My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1409

At first, only a few people were shouting, but soon more and more people joined in, and the topic of “Join SHIELD” was swiped on the Internet for a while.

David, who has been following the development of the situation, can’t help but feel smug in his heart when he sees what these netizens say, a feeling of pride involuntarily in the heart.

Although these people are talking fiercely, they are more just to join in the fun. It is estimated that they would not have thought that SHIELD actually exists, and he is the agent David, the director of the Criminal Investigation Division of the Los Angeles Branch of the FBI. , Is a member of SHIELD, a proud Level 1 SHIELD agent!

While everyone was discussing Iron Man and SHIELD intensively, the reporter’s surprised voice suddenly appeared in the live broadcast screen.

“Look, another person came out of the hatch!”

In the cockpit before, Gao Yuan and Chen Mo both saw the fully armed soldiers on the side of the runway and Armored vehicles, Gao Yuan soon understood that the U.S. military wanted to capture Chen Mo!

Chen Mo is fearless, but Gao Yuan is a body of flesh and blood after all. To prevent him from being accidentally injured, Chen Mo left him in the cockpit, and he got up and opened the door directly after the plane stopped. Got out.

For the Mi Army sent soldiers to capture Chen Mo, Gao Yuan was very angry. If Chen Mo hadn’t appeared in time, they would have crashed along with the plane, and none of them would survive. These guys would have thought Want to catch him.

Gao Yuan originally planned to go out with Chen Mo, tell everyone about Chen Mo’s rescue of the plane, and at the same time try to block the soldiers outside as much as possible.

Hua Xia soldiers were born high, not afraid of these American soldiers, and he had already died once before, it was Chen Mo who rescued him, even if he was killed by a bullet, he would be regarded as paying his life. Give it to Chen Mo!

For Chen Mo who saved him and everyone on the plane, Gao Yuan is willing to use his life to protect him. Although his bare-handed power is limited, he cannot watch Chen Mo be taken away!

Its just that his worry is obviously unnecessary. As Chen Mo opened the hatch, just as he was preparing to charge ahead to block Chen Mo, Chen Mo, standing in front of the hatch, suddenly Soaring into the air, it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Gao Yuan suddenly remembered that Iron Man can fly!

Otherwise, he would also be impossible to board the plane to rescue them, but when Chen Mo boarded the plane, he was still struggling towards the cockpit. He didnt know this, and he was excited later. I didn’t think about it at all.

It wasn’t until this time that Chen Mo took off and left with his own eyes, and he realized that this is the real Iron Man, not only can fly, but the armored defensive power is also invincible, the rifles in the hands of these soldiers And heavy machine guns are not a threat to him at all.

Before he was just caring and messing up, coupled with the effect of hypoxia repercussions, he did not understand that’s all for a while.

Now that Chen Mo had left safely, he was relieved, but he did not go out immediately, but carefully observed the situation through the cabin window.

For these American soldiers, Gao Yuan didn’t trust him. He didn’t want to be killed by an oncoming bullet as soon as he got out of the hatch. He didn’t have bulletproof steel armor.

According to the consistent urination of the U.S. military and government, as a Chinese, even if these soldiers are killed, the military will not do anything to them. It is estimated that they are demoted at most. It is even possible to be acquitted directly!

Similar things are not uncommon in the United States. Blacks, Asians, and Mo Brother Xi are often attacked or killed by the U.S. police, and the end result is usually nothing.

The U.S. military has often bullied and abused soldiers of other ethnic groups, and even led to the death of the opponent, and the military has always been indulging in this.

Gao Yuan doesn’t want to put his life in the hands of these people!

After watching the soldiers outside put up their weapons and all evacuated, Gao Yuan walked out of the cabin again, when he was seen by rescuers and reporters below.

Because the U.S. military blocked the specific conditions on the plane, everyone thought that the passengers and crew on the plane were all in a coma and did not know that there were other awake people.

So after Iron Man flew away, Gao Yuan’s sudden appearance made them startled, but the flight attendant uniform on Gao Yuan’s body made them quickly figure out his identity, and the reporters who responded were facing each other. The camera reported excitedly.

“Audience friends! We saw a male flight attendant coming out from the door of the plane. There were other people on the plane who remained awake, and he probably knew what happened! Later, we will find a way to interview him!…”

“This flight attendant should have been with Iron Man for a long time on the plane. From his mouth, we may be able to know more about Iron Man. News!…”

When reporters scrambled to report, rescuers also reflected on it. The firefighters who were stopped by military soldiers before The personnel moved first, and quickly boarded the plane along the gangway.

“Are you okay? How are the others?”

The firefighter who led the team asked Gao Yuan with concern.

Gao Yuan stood aside with the handrail next to the gangway, cleared the way to the cabin for other rescuers, and at the same time told them the situation on the plane.

“The passengers and crew on the plane fell into a coma due to lack of oxygen. Although there is no mortal danger for the time being, they need to inhale oxygen as soon as possible! I suggest that you remove the gangway car and open the emergency inflatable slide to remove the people. Send it down for treatment as soon as possible.”

The fire Captain, who led the team, notified the chief of Los Angeles Police Department who was in charge of the rescue command about the situation and proposals that Gao Yuan said.

After getting confirmation from the firefighters who entered the cabin, the chief immediately ordered some firefighters and policemen to enter the plane quickly through the gangway to prepare to transport the unconscious passengers.

Then ordered the gangway car to drive to the side and opened the emergency escape slide of the aircraft door. The personnel on the aircraft moved the passengers to the slide and put them down. The police and firefighters below were responsible for assisting the doctors and nurses. Rescue passengers.

After Gao Yuan demonstrated to them how to open the emergency escape slide, he not at all left the plane, but together with other rescuers carried the passengers and crew who had fallen into a coma.

Although Gao Yuan was very weak due to prolonged lack of oxygen, after a period of recovery and his own physical fitness is very good, he has almost returned to normal at this time and joined the rescue operation completely. no problem.

And with the help of his crew, the rescue operation will be smoother.

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