My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1368

Mo Yulan base, Sen Mazi, who received the news, frowned solemnly.

Things seem to be much more serious than they thought. The power of these rare beast admirers far exceeds their estimates.

In addition to the powerful official power as a protective umbrella, they themselves also have a powerful armed force, even Mecha!

But thinking of the furious obsidian that Newt made, Sen Asako is not so surprised.

And until now, people continue to make illegal Mecha, and this gave birth to the black market of Mecha. Jack has been making money by stealing Mecha core parts from the retired Mecha scrapyard.

Now, it seems that most of those things are probably in the hands of these rare beast worshippers.

The emergence of a large number of illegal Mechas immediately caused a great sensation, and unlike the illegal Mechas discovered before, these Mechas are more offensive.

Not only did they take the initiative to attack the soldiers of the Pacific Rim Joint Military Defense Forces, but also several illegal Mechas in the Tokyo area broke into the military forbidden area where rare beast corpses were stored and snatched several The bodies of rare beasts, trying to transport them to Mount Fuji!

They actually want to complete the unsuccessful plan before rare beast, detonate Mount Fuji and destroy mankind!

All human beings were in an uproar. They did not expect that these rare beast worshipers had already taken refuge in the pioneers, and even now they still want to destroy humanity!

This kind of betrayal from within human beings is really beyond everyone’s expectations. Thinking that for so many years, they have been lurking around such a group of “comrades” trying to destroy humanity, everyone can’t help but shudder.

Because of various interests, the high-ranking officials and politicians who acted as umbrellas for the rare beast worshipers suddenly died out, and they drew a clear line with these rare beast worshipers who blatantly rebelled against humanity.

The Pacific Rim Joint Military Defense Force responded quickly. The three Mechas that had been repaired at the Tokyo base went to intercept as quickly as possible, and other bases also sent hunter Mechas to the large numbers of illegal Mechas that appeared everywhere. Carry out arrests.

Following a month ago, after all Mecha collectively dispatched to help Tokyo, the Mecha hunters Legion of the Pacific Rim Joint Defense Force once again dispatched all and quickly rushed to help everywhere!

Compared with the furious obsidian created by Newt, the battle strength of these illegal Mechas is much weaker, but after the Mecha hunters of the Pacific Rim Joint Defense Force arrived, they faced the dominant Mecha hunters. However, they have changed one after another. A lot of bone spurs were drilled within the body, and the hands and feet were completely transformed into the sharp claw of rare beast and the rare beast Mecha that appeared before!

Fortunately in other places, Mecha the hunter has a quantitative advantage after all. Although the rare beast Mecha still fails to gain the upper hand in the face of mutation, the situation is still under control.

The situation at the Tokyo base is much worse.

There are more rare beast Mechas here than in other places. The three hunters Mecha are simply not the opponents of these rare beast Mecha.

Moreover, rare beast Mecha carried the corpse of rare beast straight to Mount Fuji. The situation happened again a month ago.

If you can’t stop them and let them successfully detonate Mount Fuji, mankind will face the crisis of extinction again!

Seeing them getting closer and closer to the top of Mount Fuji, the Mecha hunters are completely unable to stop them, and the situation is very urgent.

Fortunately, Chen Mo arrived in time. Rare beast Mecha, who fought in front of the hunter Mecha, had nothing to fight back in front of Chen Mo. He controlled the giant Mecha with one sword and one sword. Go out!

Chen Mo couldnt help being a little grateful. Fortunately, he didnt leave directly after getting what he wanted. Otherwise, Mount Fuji might be successfully ignited by these rare beast admirers, which would detonate the entire Pacific Rim of Fire and bring humanity Push into the abyss of destruction, and finally disappear from this universe with the pioneer!

Chen Mo couldn’t help but strengthen his previous ideas. The meaning of crossing over is not just to improve his own strength and acquire various technologies and treasures.

Except for Tokyo, fighting in other regions is still continuing.

These rare beast mechas themselves are the cards for those rare beast admirers to protect themselves. They used them when facing the capture of the Pacific Rim Joint Military Defense Forces.

So most of the fighting took place in the city center, factories or residential areas. As the fighting continued, a large number of buildings were destroyed and destroyed, and many civilians who had not had time to evacuate suffered casualties.

Everyone didn’t expect. In the fight against rare beast’s massive invasion, almost no casualties were caused. On the contrary, when the remnant forces were cleared later, there were such heavy casualties.

Furthermore, with the current stalemate in the battle, as time goes by, civilian casualties will increase!

However, this deadlock was quickly broken, and a new force soon joined the Mecha Hunters and jointly launched an attack on Rare Beast Mecha.

The origin of these new forces is also very special, because a month ago their identity was also rare beast Mecha!

They are those unmanned Mecha who mutated into rare beast Mecha and were destroyed by Shao Liwen after opening the wormhole.

These unmanned Mechas were only detonated by Shao Liwen’s control center, other parts are still intact, and when rare beast mutates, it only damages the outer armor and hands and feet. The most important power and drive structure everything is normal.

After more than a month of intense repair, after clearing the fused rare beast organization, repairing the broken armor and part of the damaged parts, these fifty Mechas have just been repaired and they encountered rare The beast worshippers rebelled and were immediately dispatched to join the crackdown on illegal Mecha.

Jack and Knight and other Mecha fighters from the Mo Yulan base flew in the hunter Mecha, but Shao Clan Industry has sufficient Mecha drivers to replace them. These drivers and the students of the Hunter Academy, In the war room at Mo Yulan base, controlling fifty unmanned Mechas joined the battle with rare beast Mecha.

The last time they counterattacked the pioneer world, they were full of passion and fighting spirit, and they vowed to fight to the death with rare beast.

As a result, they were all disconnected before the battle started. When they went online again, they directly witnessed the demise of the pioneers and rare beasts, and these had nothing to do with them. They were just witnesses throughout the process. The audience watched the shocking scene happen, and soon cut the connection again as the unmanned Mecha was destroyed by the nuclear explosion.

In this great battle of counterattack pioneers, they are completely reduced to the existence of soy sauce!

When they think of their “great achievements” recorded in the future history, their hearts feel guilty.

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