My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1245

More than a month has passed, but most of the genetic code analysis of the flame giant dragon and Thor has just been completed, and a lot of research and experiments are needed in the later period.

Stripping off the flame energy fragments from the flame giant dragon gene, improving the stability of the desperate situation virus flame energy, fusing Thors genes, and strengthening the effect on the body. Each of these tasks is a big project, at least It takes several months of time. It takes at least one or two years to complete all the research and completely perfect the desperate situation. This is under the premise that everything goes smoothly!

Rather than waiting here for a year or two or even longer, Chen Mo might as well return to the real world, and cross over a few more worlds, until the next crossing over comes back, maybe the research has been successful!

Since he decided to leave, Chen Mo began to arrange follow-up matters.

desperate situation Abraham Erskine Court Academecian is responsible for the virus research, and Howard and Tony Stark are assisted. Under the escort of SHIELD, there will be no problems and he does not need to worry about it.

The flame giant dragon is a problem!

Bringing back to the real world is not impossible, but you need to build a huge freezer that can hold it.

And bringing the flame giant dragon back to the real world is meaningless!

If you ride a dragon, which world is different, in the real world, he is impossible to bring it to the world, but it is in the Avengers world. If he wants to, he can simply ride without the invisible device. A giant dragon appeared over the city with flames.

As long as you see his silhouette, there will never be any panic. What greets him will only be the warm cheers of countless people!

As for fights, with Chen Mo’s current strength, most of the movie world can deal with it calmly, without the help of the flame giant dragon, even with it, it is just a mount that’s all.

In the end, Chen Mo decided to keep the flame giant dragon and let Thor take care of it temporarily.

Chen Mo is not there, and only Thor on earth can deal with it. As for Tony _ Stark, he can only be a molar rod that’s all!

Chen Mo found Thor and told him about letting him take care of the flame giant dragon. Thor recalled the scene of Chen Mo flying the flame giant dragon in the air in London before immediately without the slightest hesitation. The nodded agreed.

Thor can’t refuse such a cool mount for the flame giant dragon!

Thor, who can only fly with Thor’s Hammer, has long wanted to try other more windy and comfortable flying methods!

But a powerful and cool mount is not so easy to find!

Asgard does have a flying pegasus, but compared to Odins eight-legged pegasus Sleipnis, the ordinary pegasus is too weak, neither the flight speed nor the strength is enough, but powerful The mighty flame giant dragon just meets his requirements.

Although he is only taking care of him temporarily, it’s not bad to be enjoyable!

The mighty flame giant dragon, no matter its appearance or speed, is far above Odin’s eight-legged pegasus, and its strength is extremely powerful, almost comparable to him, not only can be a mount, It can play a huge role in battle!

Seeing Thor’s promise, Chen Mo immediately teleported it to the sea with Tony Stark.

Having the flightless Thor suspended in the air with his mind, Chen Mo turned off the invisibility device of the flame giant dragon, and a majestic Eastern Divine Dragon appeared in Thors body with a body length of more than 100 meters. before.

Looking at this huge creature completely different from the flame giant dragon in his memory, Thor couldn’t help but look surprised.

“Are you sure this is the original flame giant dragon?”

Faced with Thor’s question, Chen Mo explained with a smile.

“Im not satisfied with its original shape, and its a bit small, and its a bit crowded when standing on top, so I modified it and optimized it to look like Eastern Divine Dragon. The appearance, the increase in size, and the ability to fly in the air! It is now much stronger than before in terms of power, speed and flame ability!”

Thor listened to Chen Mo’s introduction with a face Excitement.

Not only because the flame giant dragon has become more powerful and powerful, but also because he saw the powerful technological strength of Chen Mo from Chen Mo’s transformation of the flame giant dragon!

Even the flame giant dragon, whose strength is almost comparable to him, can be transformed and become more powerful. The God-making project that Chen Mo said before has greatly increased the probability of success in Thor’s view!

How can this make him unhappy!

Chen Mo directly gave orders to the flame giant dragon through the spiritual connection, so that he would obey Thor in the future, and Thor will manage it for some time in the future.

The flame giant dragon is completely controlled by Chen Mo, and Chen Mo’s orders will naturally be complied with. Chen Mo is not worried about any major event.

After the order was given, Chen Mo turned his head and looked towards Thor, who looked at the flame giant dragon with excitement, and said to him.

“I have given it an order, you can stand up and try!”

Thor hearing this immediately shakes the hammer of Thor, moved towards the flame giant dragon and flies away On the head of the flame giant dragon, Thor felt as if he was standing on the top of the mountain. The scales at his feet were flat and hard. He raised his hand to grab the dragon horn of the flame giant dragon. Thor lightly stomped his feet, and the flame giant dragon stomped. Slowly flew forward.

These two would have been on opposite sides because of Surtel in the future, but now they have become partners in the same camp!

Riding the flame giant dragon flying in the air, Thor feels excited. Standing on top of the flame giant dragon flying is completely different from that of flying with Thor’s hammer before. No wonder Chen Mo chose to take this head. The flame giant dragon is transformed, and the people on earth can still play!

Thor, who has temporarily become the guardian of the flame giant dragon, is very excited, but Tony _Stark is full of envy and hatred. When it comes to his relationship with Chen Mo, he is much closer than Thor, and Dad didnt even take it. Give him the flame giant dragon, and don’t treat him as a son!

“Papa! Actually, I can too!”

Tony _ Stark looked at Chen Mo with a grimace and tried to snatch the “raising from Thor” that should belong to him. right”!

Chen Mo glanced at Tony _ Stark and said slowly.

“Are you sure? Although it listens to me, it is very likely to get angry when I am away, in case it gnash the teeth…”

Chen Mo’s words Tony _ Stark awakened the tragic memory of being used as a tooth stick by the flame giant dragon before, looking at the huge monster moved towards them in the distance, his eyes fell on the bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl. After hesitating for a while, it was a wise choice to give up!

Chen Mo is right. This flame giant dragon is a wild beast after all. Although it is tamed by Chen Mo, it does not mean that it will obey their orders completely. In case it really gnash the teeth Now, I habitually use him as a teeth stick, when the time comes, there is no Chen Mo to save him!

Well, let’s give this monster to Thor, his bones are harder, bite!

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