My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1435

Looking at the two very acquainted people, the old Steward first lifted his foot and trampled on the two pistols, and then stunned them together with their somewhat horrified eyes.

After that, the old steward didn’t delay any more, and directly activated the thruster, quickly lifted off, moved towards the distance and flew away.

Watching Iron Man go away, the reporters on the scene first glanced at the several policemen who had collapsed on the ground, then cast their eyes on the soldiers in front of them, and the cameras followed them all. , The silhouettes of a dozen soldiers were clearly presented in front of all the audience through the lens.

They looked very embarrassed at this time, all covered with dust, and many of them had burns and burn marks on their bodies. One of the soldiers had clear, net-like blood marks on the face. !

Without waiting for the reporters to ask questions, the soldier with blood on his face loudly said angrily to the camera.

“This is a trap!”

“Simply there are no trapped people, all this is a scam! The military wants to blow us up in it, and blame Iron Man!”

“The order just now wanted these policemen to kill people!”

“We were ordered to arrest Iron Man, but when we were trapped in flames, The military fired steel mesh at us, trying to burn us alive!” This soldier pointed to the clear bloodstain on his face strangled by the steel mesh, and said excitedly.

“Iron Man rescued us from under the wire mesh, but they detonated the buried explosives and wanted to kill us!”

“Yes ! We were originally sent to capture Iron Man, but in fact we were the victims they used to frame Iron Man!” Another soldier beside


“The warehouse is equipped with traps, explosives, catching nets, tanks and anti-aircraft missiles. The fire was entirely artificial, and the purpose was to attract Iron Man!”

Listening to the excited narration of the soldiers, everyone on the scene, in front of the TV and watching the live broadcast on the Internet could not help being shocked.

“Is this true? Unbelievable!”

“All of this turned out to be fake, and I am still worried about the trapped people!”

“So the previous explosions are the sound of tanks and missiles attacking Iron Man!”

“The damn group of White House bastards! They were so crazy that they used the lives of soldiers to frame Iron Man! !”

“If these soldiers are really killed by them, they will label Iron Man again as terrorists. If we dont know the truth, we will definitely be disappointed in Iron Man and even stand. Oppose him on the side of the White House! Think about it and feel terrifying!”

“They ordered the police to kill them just to kill them!”

“All this is a conspiracy !”

“These bastards actually attacked their soldiers and should send them all to the military court!”

All When the crowd was agitated, there was a burst of sound in the live broadcast!

People at the scene raised their heads and looked towards the sky, and the photographer quickly turned the lens and pointed in the direction where the sound came from, which was the direction Iron Man had just left!

I saw a familiar black silhouette approaching quickly, and everyone quickly recognized that he was the Iron Man who had just left!

Just when people were surprised why he came back, they found out that there were dozens of gray silhouettes behind Iron Man.

“It’s a fighter! This is really a trap for the military. Those fighters must have been in the vicinity for a long time!”

“There were only two F15 fighters in the last passenger plane accident. They have dispatched more than a dozen F22 and F35 this time! Iron Man is in trouble this time!”

“More than a dozen, look at the side!”

I only saw the live broadcast. Among them, in addition to the dozen fighters that are chasing behind Iron Man, there are also silhouettes of many fighters on both sides in the sky that are approaching him quickly!

The photographer also obviously discovered this and started to move the camera. People realized that not only on the sides, but in the sky around them, dozens of fighter jets were encircling from all directions towards Iron Man. Come here!

It turns out that the U.S. military not only set up the trap of the warehouse, but they also considered that Iron Man might break through the blockade and escape from the warehouse, so they sent a large number of fighters in advance to block the entire surrounding airspace. Old Steward just They flew out and was intercepted by them!

And they are not just chasing. When Iron Man successfully escaped from the warehouse with the trapped soldiers, the command center gave them the order to attack, at all costs, Iron Man must be captured. live!

After the failure of the police arrest operation, Chief-In-Charge originally wanted to use the opportunity of attacking Iron Man to blow up all the rescued soldiers and kill them all. As for the scene Those reporters and police can only be regarded as bad luck.

Afterwards, it was said that the missile had malfunctioned and missed. Anyway, there have been precedents before. It is normal for electronic equipment to malfunction!

Although this will inevitably endure a lot of pressure from public opinion, it is still much lighter than the exposure of their conspiracy to kill the soldiers of their own country and frame Iron Man.

What he didn’t expect was that before the arrival of the fighter jets, several soldiers had already exposed their conspiracy and became known to countless people through live broadcast!

In their original plan, the role of these reporters was to report on the fire accident they created, which attracted Iron Man. Now, didn’t expect became a way to expose their conspiracy!

There is no point in attacking them now, but it will cause more trouble. The only thing they can do now is to catch Iron Man. As long as they can get the steel battle clothes, their action Not a failure!

As for the matter of killing one’s own soldiers to frame Iron Man is exposed, that is something that the White House needs to deal with. As long as those soldiers are arrested, they can prevent them from continuing to speak out, and then through certain public opinion guidance, and It is not that there is no room for transfer.

Compared with steel battle clothes, none of this is important!

A dozen of the most advanced F22 fighters and F35 fighters in the United States followed Iron Man closely, and missiles fired continuously from underneath the fighters and moved towards Iron Man.

At this time, the old steward was very proficient in controlling the steel battle clothes. Through the virtual display in front of him, he saw the missile chasing behind him, and he immediately accelerated and flew forward.

The maximum speed of air-to-air missiles equipped with military fighters can reach Mach 4, which is enough to catch up with any fighter, but this obviously does not include steel battle clothes!

As the steel battle clothes began to accelerate, and soon surpassed Mach 4, the missile that had been approaching was quickly pulled away.

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