My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 142

Just now sitting in the car all the way, Chen Mo can clearly see that New York at this time compared to 70 years ago, the changes can be described as Heaven and Earth turning upside down. .

But walking on this familiar street, Chen Mo found that the environment here was not at all different from when he left.

The red brick buildings on both sides of the street are still the same as before, but they have more time than before. Under the baptism, the vicissitudes of history, the slightly narrow streets, are more than before. Clean and tidy.

The black ancient road lamppost is old and mottled, but it still stands upright beside the street. The dim light coats this era-filled street with a golden layer representing the years. The street seemed quiet and serene.

At this time, it was evening, and the lights came on, and the windows of the houses on both sides were already lit up.

In front of a single three-story building, Chen Mo stopped and stood on the side of the street. Looking at the familiar dojo in front of him, Chen Mo couldn’t help showing a look of nostalgia.

Bright lights came through the dojo window, and a fierce fighting sound faintly came from the door.

Chen Mo couldn’t help but smiled slightly, stepped to the door, raised his hand and lightly knocked on the door of dojo.


Back then, Chen Mo handed the Seven Rings Gang to Wang Kun. Now 70 years have passed, and Wang Kun, who is over a hundred years old, has no longer paid attention to Gangzhong I left the Seven Rings Gang to his son and grandson to take care of the affairs, and he took care of the elderly in dojo. By the way, he watched his grandson practice martial arts.

Wang Kuns great-grandson, Wang Jin, grew up listening to the story of Chen Mo. His greatest ideal is not to take over the Seven Rings and become the underground emperor of New York and even the entire United States, but like Chen Mo. A powerful superhero, destroying evil forces and maintaining world peace.

Wang Kuns family has been lineage single pass for so many years. His son and grandson spent most of their energy on managing and developing the Seven Rings Gang. After 70 years of development, this was originally just in charge The organization of the underground forces in Brooklyn, New York has now developed into a huge monster, controlling most of the underground forces in the United States.

However, they not at all violated the family precepts established by Chen Mo. Except for smuggling, casinos, nightclubs and other gray industries, acts such as drugs, robbery, human trafficking, and forced prostitution have been strictly prohibited. Once it is discovered that severe punishment is bound to be unacceptable, it is precisely because of the existence of the Seven Commandments that the security of the entire United States is far more stable than in reality.

Although they no longer touch many criminal acts, under Chen Mo’s guidance, they have made great progress in many legal industries.

In the construction, transportation, food, medicine, clothing, animal husbandry, hotel, real estate and other industries, the Seven Rings Gang firmly occupy a place. Many well-known large enterprises and groups actually It is the industry of the Seven Rings Gang. In terms of total assets, it is a huge astronomical figure that no company can compare.

As the future successor of Pang Great Influence, Wang Jin is not at all interested in gang affairs. After graduating from college, he not at all enters the gang to help with the gang affairs according to his fathers request. Instead, he moved directly into dojo and practiced martial arts with Wang Kun who was retired every day.

There is an improved Super Soldier serum provided by Albert. Their lifespans are very long. Wang Kun, who is more than 100 years old, looks like he is in his 50s. He is very strong and he is not in a hurry. Asking Wang Jin to take over the Seven Rings Gang, and Wang Kun’s nodded permission, they let him stay in dojo to practice martial arts.

Wang Jins favorite place to stay since he was a child is not the luxurious and huge family manor on Green Street, but this simple and simple dojo, because there are many magical stories here.

When he was young, he listened to what Wang Kun said as stories. When he grew up, his unfathomable mystery was injected with Super Soldier serum, and his physical fitness soared to three times the original in a short period of time. , He knew that all the magical things that he had always heard as stories were actually true!

One person with two guns, in a flash, killed more than a dozen mafia who came to the door; sneaked into the dock alone, in the siege of dozens of gunmen, rescued his grandma and grandfather, and All the enemies were wiped out; the seven rushed to the two mafia headquarters at night and destroyed Two Great Families overnight.

With bare hands, they left seven fist marks on the heavy tower shield to frighten all underground forces and form the Seven Rings Gang; in the European battlefield, swords smashed tanks and shredded armored vehicles, leaning on a long sword, Destroy the mighty Hydra Legion alone, destroy the base, by the strength of oneself, destroy the huge Hydra organization, revise the outcome of the war.

Wang Jin once again listened to Wang Kuns narration, and the shock in his heart was beyond words. To this Legendary Sect Founder who founded this dojo and formed the Seven Rings Gang, he is no longer just like right The simple worship of the powerful protagonist in the story is the true reverence and yearning from the heart.

