My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 173

In fact, this is also the limitation of Eric Kermongos vision.

He grew up under the cultivation of Hydra, and he is no longer as unscrupulous as in the movie, acting crazy, completely reckless.

Now he has more recognition of this World, has a brand-new life goal and belief, and at the same time, he has more responsibilities and concerns.

Although there are wars in some parts of the world today, the overall structure is still very stable. The major powers firmly hold the control of the world order and control the entire world situation. The current chaos It’s just the turmoil and power struggle within some small countries, the battle between the government and the rebels, and the most between countries are because of border frictions, small-scale conflicts broke out, and large-scale wars involving national demise and territorial annexation. It hasnt happened for decades after World War II, and once such a large-scale war that can directly affect the world situation breaks out, it will inevitably involve the Great Influence of the entire world, and many countries in the East and the West will be drawn into it. Once the situation further expands, when the time comes, another world war may break out!

Because of the faint scruples in his heart, Eric Kermongo simply did not think about unifying Africa, and he did not dare to think about it.

How many people died in the first two world wars, if the third world war really breaks out, with the huge might of todays various advanced weapons and the popularity of various weapons of mass destruction, Only more people will die in the war.

Although Wakanda has a huge lead in technology, it does not mean that other countries have no power to fight back. Wasn’t the extremely powerful “Hydra” finally eliminated by the allies.

Not to mention terrorist nuclear weapons, just the huge number of strategic missiles possessed by major military powers and the astonishing formidable power of all kinds of strategic missiles are enough to pose a threat to Wakanda.

With the number of strategic missiles owned by the major military powers in the world today, you dont even need to do it together. As long as one of them takes action, the heavy strategic missiles hiding the sky and covering the earth are enough to Wakanda raze to the ground, not to mention that they have a larger number of tactical missiles. The formidable power is also very powerful. It can be said that the major powers do not even need to send troops. The missile bombing alone is enough to use Wakandas power. Completely disintegrated, this is the background of the great power!

Although their fighters, armor strength, and individual combat capability are not as good as Wakanda, they are not completely suppressed, and their troops are extremely large, with the number of soldiers and various weapons. The number of equipment is far more than Wakanda, much more than them, even if it is a war of attrition, hard grinding can kill them!

After all, Wakanda is only a small country with leading technology. Compared with the established countries such as China, the United States and Russia, Wakanda still has a huge gap. In some small-scale special operations, Wakanda can take advantage of advanced technology. Absolute advantage. Once a full-scale war breaks out, Wakanda will undoubtedly lose when it comes to competing for overall national strength.

So Eric Kermongo never thought about bringing the whole of Africa under Wakanda’s rule, because it is simply impossible!

Europe and the United States and other developed countries will never allow a powerful and unified Africa to appear on the world stage. They hope that Africa will be chaotic forever, so that they can fish in troubled water and take advantage of the opportunity. Unification is something they absolutely don’t want to see. It will not only affect their interests, but also change the structure of the entire world, and may even threaten their status as world hegemon.

Eric Kermongos concerns and these obstacles in reality Chen Mo naturally know that unifying Africa is an impossible thing for everyone, but Chen Mo does. This confidence will realize it!

In the shock of Eric Kermongo’s face, Chen Mo said slowly in a calm voice.

“Unify Africa, completely eliminate the threat of war, and then vigorously develop agriculture and animal husbandry, fundamentally solve the problem of food, step by step, build the entire Africa into a stable and prosperous country like Wakanda. “

“When the time comes, with the vast land and strong national power of Africa, it can attract black compatriots from various countries who are living in difficulties to return to Africa, participate in the construction of a new Africa, and live the happiness they deserve At the same time, Wakanda, who owns the entire Africa, can better help other poor people in the world who need help.”

Under the indifferent tone of Chen Mo, Eric Kerman Ge’s shocked mood gradually calmed down. He imagined the situation described by Chen Mo in his mind. Eric couldn’t help being fascinated. If Africa can be truly unified, the entire African people will be completely liberated. Then his ideal It has achieved more than half of it. When the time comes, with the power of the entire Africa, he will definitely be able to better help the people of the world, rescue them from war and poverty, and completely realize his dream!

Thinking about this, Eric Kermango couldnt help but get excited. Although in his opinion the unification of Africa is basically impossible, it is Chen Mo who said this. It’s the same.

Hid hidden in the dark for decades, mastering advanced technology no weaker than Wakanda, and a powerful military force, possessing extremely large and terrifying hidden forces, extremely powerful, and capable of subverting the secret organization of the world, Hydra is nothing more than an organization created by God at will. With the power of Hydra, if you do your best, it will not be impossible to realize the unification of Africa. Moreover, this is just Hydra. Who knows what great power God holds!

Thinking of this, Eric Kermango’s eyes looking towards Chen Mo couldn’t help but become enthusiastic. In Chen Mo, he saw the hope of achieving this great goal!

Chen Mo noticed the change in Eric Kermangos expression, slightly smiled in his heart, and continued speaking flatly.

“Kill all the warlords, just 1st Step.”


Out of the within cave, Eric Kermango immediately summoned Wakanda The leaders of the tribes began to arrange combat tasks.

I heard that a large-scale military operation is going to be carried out, and the target is all the warlords in Africa. Almost everyone thinks that their king is crazy, and they all look at the gorgeous throne with incredulous faces. Eric Kermongo above.

Only the leader of the frontier tribe, Wakabi, after hearing that Eric Kermongo planned to carry out military operations and expansion, was different from the shock of others, but his face was There was a touch of excitement that could not be concealed.

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