most powerful body genes. Everyone has an unusually tall and strong body. At the same time, they hunt for a living. The custom of being militant also gives them rich combat experience and powerful combat capability.

Although the frontier tribe is responsible for guarding Wakanda, if not counting the blessing of high-tech weapons, the warriors of the Jabari tribe are the most powerful among the five tribes.

They are the targets of Eric Kermongo. These powerful and experienced fighters with battle strength are exactly what he needs.

Since he has become a king, he will not let this powerful force be wasted like the previous king.

After the pre-war meeting, Eric Kermongo and Chen Mo came to the mountain where the Jabari tribe settled.

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