My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 169

After T’Challa surrendered, Eric Kermongo waved Tchaka and Zuli to stand and retreat to the side. T’Challa was also supported by two female fighters. Stood up.

So Mbaku who just came out of within cave and the others not at all saw the scene of the former king of Wakanda Kingdom, High Priest and Prince kneeling at the same time. I dont know what happened before. A series of things, even more ignorant of Eric Kermango’s strength.

Mbakus fierce gaze slowly swept over the people standing by the pool,

“We all saw it on the mountain and heard it!”

“We are watching you and let a child supervise the progress of science and technology!”

Pointed the huge and heavy stick in his hand to Princess Shuri. Shuri, who had never seen such a market before, was so scared that he did not dare to move. Her expression was incomparably panic. Fortunately, the two female soldiers of the Imperial Family Guard standing beside her with T’Challa lifted Lance in time to block her in front of her, so that she would not collapse on the ground in fright.

The warriors of the Jabari tribe are extremely tough. As their leader, the most powerful warrior in the tribe, Mbakus imposing manner is extremely powerful and terrifying, scaring Shuri a little girl even more. It is nothing difficult.

Looking coldly at Princess Shuri, who was so scared that the little black face was a little pale, Mbaku ignored the two Imperial Family guard girls who held lance to him. Warrior, turned his head and looked towards the Elders standing under the cliff.

“Now, you have to give this country to an Outsider again! He has never been to Wakanda before!”

“Wakanda’s precious traditions are all destroyed by you!”

Mbaku said, turning his gaze to Eric Kermongo who was still standing in the pool.

“Since you let him be the new king, then I have to see if he has the qualifications!”

Striding to Eric, Mbaku wanted to look down habitually, but found that Eric was a lot taller than him. If the warriors of the Jabari tribe were all Dolce Johnson, then Mbakus body shape could already match Shark ONeill is comparable, and even stronger, so until now, Mbaku is used to looking down on everyone.

However, today, he met Eric Kermongo, a fighter who is taller and stronger than him!

Eric Kermangos original height was nearly two meters, and after being modified with the enhanced Super Soldier serum, he reached an astonishing two meters and three!

Everyone standing next to him can only look up, including Mbaku, who is already amazing in his original size, and is half a head short in front of him!

Together with his bulging, strong muscles, all show the powerful strength he possesses.

This keeps the primordial state of the people of the Jabari tribe who advocating power, including Mbaku, to Eric Kermango, the new king who suddenly emerged Dissatisfaction could not help but relieved a lot.

Before, he seemed to meet their requirements for the king and possessed powerful power. However, power did not depend on his size. He would have to fight to know how.

Slightly lifts the head, Mbaku stared at Eric Kermongo, who was half a head higher than him, and the fighting intent burst into his eyes.

“I! Mbaku! The leader of the Jabari tribe! I challenge you!”

As the strongest fighter of the Jabari tribe, Mbaku has not encountered it for a long time He is a decent opponent. He has always longed for a strong opponent who is evenly matched with him, so that he can fully utilize the powerful strength in his body and fight with all his strength, even if he is defeated. it is good.

Sora has a powerful body but can’t give full play to it, which makes him feel extremely aggrieved and uncomfortable.

At this moment, standing proudly in front of him, the stalwart Eric Kermongo gave him an unprecedentedly strong desire to fight. In a body as strong as a steel giant, The astonishing imposing manner exuding made his blood boil.

This is the truly powerful fighter, and this is the opponent he desires until now!

Looking at Mbakus frantic eyes burning with thick fighting intents, an inexplicable expression flashed in Eric Kermongos eyes, gently nodded.

“Mbaku, I accept your challenge.”

Seeing that a big battle is about to begin again, Princess Shuri didnt care about it, she rushed to send T’Challa. Go to her laboratory for treatment.

His injury is not light, and the delay is likely to cause problems, but the warriors of the Jabari tribe held lance firmly in front of them and prevented them from leaving.

However, according to tradition, they should indeed witness the challenge of tribe members to the king on the spot.

Just when Shuri’s princess black face turned purple, Eric Kermongo moved towards the two female warriors holding T’Challa and waved them to the side. Although Shuri wanted to oppose it, it was of no avail, so he could only retreat back under the cliff with anger.

Now she only hopes that the two of them will finish the fight as soon as possible. It is best if both sides suffer because they both suffer serious injuries!

I won’t help them treat it!

Even if it is cured, let them wait a little longer!

Mbaku had actually seen T’Challa being supported by two female fighters a long time ago. From his appearance, it was obvious that he had failed in the previous duel with the new king Eric Kermango. And the injury is serious.

