My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1354

Mecha Legions arrival was obviously unexpected, but they quickly reacted. The tallest pioneer among them immediately stretched out four arms and stood in front of them. Operate on the fan-shaped console.

A high tower closest to Mecha Legion’s position, the rare beasts locked on the ring were released one after another, immediately rushing towards Mecha Legion, which was still slowly descending.

Just as the Mecha fighters were preparing for the battle with solemn expressions, all signals were suddenly interrupted. They were plunged into darkness, and their feelings for unmanned Mecha disappeared.

“What’s going on?”

“The connection is broken!”

“It’s been!”


Mo Yulan Base Command Center, General Quan and Sen Mazi looked at the sudden interruption in front of them, and couldn’t help but glance at each other. As they guessed, the control signal of unmanned Mecha would be isolated by the wormhole, and the rest Yes, you can only watch Chen Mo!

Pioneer of the world, Chen Mo looked at the unmanned Mecha floating in the air when he stopped suddenly, then raised his head and glanced at the entrance of the wormhole just closed above, but his face was not at all the slightest unexpected expression.

Here and the earth are two worlds after all, and the only channel is this insect hole. It is normal for the control signal to be cut off. He was prepared for this.

“Jarvis, take over all unmanned Mecha and kill those rare beasts!”

“Yes, Lord!”

Jarvis’ voice is in Chen Mo’s ears It sounded, and immediately, the fifty unmanned Mechas out of control outside instantly moved again.

Although they were still falling down in the air and unable to move freely, they adjusted their positions quickly and formed a tight formation facing the rare beast.

Immediately, all the missile launchers on the shoulders of the unmanned Mecha were all turned on, and the hundreds of rare beasts rushing towards the high tower circle in the distance launched a fierce attack!

Each unmanned Mecha carried twenty rounds of missiles, and they were all fired out. A thousand rounds of missiles accurately hit hundreds of rare beasts under the control of Jarvis’. Missing, a violent explosion burst out in the air immediately.

On average, each rare beast was hit by ten missiles, and most of them were hit in the head and neck. The flames of the explosion dissipated and the corpses of rare beasts were revealed.

This group of incoming rare beasts was directly killed by this fierce volley of missiles, leaving only more than 30 rare beasts to continue rushing towards the unmanned Mecha cluster, and they all It is riddled with scars, the injury is not light, and the battle strength is greatly discounted.

When the remaining rare beast army rushed in front of Mecha Legion, the unmanned Mecha’s chest suddenly lit up with dazzling blue light at the same time, and fifty high-energy laser beams shot out immediately, blasting instantly. More than thirty rare beasts who rushed in!

The silhouette of more than thirty rare beasts rushing over could not help but suddenly stop. The position hit by the high-energy laser beam was instantly burned into deep wounds, and they screamed in pain. While changing the direction, I want to ask for the attack of the high-energy laser beam, but no matter how they dodge, the laser beam always locks them firmly, like a shadow.

Under the precise control of Jarvis’, every unmanned Mecha is like the most sophisticated instrument, which automatically tracks and locks and adjusts the position in real time according to the movement of the target. They want to escape the attack of the high-energy laser beam. simply impossible.

Although rare beast’s defense is very strong, but under the continuous irradiation of high-energy laser beam, it quickly penetrates the skull and destroys the brain.

Hundreds of rare beasts did not even get close to the unmanned Mecha Legion, they were all destroyed by long-range attacks!

The reason for such a terrifying result is that apart from the performance of Mecha itself, the most important thing is Jarvis’ control.

If they were operated by the original fifty Mecha pilots, they would definitely not be able to block the impact of hundreds of rare beasts. At least half of the rare beast breakthroughs would rush to them. In front of them, they will be greeted by a fierce battle, and in the end it is basically certain that the rare beast will be completely destroyed.

Under the control of Jarvis’, fifty unmanned Mechas are like a whole, closely coordinated. The accuracy of missiles and high-energy laser beams has been mentioned as the highest, and the overall battle strength has increased by more than one. Times.

Seeing that hundreds of rare beasts sent out were easily destroyed by the unmanned Mecha Legion, the pioneers on the control platform below were shocked, and they were preparing to continue to release more rare beasts, but suddenly felt saw a flash, and then they found a black steel armor two meters high suddenly appeared in front of them. At the same time, they were shocked to find that they could not move!

While Jarvis took over the unmanned Mecha Legion to kill the rare beast, Chen Mo teleported to the front of the three pioneers directly wearing steel battle clothes, and restrained them with his thoughts.

Controlled the three pioneers with mind power to fly from the control platform and came to him. After confirming that they could no longer mobilize the rare beast to attack, Chen Mo carefully looked at them. .

Chen Mo has also seen many alien races, Chitauri, Asgard people, dark elves, and various alien prisoners held in the Asgard dungeon, but no matter how strange they look, they are roughly They have a human-like appearance, but the three pioneers in front of them are completely different. They look more like three giant Insects standing up!

The body which is more than three meters high is completely covered by a chitin shell, the head is covered with a huge fan-shaped crown like petals, four slender arms are connected with two pairs of translucent wings, thighs Although there are only two, there are four lower legs at the knee position, and a long belly sticks out behind the buttocks, which looks like a giant mutant praying mantis standing up!

If you dont see everything they create with your own eyes, it is difficult for Silence to associate them with intelligent races with highly technological civilization, but will treat them as a few huge Insects.

Seeing that the mind of the three pioneers was fixed in the air, unable to move, Chen Mo was about to penetrate the mind of the largest pioneer among them, because he was not sure about the strength of the pioneers spirit strength, so Chen Mo is very careful and is ready to withdraw his mind at any time.

Soon, the consciousness of the pioneer appeared in front of Chen Mo. What surprised Chen Mo was that the strength of the pioneers spirit strength was more than ten times that of a human being on earth, even more than him. Much huge!

Silent when the defense is the highest, I am ready to withdraw from the pioneer’s mind at any time, and be prepared to defend the opponent’s Spirit Attack.

But after a while, the pioneer did not at all react, but the spirit strength fluctuated violently, and it seemed that he was very flustered.

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