My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 168

Announced how to deal with Techaka and Zuli, Eric Kermongo turned and looked towards T, who was weak and half kneeling in the pool, looking complicated. ‘Challa, looking down at him solemnly asked.

“Do you admit defeat?”

According to the rules of the pool throne challenge handed down since ancient times, the challenge is considered to be over only if one party dies or admits defeat. If T’Challa If he refuses to admit defeat, Eric Kermongo can only kill him.

Eric has given him the opportunity to admit defeat. If he refuses, then even if Eric kills him, others will not think Eric is cruel.

His move to spare Tchaka and Zuli before and submit them to the Elder Council for trial has proved that he not only has great strength, but also under the sturdy and violent appearance. An upright and wise heart is a generous king who rewards and punishes.

Seeing that T’Challa is obviously not Eric Kermongo’s opponent, the queen and Princess Shuri both moved towards T’Challa anxiously and shouted.

“T’Challa, surrender!”

The former King Tchaka and High Priest Zuli also looked up towards T’Challa, their eyes heavy and concerned.

“Lets admit defeat, T’Challa, he is more qualified to be the Guardian of Wakanda than I am.”

“We should pay for the wrong things we have done. The Elder Council will Give us a fair trial, T’Challa, let us make atonement for our faults!”

T’Challa’s gaze swept across the faces one after another, and the will to fight gradually The body that was disintegrated and supported was finally unable to support it, and fell forward, relying on the strength of both hands to support it, so that it did not fall into the pool.

Under the attention of everyone, T’Challa lifts the head laboriously, looking at Eric Kermongo, who stands proudly in front of him, looks solemn and majestic.

Finally, T’Challa lowered her head dejectedly.

“I, surrender!”

Until now, the people watching the battle by the pool and on the cliff finally sighed in relief. They really don’t want to see these two brothers. The ending of brotherhood.

“Hurry up and send him to the laboratory!”

Seeing that the duel was finally over, Princess Shuri, who was anxious, rushed into the pool and shouted at the same time.

It’s just that her order was not at all responded.

Holding a steel spear, the imperial family guards of the impeccable women, the female warriors of the Dora Guard still stand straight under the cliff as before, not at all stepping forward to help, but from their In my eyes, I can still see the concern for T’Challa.

These are just the most elite female warriors selected from various tribes. When joining the Dora Guard, they swore allegiance to the king of Wakanda. Now, the king of Wakanda is Eric Kermongo, they could not act without his orders, even if they wanted to step forward to help.

Fortunately, Eric Kermongo not at all embarrassed T’Challa and Shuri. Seeing that the Dora Guard did not immediately respond to Princess Shuris order, he gave the Imperial Family Guard Captain, Okye gave a wink, nodded lightly, Okye, who was also anxious in his heart, gave a lance and ordered the two female soldiers to come forward and help.

This happened very quickly. When Princess Shuri ran to T’Challa, the two female warriors also arrived almost at the same time. The attention was all on Princess Shuri who was seriously injured on T’Challa, not at all found something wrong,

Anxiously greeted the two of them to help up T’Challa together, preparing to send him to her laboratory for treatment.

Princess Shuri is a genius girl smarter than Tony Stark. Although she is young, she is in charge of Wakanda’s most important science and technology department. A large part of Wakanda’s powerful technology is attributed to her Credit, and her laboratory also contains the technological power of Wakanda cream of the crop.

In the previous battle, T’Challa was hit continuously by Eric Kermongos tremendous power. The injury was not light. The skeleton was broken in many places, and the internal organs were also damaged to varying degrees. , Although there is no mortal danger under the powerful physique that Black Panther has been strengthened by the heart-shaped herbs, it is hard to say if it drags on.

Two female soldiers of the guard lifted up T’Challa, who was almost incapable of movement, followed behind the worried princess Shuri, moved towards a hole below the mountain wall, preparing to leave from there Pool, go to Princess Shuri’s laboratory.

Just as they approached the edge of the pool and moved towards the entrance of the cave, a low, loud, and rhythmic low roar suddenly came from within the cave, and they got closer and closer.

Several people couldn’t help but stop, expressing or wondering, or looking towards the deep hole. Accompanied by a low roar, it seemed that some powerful creature was slowly approaching.

Eric Kermongo in the pool and Chen Mo and the others standing on the side of the mountain were also alarmed by the sudden strange roar and turned to look over.

Soon, the creatures in the cave finally walked out of the darkness, but they were a group of dozens of very tall and strong warriors like apes. They were dressed in simple animal skins and held them in their hands. The crude wooden spear, like the primordial tribe of Ancient Era, is wild and sturdy.

While they slowly walked out of the within cave, they made a low voice in their mouths. Although they looked very primordial, their tall and majestic bodies and their wild and powerful imposing imposing bodies manner, but it is not to be underestimated.

When everyone walked out of the cave, the leader was wearing a gorilla mask, the tallest figure, more than two meters tall strong warrior took off the mask on his head, revealing a rough face The above is full of sturdy air.

“Mbaku! Why did you come here?”

After seeing the face of the tall man, an Elder recognized him.

It turns out that this is the Jabari tribe among the five great tribes of Wakanda, which has been living in isolation and never participated in the affairs of the kingdom. The tall man wearing a mask is the leader of the Jabari tribe, Mbaku!

They have always lived on the high mountains and refused to accept the changes in their lives caused by the advancement of technology. For many years, they have maintained the most primordial state, fighting and hunting like primordial people. They are also the strongest among the five tribes. The big warrior, every adult man of the Jabari tribe, is close to two meters tall, his body is very strong and strong, and his strength is superb. Everyone is the best warrior.

In the chamber of the palace before, a group of Elders regarded Eric Kermango, who is more than two meters tall and extremely strong, as the clansman of the Jabari tribe. After all, he The tall and strong figure is too similar to them.

Looking at these sturdy warriors who appeared suddenly, taller and stronger than Johnson Johnson, Chen Mo standing under the cliff, could not help flashing a hint of interest in rays of light in his eyes .

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