My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1434

In the angry gazes of President Chris and the top military leaders, Iron Man took these soldiers through the big hole in the ceiling and flew out of the warehouse. At the same time, they flew out This scene was also captured by a distant camera.

Watching Iron Man successfully rescued people, whether it was the reporters and policemen at the scene, the people in front of the TV and the Internet all cheered excitedly.

“They are still alive!”

“Iron Man rescued people!”


“The clothes on those people don’t seem to be workers, they are more like army soldiers!”

Someone discovered an abnormality in the rescued “trapped people”.

“Really, they are wearing army camouflage uniforms!”

“Didn’t it mean that the trapped workers are a group of workers? How come they became soldiers?”

“I remember someone speculated that this was a military trap, but no one mentioned it later.”

“I also saw it. Some people said that the initial explosion was like artillery. The voice, isnt it true?”

“Is this really a trap! Those soldiers are here to catch Iron Man?”

“But what happened? What? How did they get rescued by Iron Man?”

When people are getting more and more confused and full of doubts, Iron Man is carrying that The steel wire net full of soldiers flew into the crowd and slowly landed.

This is the first time Iron Man has appeared in front of the camera at close range. Not only was the people in front of the TV and on the Internet excited, but the reporters on the scene went crazy in an instant, rushing up, thinking To interview Iron Man.

When the policeman maintaining order on the scene saw the police appearing, his face was originally full of excitement, but soon, the communicator leading the police officer rang.

Hang up the communication, although the police officer’s face was full of puzzlement, but according to the order, the policeman with him took out his pistol, moved towards the group of rescued soldiers and surrounded him.

They just received an order from their superiors, asking them to immediately control the rescued soldiers and not let them speak!

When the reporters gathered around, the old Steward was planning to start the thruster and leave here, but he immediately noticed the unusual behavior of the police. When the reporters came around, he was about to interview him. At that time, the propellers of the steel battle clothes suddenly started, and the reporters saw Iron Man suddenly flying into the air, and then quickly fell, blocking the rescued soldiers and police.

They discovered that the policemen who were keeping order had all pulled out their pistols!

“What are these policemen doing?”

“Do they want to arrest Iron Man?”

“Are these guys crazy?”

“It may be because Iron Man’s armor is black. American police have a soft spot for black. They seem to think that all black skinned guys should be arrested!”

“Do they want to crush Iron Man with their knees?”

“Iron Man, run! Will you not be able to breathe!”

“These guys got the wrong person this time Now, I think its them who cant breathe!”

“These guys seemed to want to arrest the rescued soldiers, so Iron Man suddenly flew over to block them!”

“The police arrested the soldiers, it’s weird!”

“There must be a problem here!”


Looking at them suddenly fell in front of them Iron Man, these policemen were really taken aback. The tall body, the black armor covering the whole body, and the cold-lighted eyes that looked towards them, I did not make them feel a huge oppression.

Although they hold pistols in their hands, this weapon that can be ordered to anyone to hold their heads and kneel down at this time cannot bring them any sense of security. They know that their pistols cannot be Iron Man poses any threat!

In the command center, seeing the police being blocked by Iron Man, it is impossible to control them. Chief-In-Charge immediately flashed a ruthless color in his eyes and ordered sharply.

“Shoot! Those people are Iron Man’s accomplices, kill them all!”

In any case, these rescued soldiers must not be allowed to tell the truth, otherwise they That’s it!

The voice of Chief-In-Charge of the command center sounded in the communicator of the police officer who led the team. Everyone on the scene heard it. Several policemen looked around and looked towards their reporters, soldiers, and The camera made a cold sweat on his forehead.

Forget about arresting people and controlling them, the nature of shooting directly to kill is completely different!

Although they usually shoot and kill suspects who resist or are suspected of resisting, they are allowed to shoot and kill people in front of so many live footages without any resistance. They The pressure in my heart is very high.

But they have to follow the orders of their superiors, otherwise there will be no good fruits afterwards.

Several policemen hesitated, but the old Steward did not give them a chance to do something. His silhouette suddenly moved, grabbing the barrel of the police officer in front of him, and squeezing it hard, causing metal rubbing. The distorted voice sounded, and when he let go, the barrel of the gun was completely deformed, like a handful of plasticine!

Rather than waiting for the shocked expression on his face to appear, old Steward had already slapped a palm on the back of his head, and he fainted directly after turning his eyes.

When the other policemen saw this, they instinctively pointed their pistols at Iron Man, and a panic appeared on their faces.

They didn’t know that the police officer who led the team was just knocked out by the old Steward. Looking at the twisted barrel, they thought that Iron Man killed him with a slap!

At this time, they can’t even care about the orders of their superiors. If they hadn’t known Iron Man who couldn’t run, they would have turned around and fled.

Looking at the muzzle pointed at him, the old Steward strode directly towards the policemen, and several policemen who were already nervous to the point immediately tapped the trigger.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!…”

One bullet shot from the pistol, hitting the steel battle clothes and wiping out sparks, but there was no way to stop Iron With Man’s steps, he raised his hands and grabbed the two pistols and squeezed hard. The barrels deformed instantly. The two policemen who were enveloped in panic and fear continued to pull the trigger, and both pistols exploded immediately.

Fortunately, the two were not at all injured, but the old Steward threw away the broken and twisted barrels in his hand, grabbed their heads, moved towards the middle, and hit them hard, and the two immediately Rolled his eyes and fell softly to the ground.

The remaining two police officers looked at Iron Man who was continuing to walk towards them, then glanced at the pistol in his hand, and immediately threw the pistol to the ground at the same time, raising both hands high.

People who saw this scene in front of the TV and on the Internet couldn’t help but feel very funny, especially those ethnic minorities who are often interrogated by the police, and they feel very comfortable.

The violent law enforcement by the U.S. police has long aroused dissatisfaction among many people. At this time, we can see that they are deflated, and people are still attractive spectacle.

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