He also somewhat understands the strength of T’Challa. Without the strengthening of heart-shaped herbs, he is still weaker than him, but the gap is not too big. If he plays well, he may be defeated. .

T’Challa was supposed to be a good opponent, but because he took heart-shaped herbs and gained the power bestowed by the leopard god, his strength soared. Although Mbaku is powerful, he is still an ordinary person. , Has not been strengthened, is not an opponent of the Panthers.

The rules of the pool challenge are very clear to Mbaku. The black panther must remove the strengthening of the heart-shaped herbs and return the powerful power bestowed by the leopard god to accept the challenge, so at this time T’Challa should only have strengthening Qians strength, which is slightly weaker than him, and Eric Kermongo was able to defeat him and severely wound him. Obviously, his strength was much better than T’Challa, which made Mbaku even more favorable to him. Ability to look forward to.

Eric Kermango moved towards High Priest Zuli took a look, and Zuli reacted, and quickly picked up the previously thrown lance from the water and walked to the two of them After confirming that both of them were ready, he lifted lance to the ground and shouted in a deep voice.

“Challenge, start!”


Zuli tone barely fell, Mbaku waved the weapon in his hand and charged up.

The thick weapon in his hand looks very simple, completely made of a whole piece of some kind of hard tree, like a large lance, one end is cut into a sharp spearhead, and the other At one end, there is a heavy round hammer the size of a child’s head, which can stab and smash. It is used with Mbaku’s tremendous power. The formidable power is quite good. A single hammer can crush a human skull.

At this time, Mbaku, who rushed towards Eric Kermongo, directly waved the weapon in his hand and rounded the round hammer moved towards Eric and smashed it over. Most people face this kind of heavy weapon attack, except for avoiding not at all other methods.

Even if the panther has been strengthened with heart-shaped herbs, he dare not hard-wire the hammer directly. If the hammer of momentum is big, power is deep hits him on the head, even if he is not Headshot directly will definitely lose battle strength in a short time.

But Eric looked at the rapid hammer but didnt move at all. Seeing that the heavy blow was about to hit his head, everyone watching the battle couldnt help but make new The king squeezed a sweat.

If this hammer is smashed, it will definitely be a direct headshot, and the whole head will be directly smashed!

Princess Shuri covered her eyes in horror, for fear of seeing the horrible scene of brain splashing, she could be saved if her spine was broken, but she could not be saved if her head burst.

The heavy hammer has fallen on Eric Kermongos head, less than half a metre away. At this time, even if its too late to escape, Mbaku couldnt help but feel disappointed. Color, I thought it was a powerhouse, didn’t expect so impossible to withstand a single blow.

Just when everyone thought he was about to blow his head and died tragically on the spot, a thick arm suddenly stretched out under the heavy hammer, and Pu Shans big palm grasped the hammer head. It is firmly fixed there.

A heavy blow enough to smash the rock, and he casually took it down. Everyone couldn’t help being stared wide-eyed, with an unbelievable face, is this okay?

How powerful is he? Are his hands made of steel?

Rather than waiting for the same shocked Mbakus response, Eric Kermongo grabbed the hammers left hand and pulled back heavily, snatching Lance from Mbakus hands. , Thrown aside.

After that, Eric Kermongo strode forward, grabbed Mbakus neck, and lifted his arm upwards. He actually lifted him directly, both feet Left the ground.

Mbaku reacted and hurriedly struggled, but the big hand holding his neck is like a pair of pliers, firmly grasping him, and his thick arm is like steel pouring. No matter how desperately he struggles to resist, it won’t help, and he can’t shake anything at all.

“Do you admit defeat?”

I thought it would be a fierce battle, but didn’t expect it ended in just a few seconds.

The powerful “White Ape” Mbaku was killed by Eric Kermongo directly!

Everyone watching the battle up and down the cliff was a little unresponsive. Just now I thought that Eric Kermongo would be smashed to his head by Mbakus heavy hammer, but didnt expect next moment. In an instant reversal, this is somewhat beyond the ability of everyone to accept.

However, at the next moment, everyone looked towards Eric Kermongos expressions all became enthusiastic.

The mighty Mbaku was as weak as a newborn baby in front of their great king Eric Kermongo, and he easily took a heavy blow that could kill any warrior in seconds. And directly captured Mbaku, just as he easily defeated the Panthers before, the power of their king is too powerful!

Eric at this time not at all noticed the clansman looking towards his fanatical and reverent eyes. Seeing Mbaku still struggling, he didnt mean to admit defeat. Erics eyes flashed coldly. , Holding him straight to the edge of the pool.

Beyond the pool, there is the ten thousand zhang cliff!

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