My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 141

Two agents of the National Land Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Security Bureau found the frozen Chen Mo on the Valkyrie Goddess and confirmed his identity. They immediately contacted the headquarters. The plane was quickly arranged to transport Chen Mo back to Washington.

Since Chen Mo is in ice, for safety reasons, they put Chen Mo in the freezer to maintain the original frozen state and prevent accidents from melting during transportation.

However, compared to the low temperature of several tens of degrees below zero in the ice layer, the temperature of a few degrees below zero in the freezer is already considered warm.

Leaving the cold and low temperature environment, Chen Mo began to control his body’s slow recovery. When he arrived in Washington, Chen Mo’s body had weak signs of life. As a result, Chen Mo’s weak brain waves It will not lead to doubt.

As for the slow recovery in the freezing warehouse of a few degrees below zero, this only shows that Chen Mo’s physical fitness and cell activity are very strong.

As expected by Chen Mo, when the medical staff of the National Land Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Security Bureau checked, it was found that Chen Mo had begun to recover, and even the brain had weak brainwave activity, and no one had any Suspicious, but shocked by the strength of Chen Mo’s physical fitness.

Not long after Chen Mo sat up on the bed, the door was gently opened from the outside, and a beautiful female soldier dressed in American military uniforms, shirts and skirts from World War II opened the door and walked in.

“Good morning.”

The female soldier kindly said with a smile towards Chen Mo.

“Where am I?”

Chen Mo turned his head and looked towards the female soldier, solemnly asked.

“This is a postoperative recovery room in New York.”

The female soldier replied uncomfortably under Chen Mo’s eyes.

Although he has just been released from freezing, Chen Mo is not weak at all. He is still imposing manner, and his sharp eyes make people scared.

Chen Mo glanced at the windows next to him, Miwhites gauze curtains swayed gently in the breeze. Through the windows, you can see the neatly arranged windows of another building not far away. , Outside the window, there were bursts of people and cars whistling, and the sound of braking came faintly, as if there was a busy street under the window.

But what Chen Mo perceives is not what he sees.

“Where am I?”

Chen Mo stared at the female soldier and asked again, and his voice became a little harsher.

The female soldier heard this for a moment, and then tried to force her composure under Chen Mo’s gaze, moved towards Chen Mo with a somewhat unnaturally smile, and gently shook the head in confusion.

“Uh, I don’t quite understand what you mean.”

“The sound outside the window is from the ground. The building opposite is simply a painting hanging a few meters away. , Even this room…”

Chen Mo got up from the bed and strode to a wall. In the flustered eyes of the female soldier, lightly simple ordinary punch penetrated the wall. It turned out to be just a layer of gypsum board.

Turning around, Chen Mo walked towards the female soldier slowly and solemnly asked.

“Let me ask you again, where is this place?”

Chen Mo stopped in front of the female soldier, staring at her with deep and sharp eyes Face.

Looking up at Chen Mo, who was tall and tough in front of him, the imposing manner was intimidated by his imposing manner. The female soldier couldn’t help but panicked and quietly pressed the alarm in her hand.

“Commander Chen Mo…”

The female soldier tone barely fell, the door behind her was opened, and two soldiers in black combat uniforms quickly walked in.

Chen Mo’s sharp gaze then turned to the two of them, making the two of them sluggish.

The two soldiers who rushed in after receiving the alert stood at the door looking at Chen Mo, but they did not take any action. They all knew who the tall, cold-faced man in front of him was. The record has also been heard.

His strength is said to be much stronger than Captain Steve Rogers of the United States. Although he does not have any weapons at this time, dont forget, he is still Captains Master of the United States, and Steves fighting skills are all his. Professor, and his own fighting skills are extremely powerful.

With strong physical quality and superb fighting skills, they don’t think they can defeat the powerful man in front of them.

The most important thing is that Commander Chen Mo is the idol of all of them, who has never imagined wearing a cool black armored combat suit when he was a child, holding a sword and shield, by the strength of oneself, destroying the mighty The evil Hydra Legion has become a hero respected by everyone.

Let them work with the hero of World War II, the veteran of the strategic science reserve, the strongest warrior of mankind, and the idol in everyone’s hearts. The pressure on them can be imagined.

Just now, this female agent dressed as a female soldier of World War II was completely shocked by Chen Mos powerful imposing manner. She simply didnt think much, she almost instinctively pressed the alarm in her hand. At this time, seeing the soldiers deadlocked there, they realized that the man in front of them was not their enemy.