How much he hopes to see this Legendary hero with his own eyes. Unfortunately, he has been missing for 70 years. It is said that he was driving the Hydra in the final battle to destroy Hydra in order to avoid the bombing of human cities. Wang Jins super plane crashed into the sea.

This evening, Wang Kun and Wang Jin were practicing in dojo again.

Although Wang Kun is over a hundred years old, he looks only in his early fifties. His physical fitness is not worse than that of the young Wang Jin, and even stronger, plus so many years of hard work. , Kung fu is far above Wang Jin, if he hadn’t deliberately kept his hands, Wang Jin would not have been able to support a few moves under his hands.

However, Wang Jins fighting talent is not bad, and he also laid a very solid foundation when he was a child. Since graduating from university and returning to dojo, his strength has also improved a lot under the guidance of Wang Kun. Kun can’t make a few moves, but from the outside, he is already a famous fighting expert.

When the two were fighting fiercely, a knock on the door suddenly sounded, interrupting their fight.

After being strengthened by Super Soldier serum, the five senses of the two are very sharp. Although they are fighting fiercely, they still clearly hear the knock on the door.

The two stopped fighting when they heard the sound. There are very few people in Dojo. Wang Kun’s family will also give an advance notice when they come. They did not expect who would knock on the door at this time.

Wang Jin looked up towards Wang Kun.

“Go and open the door.”

Wang Kun instructed.

When he wants to come, maybe it is a passerby who does not understand the situation. The guards hidden around dojo are only used to guard against a large number of threatening enemies. Ordinary persons who do not carry weapons will not be blocked. They have encountered them before. Someone wanted to come to learn martial arts, so Wang Kun didn’t think at all, telling him that this is a private dojo, that is, no disciples are accepted.

When Wang Jin heard Wang Kuns order, he turned helplessly and walked to open the door. Just now he felt that his condition was very good. He wanted to see if he could hold on to Wang Kun for a while, didnt ‘t expect was interrupted.

But he wouldn’t be angry with people outside the door because of this. After all, they are not brutal gangsters. They are still very gentle towards ordinary persons. He is just a little curious. Who knocked on the door.

Walking to the door, Wang Jin slowly opened the door, and the person standing outside the door appeared in his eyes.

This is a tall young man who looks about his age. His angular face is a bit cold, and his eyes are deep and sharp, which seems to be straightforward.

He is wearing a black suit that fits. Ying is handsome, yet noble and elegant. His imposing manner is very out of the ordinary. Wang Jin’s instinctive feeling is definitely not an ordinary person.

Although the person in front of him looks a bit cruel, Wang Jin, who feels keenly, did not feel a trace of hostility from him. On the contrary, from Chen Mo looked towards his eyes, he could feel a kind of harmony When Wang Kun looked towards him, he felt very similar, as if an elder was looking at his Junior.

This feeling is very strange. The person standing in front of him is obviously a young man just like him.

Although he was puzzled, he asked politely.

“Who are you looking for?”

Chen Mo looked at the handsome young man in front of him. From his face that resembles Wang Kun has several points of, Chen Mo can easily guess In his status, Wang Kun’s great-grandson, Wang Kun was almost the same age when he first arrived at dojo, but now, his great-grandsons are already grown up.

Slightly sighed in my heart, Chen Mo slowly said.

“I’m looking for Wang Kun.”

“Wang Kun?”

Wang Jin is a little confused. As the patriarch of the family, there is almost no People dared to call Wang Kunxing by name, so Wang Jin didn’t react for a while. Chen Mo was talking about his Great Grandfather.

But someone reacted.

After Wang Kun asked Wang Jin to open the door, he turned around and walked to the sofa aside, intending to have a coffee break, and then continue to practice his great-grandson.

As for the person outside the door, it’s just an ordinary person who has gone to the wrong place. Just let Wang Jin take it away by himself.

It’s just that he just picked up the teacup, and the familiar voice calling his name at the door made his hand shake, and the tea in the teacup was spilled.

The ability to call out his name does not surprise him too much. Although no one has mentioned it for many years, even those who know his existence, many of them do not know his name, but Someone still knows.

But this familiar voice made him unable to maintain his composure.

With a loud sound, Wang Kun put down his teacup, and Wang Kun stood up abruptly, and moved towards the door with excitement.

Still some distance away, Wang Kun saw the very familiar silhouette outside the door through the open door. Compared with 70 years ago, there is almost no change, but the imposing manner seems to have become More powerful.

Wang Kun has been in charge of the Seven Rings for so many years, holding power in his hand, and his mood has become extremely calm, but at this moment, his face is flushed with excitement, and his lips whispered and whispered. .

“Hall Master!”

“You are finally back!”

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