My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1410

People who were watching the live broadcast soon discovered that the flight attendant who had appeared at the cabin door had not at all disembarked for treatment, but had opened the emergency escape slide. Turned around and joined the ranks of rescue.

The reporters at this time also got the latest information.

“We just got the latest news from the airport tower. The male flight attendant who appeared at the cabin door was the person who had contacted the tower before, and the plane was also driven back by him and Iron Man. !…”

“According to the information provided by the airline, the flight attendant was named Gao Yuan. He used to be a diver and served in the China Special Forces. It may also be that he did not interact with other people on the plane. The reason why people are in a coma……”

After hearing the news, everyone couldn’t help but become more excited.

“Flying a plane with Iron Man! It’s so cool!”

“This guy is so lucky! It would be nice if I replaced it with me!”

“Is it just lucky? I dont think so. First of all, you have to have strong physical fitness and adaptability to low-pressure hypoxic environment. When the cabin loses pressure, everyone on the plane remains awake after all coma. You must know He was the only person on the plane to do it. The divers and special forces are not for nothing! Secondly, you have to be able to fly planes!”

“This guy is so powerful, it’s a shame to be a flight attendant!”

“Since he is not in a coma and will fly the plane, doesn’t it mean that he can drive the plane back without Iron Man? He is the one who saved the plane?”

“Don’t forget that the plane had been lost for several hours before. He should have only been in a coma. The situation of the plane was not controlled until Iron Man appeared.”

“But he is also very difficult. to deal with, he is the only one who remains awake on the entire plane. He must also try hard to save the plane, just like those shown in the air crash movies, and he can also beat Iron Man and fly the plane, obviously. I got the recognition of Iron Man!”

“That’s right, he might become Iron Man’s assistant, just like Batman’s assistant Robin!”

” If I knew I was going to take that flight, I had the opportunity to be Iron Mans assistant. I was excited just thinking about it!”

“If you go, you will only become a coma among the more than 100 passengers A member of, not everyone has the opportunity to fly a plane with Iron Man!”

“I am also a special soldier, and I can also dive. I will buy a ticket later, and hope to see Iron Man tomorrow!”

“Not only do I know how to dive, but I also bubble!”


When people are discussing passionately because of the strange and distant experience, in the cabin The rescue operation was rapidly unfolding. When the first unconscious passenger was sent on the slide to the ground, there was a burst of enthusiastic cheers at the scene, and the people in front of the TV and on the Internet were also very happy.

Looking at a passenger being taken off the plane by rescuers, and then carried on a stretcher by the medical staff below, putting on an oxygen mask, people relax in their hearts, and at the same time, for the Iron Man who has left and still Participating in the rescue high in the cabin, can not help but produce a strong respect.

If they said that their pursuit of Iron Man was only because of movie characters, then at this time they respect and adore him from the heart!

Because of the appearance of Iron Man, the plane can land here safely, and the more than 100 passengers on the plane can survive, otherwise they should get the bad news of the plane crash. I dont know how many families. Because of this, you will lose your beloved loved ones and fall into endless grief.

Everything went well for the rescue operation at the airport, but Chen Mo encountered problems at this time.

After getting rid of the detection of military reconnaissance satellites, Chen Mo quickly swam in the direction of the castle in the deep sea, but he was only halfway through, and the way forward was blocked by the warship that came to search for him. broken.

A dozen warships lined up in an arc, with a distance of more than 20 kilometers between each other, just connecting the sonar detection range between each other. There are more than a dozen anti-submarine helicopters on the two wings of the fleet. , To further extend this blockade line for hundreds of kilometers, like a huge fishing net, completely blocking Chen Mo’s front road.

If Chen Mo can’t break through the blockade in time, he will be surrounded by their gradual tightening net and will eventually be invisible.

The detection depth of sonar is a few thousand meters. In this Sea Territory, seabed can be detected directly. As long as Chen Mo enters the detection range of sonar, it will be found immediately. Close the encirclement as quickly as possible, and the final one to greet him will be a round-up of all warships and fighters!

However, their encirclement is not without loopholes. At this time, although their blockade is very long, it is not closed. Chen Mo can bypass their blockade from the north and south and return to the coast.

Of course, this is only feasible for Chen Mo, after all, his speed is faster than these warships to go up, even if he goes around in circles, he is completely in time.

But in this way, Chen Mo would need to detour hundreds of kilometers, which would take a long time.

In addition to this loophole, this blockade also has a loophole that is not a loophole for others.

In order to extend the length of the blockade as much as possible, the distance between each warship is maximized. The width of the overlapping area of the sonar detection range is only about two to three kilometers. For ordinary submarines and Underwater targets, this width is enough to block them, as long as they enter it, they will be spotted by sonar.

But for Chen Mo who has teleport ability, this is enough to become a loophole blocked by other breakthroughs.

The position and sonar detection range of each ship were all displayed on the holographic screen of the helmet by Jarvis. Chen Mo only slightly adjusted the direction, and the speed was towards the middle of the two warships. Location to swim.

Soon, Chen Mo came out of the sonar detection range of the two ships. With Chen Mo thoughts move, his silhouette disappeared from its original position, and it had already crossed when it reappeared. The detection area of the sonar came outside the blockade of the warship.

Ignoring the futile search for his warships and anti-submarine helicopters, Chen Mo each minding their own business headed towards the castle.

After entering the offshore waters, the seabed height continued to rise, and the seawater depth gradually decreased from 1,000 meters to only several dozen meters.

However, the military simply did not expect that Chen Mo could easily break through the encirclement composed of a dozen warships and anti-submarine aircraft carriers. The search center of reconnaissance satellites has always been near the area where he disappeared.

With Jarvis in control of the military’s movements at any time, Chen Mo safely entered the shallow offshore area, and soon came to the Sea Territory outside the castle. After reaching the teleport distance, he teleported back directly. In the castle.

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