My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1355

After seeing this, Chen Mo quickly realized that the pioneer should not have the ability to attack with spirit strength.

Strong spirit strength does not mean possessing abilities.

Chen Mo’s thought power is also obtained through X gene serum in Vajra wolf world. Otherwise, he will only have strong spirit strength, and can at most have a certain resistance to mind control attacks. When the spirit strength of others invades his consciousness, he passively resists, but he cannot actively attack and control the consciousness of others, let alone substantively materialize the spirit strength and attack the mind.

This is clearly the case with the pioneers!

Although the pioneers spirit strength is strong, it does not possess the special abilities of spirit strength, such as thought force, so it can only control the swarm like a queen bee. Based on the rare beasts special insect nest consciousness, its not a rare beast. A certain degree of control over their behavior, apart from this, they dont have any Spirit Attack capabilities.

As for Newt, it was a complete accident. He used the Mecha driver’s mental sympathy system to connect with the rare beast’s brain, equivalent to abandon all defenses and actively open the brain to the rare beast.

After all, the consciousness of rare beast is only a Spiritual Imprint with a few pioneers. The spiritual intensity is not much higher than that of human beings. If only one synesthesia is performed, it is not enough to control his consciousness, Herman Court Academecian That’s it.

But after that, Newt still often synesthesizes with rare beast’s brain. While continuously connecting with rare beast’s consciousness, he is also infected by rare beast’s consciousness, imprinting pioneers in his mind. Brand, become a member of the insect nest!

The same goes for other rare beast worshippers who are controlled.

Confirming that the Pioneer is not at all Spirit Attack ability in addition to the strong spirit strength, Chen Mo will soon envelop the Pioneer’s consciousness with the spirit strength, trying to invade the Pioneer’s consciousness.

With the penetration of the spirit strength, Chen Mo soon discovered that although the pioneers spirit strength strength is higher than him, the degree of condensing is far inferior, only slightly stronger than the ordinary person that’s all.

In this way, the pioneer’s spirit strength simply impossible is his opponent.

Immediately, Chen Mo relieved his mind and directly invaded the meaning of the pioneer. Although the pioneer felt Chen Mos invasion, he instinctively wanted to resist, but its spirit strength was condensed in Chen Mo In front of the incomparable mind power, it is like water meets the ice, there is no resistance at all, it is easily invaded by Chen Mo’s mind power, and its consciousness and memory are read.

From the memory of the pioneers, Chen Mo learned a lot.

Their civilization was born in this underground world and has existed for hundreds of millions of years.

Because the planet on which they are located is in a harsh environment and is not suitable for survival, they can only live in this resource-poor underground world.

However, they possess extremely high intelligence. They have mastered very advanced biology and space technology during countless years of development. As a result, they opened the colonial era and thrive by constantly occupying other planets.

From the consciousness of the pioneer, Chen Mo learned that the insect nest consciousness between the pioneer and rare beast is not as powerful as they thought, and the rare beast can be controlled regardless of distance and space barriers.

Like the queen beast controlling the swarm, when rare beast is in front of them, the pioneer can directly control the rare beast and direct their actions, but when the rare beast comes through the wormhole Earth, they cannot control rare beast at any time by relying on their own consciousness.

The rare beast that invades the earth is like the worker bees leaving the hive, acting mainly according to the marks and instructions left in their minds. This is also the case after Newt is infected. It is not the pioneer himself that controls him, but It leaves the brand of consciousness in the rare beast brain.

Rather than being controlled, it is more accurate to be infected by the consciousness of rare beast.

However, these rare beasts are not real wild rare beasts after all, but biological weapons manufactured by pioneers using cutting-edge biotechnology. Although their own consciousness cannot pass through the wormhole to command rare beasts, their Biotechnology makes up for this.

Through the fan-shaped master console that connects all the towers and rare beasts, the pioneer can control the rare beast just like the command center of the hunter base commanding Mecha operations and receive feedback from the rare beast.

rare beast is the creature Mecha made by the pioneer!

In addition, Silence also got an unexpected message from its consciousness.

The light ball that floats in the distant sky like an artificial sun is actually not artificial, but naturally exists in this underground space.

Moreover, this huge suspended light sphere is not only the source of light in the underground space, but also the source of the powerful spirit strength possessed by the pioneers.

It can even be said that it is precisely because of this ball of light that the current pioneer family has emerged!

This huge ball of light emits dim rays of light to illuminate the entire underground world, and at the same time it emits a special kind of energy radiation, which acts on the brain and can directly stimulate The growth of spirit strength.

In this underground space, they don’t need to do anything, and spirit strength can naturally continue to improve over time.

It is precisely because of this that pioneers can have such a strong spirit strength and superhuman wisdom, and then develop such an advanced biotechnology civilization.

However, the growth of spirit strength by this kind of radiation is not a short-term process. Their racial lifespan is actually as high as hundreds of years. In these hundreds of years, they have always lived in this special energy. Only under the radiation can it finally reach the spirit strength of the present.

Like the sun, the closer you are to this ball of light, the brighter the light, the stronger the energy radiation it receives, and the faster your spirit strength will increase.

But they cant get too close to this photosphere, because too strong energy radiation can cause damage to the body. The closer the distance, the greater the destructive power of the radiation, and where they are now It is already the highest radiation area that the pioneer can withstand, and the best area in the entire underground world, and the pioneer that Chen Mo invaded is the top existence of the entire pioneer race!

The pioneers have a strict hierarchy. From low to high, they are ambassador, red-clothed bishop, and bishop. Chen Mo is the highest bishop pioneer.

Because of the long life and energy radiation, the pioneers have no civilians.

Although it is very difficult to reproduce because of its weak reproductive ability, there are only a few dozen pioneer races now, but each pioneer has a huge army of rare beasts and Space Wormhole in their hands, using Space Wormhole, they can continue to invade different worlds, and continue to expand and develop.

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