However, the arrival of a few soldiers finally freed her from the oppression of Chen Mo’s powerful imposing manner. After calming down, the female agent looked towards Chen Mo sincerely.

“Your Excellency Commander, we have no malice.”

Seeing that Chen Mo did not take any further action, everyone secretly sighed in relief. They were really afraid that Chen Mo would directly go crazy. , Do it at them.

With the mighty power of Chen Mo, when the time comes, they will inevitably break their muscles and fractures, and they may not be able to save their lives. After all, standing in front of them is the strongest warrior of mankind who kills people like scything flax , If he were treated as an enemy, the consequences would be unimaginable.

They are also secretly glad that Chen Mos weapon is not around. Otherwise, they used to smash tanks and kill Hydra soldiers like Chen Mo who chopped melons and vegetables. Maybe they had just entered the door. With a sword in his hand, he cut them all in two.

“This is the Bureau of National Land Strategic Defense, Attack and Logistics Support. Our predecessor is the Strategic Science Reserve.”

Under Chen Mos close watch, the female agent hurriedly reported her home. Pull the relationship up first, lest Chen Mo really does it.

After the female agent finished speaking, Chen Mo’s eyes softened slightly before she continued.

“I am deeply sorry for the performance just now, we just think you should slowly accept this.”

Chen Mo did not speak, still looking at her expressionlessly, waiting She continued.

Now this situation is obviously no longer concealed. After hesitating, the female agent still tells the truth directly.

“You have been asleep, Commander.”

The female agent slowly said

“I slept for about 70 years.”

The Bureau of National Land Strategic Defense Attacks and Logistics Support, Director’s Office.

A bald black man wearing a black coat and one eye covered by a blindfold sat opposite Chen Mo, telling him what happened during the 70 years he was sleeping.

In his last battle, Hydra was completely wiped out. Then, without Hydra’s control, the Allied forces began to attack in a big way. The ** fell into a multi-line battle and eventually lost. Hitler committed suicide. World War II Then it ends.

The Scientific Strategic Reserve was reorganized after the war and became todays National Land Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau. It is supervised by the International Security Council and is specifically responsible for handling various strange events, such as buried Huge aircraft in the ice.

The bald black man sitting opposite Chen Mo, the current director of the National Land Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau, one-eyed person Nick Fury, gave Chen Mo a general overview of the main history and today. After the situation, he looked towards Chen Mo and said.

“Commander Chen Mo, what do you plan to do next?”

Chen Mo pretended to ponder for a while and asked.

“How are Steve and Howard now?”

Nick _ Fury heard this, and said slowly after a pause.

“They are already not in.”

After hearing this, a trace of sadness appeared on Chen Mo’s face, and he continued to ask without giving up.

“Where are the others? Agent Carter, Bucky, Huang Quan, Han Qing, Luo Zhen.”

Nick Fury gently shook the head.


After a while, seeing Chen Mo feel a little lost, Nick Fury said.

“You can stay here.”

In the face of Nick Fury’s retention, Chen Mo shook the head.

“No, thank you.”

Chen Mo stood up from the chair and walked out.

“Where are you going?”

Nick _ Fury asked afterwards.

“New York.”

A flight from Washington stopped slowly at the end of the runway at New York Airport.

A few minutes later, the cabin door opened and the passengers on the plane walked out one by one.

Wearing a black suit and a cold face, Chen Mo also walked off the plane.

The conversation with Nick Fury that day let Chen Mo know that he didnt know the existence of SHIELD, let alone that Steve and the others were actually suspended for death, not at all. Obviously this national strategy The current director of the Defense Attack and Logistics Department is not a member of SHIELD.

According to Chen Mo’s knowledge, the Director of the Bureau of National Land Strategic Defense, Attack and Logistics Support is appointed by the International Security Council, and the International Security Council is composed of representatives from the five permanent members of the United Nations. SHIELD cannot directly intervene in the appointment of the director, and there is no guarantee that the director of each term is SHIELD.

In spite of this, SHIELD is in fact firmly in control of the National Land Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau.

Because in addition to the inability to directly appoint the director, most of the core personnel of the National Land Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau are actually SHIELD people. They control the vast majority of the National Land Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau. Partial rights.

If the Secretary-General appointed by the Security Council is not competent, then his orders will not be executed at all, and all power will be emptied.

It took a lot of effort. After the official return, Chen Mo did not stay longer in Washington. He took his belongings and new identification documents and arrived in New York by plane.

After arriving in Brooklyn by taxi, Chen Mo got off a street in advance and walked towards the destination.

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