My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1367

Before, because their main enemies are pioneers and rare beasts, all humans are still on the same front. In order not to cause internal disturbances, they have repeatedly condoned rare beast worshippers. .

Compared with the threat of rare beast, these fanatical religious elements do not have much threat in their eyes, and they did not focus on them.

What they didn’t expect was that the pioneers used these rare beast admirers who were not in their eyes to brew this huge conspiracy with Newt.

If it weren’t for the appearance of Chen Mo, it would be really hard to say what the final outcome would be.

Now that rare beast and pioneers have been completely wiped out, they can also free up their hands to clean up this cancer in humans!

Including what Chen Mo said, searching for rare beast brains and destroying rare beast corpses are also very important. Mori Miko knows how crazy things humans can do for their own benefit.

It’s okay when they have a common enemy and are facing the threat of extinction, but when the crisis passes, for the benefit of the countries and their own, they absolutely do everything!

The powerful rare beast that almost destroyed the human world will definitely become the target of their research, and the final result is likely to drag mankind into the abyss of destruction again!

Sen Makko couldnt help taking a deep look at Chen Mo. She deserved to have guarded the earth for thousands of years and wiped out countless ambitious Guardians. Chen Mo proposed these all are great threats they will face in the future. If it is not handled in time, a new crisis is likely to happen again!

Immediately, General Sen Mazi and Quan fully accepted Chen Mo’s suggestion, and in the name of the Pacific Rim Joint Defense Force, sent a large number of soldiers to carry out arrest and search operations across the world.

The existence of rare beast worshipers has caused dissatisfaction and even hatred of many ordinary persons!

When their family and friends were killed by rare beasts, these people declared that it was Gods punishment.

While they were fighting against the enemy and rare beast, these people again proclaimed that they should give up resistance and welcome the coming of God religiously.

This makes most normal-minded humans become hostile to rare beast worshippers.

So this massive arrest and search operation, not at all, aroused resistance among ordinary people. Although some human rights activists jumped out to criticize the actions of the Pacific Rim Joint Military Defense Force, they did not get any results. The support of ordinary people has not caused much waves.

But contrary to the reaction of ordinary people, the arrest and search for rare beast admirers has encountered tremendous resistance in the high-level governments of various countries.

The power of rare beast admirers revealed their fangs for the first time. Many parliamentarians and high-ranking officials jumped out to obstruct the arrest of the Pacific Rim Joint Defense Forces. Mori and the others also Only then did they know that the rare beast admirer, who had never been in their eyes, had such a huge influence!

And from the information Chen Mo gave them, they found the answer.

Among rare beast worshippers, ordinary people at the bottom occupy only a small part. They are also the main participants in demonstrations and other activities. The true power of rare beast worshipers is also their main members. In fact, most of them are upper-class people from all over the world.

Among them, there are rich people and high-ranking officials. They have great influence in various countries. Their strength is gathered together, which cannot be underestimated.

It is precisely because of this that they can help Newt create rare beast embryos and silently implant them into the control center of unmanned Mecha.

However, in the face of the obstruction of various countries, Mori Miko has been tougher than ever this time. Under the circumstances of passive cooperation and even active blocking of various countries, Mori Miko directly sent troops of the Pacific Rim Joint Military Defense Force. Conduct strong arrests.

The rare beast admirers and the executive dignitaries behind them did not expect that the modest and gentle Sen Asako would be so tough this time, and swift and decisive, and beat them completely unprepared without waiting for their reaction After that, many rare beast admirers were caught from their apartments, mansions, company headquarters and even government buildings, and sent directly to the Mo Yulan base by helicopter.

In this process, all the admirers of rare beast who resisted were all shot and killed by soldiers of the Pacific Rim Joint Defense Force.

This move made the backers behind many rare beast admirers very dissatisfied. They used their own channels to pressure Sen Mazi to accountability, but Sen Mazi ignored this and took her out. The tough style of being a Mecha warrior at the time not only failed to constrain, but instead increased the dispatched force and arrested violently. In just a few days, a large number of rare beast admirers were arrested.

Though the backers of those rare beast admirers were dissatisfied, at this time, the Pacific Rim Joint Defense Force had just wiped out the more than fifty rare beasts that came in and carried out an unprecedented counterattack, using nuclear bombs. Thousands of rare beasts and a large number of pioneers died, and the limelight is flourishing.

Although they dont understand the situation of going to the world first, and they cannot be sure whether the pioneer is completely wiped out, but at least this time they have dealt a greater blow to the pioneer than it was ten years ago. They believe that at least ten years Inside, there should be no rare beast landing on the earth.

And the Pacific Rim Joint Military Defense Forces carried the imposing manner of victory over rare beast, and received the support of almost all the people, even those who had demonstratively asked to disband the Pacific Rim Joint Military Defense Forces have turned their backs. , Support them.

Under such circumstances, there is no problem with the arrest of rare beast admirers by the Pacific Rim Joint Military Defense Forces, and the high-levels of various countries who protect rare beast admirers do not dare to be too obvious. Even more unable to send troops to block their searches and arrests head-on. Facing the unprecedented toughness of Sen Mazi and the Pacific Rim Joint Defense Forces, rare beast admirers lost their role in the official umbrellas of various countries.

And the rare beast admirers saw their painstakingly managed umbrella, unable to fight against the Pacific Rim Joint Defense Forces, a large number of their companions were arrested one after another, and the rest immediately took out their cards and took out A posture of either the fish dies or the net splits.

A combat squad of the Pacific Rim Joint Military Defense Force that went to a certain company to perform a capture mission was attacked by anti-aircraft missiles while landing by helicopter. Although they avoided the past and landed quickly, they were tight. Then it was attacked by an illegal Mecha, and the army was eventually wiped out!

And its not just this place. Many combat squads carrying out capture missions have been attacked. A large number of illegal Mechas appeared everywhere. Some squads escaped by chance, while others suffered heavy casualties and were even wiped out. !

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