My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1244

While one man one dragon is chasing, Chen Mo has been teleporting to follow them. After the flame giant dragon stopped, Chen Mo floated in the air not far away Watching the “fight” of the two!

Of course, in fact, the scene presented to him is more like a dog gnawing on a bone and a cat playing with a mouse!

Our superhero Iron Man is the bone, the poor mouse who is powerless to struggle!

Tony _Stark was motionless in the paws of the flame giant dragon. He had already given up the struggle completely. Until he was handed to Chen Mo, he slowly raised his head and looked towards Chen Mo, his eyes full of resentment!

He doesn’t know the strength of the flame giant dragon, he doesn’t believe that Chen Mo, the master, will not know it!

Daddy is simply cheating his son!

Chen Mo looked at Tony _Stark who was caught upside down in his paws by the flame giant dragon, and smiled and ordered the flame giant dragon to loosen his paws.

Tony _Stark felt the dragon claw tightly bound to his body suddenly loosened, and his body suddenly moved towards the bottom and fell down. He immediately started the engine, flew again, and came to Chen Mo’s side.

But he didn’t dare to get close to the flame giant dragon anymore, but flew far to the other side of Chen Mo, looking at Chen Mo with aggrieved expression.

Although it is separated by battle clothes, Chen Mo’s mental power clearly captures Tony _ Stark’s expression.

Looking at Mark 43 covered with tooth marks and a mess of armor, Chen Mo couldn’t help saying with a smile.

“Well, no need to do this. In fact, the original strength of the flame giant dragon is comparable to the previous Thor. After the transformation, compared with the Thor, which has improved a lot today, it still does not fall behind. , Do you think you can deal with that guy?”

Tony _Stark hearing this cant help but recall the situation of Thor and Chen Mo at the time. Thors Divine Races perversion is only slightly inferior to the old mans strength. That’s all, they are not the same level as these earth superheroes!

Tony _Stark has never expected himself to defeat Chen Mo!

In his in mind, Chen Mo is omnipotent and invincible!

Thinking about it this way, although the flame giant dragon was subdued by Chen Mo, its strength is about the same level as Chen Mo and Thor. He is not an opponent, and it passed!

Chen Mo usually abuses him a lot, and now it’s no big deal to be ravaged by a flame giant dragon!

Thinking of this, Tony _Stark couldn’t help but feel better!

It turned out not that I was too weak, but the opponent was too strong!

Before, he was misled by the appearance of Chen Mo easily defeating and conquering the flame giant dragon. This does not mean that the flame giant dragon is weak, but Chen Mo is too strong!

Understanding the true strength of the flame giant dragon, Tony _ Stark is not decadent anymore. Although he failed to defeat the flame giant dragon, the flame giant dragon did not hurt him either. Although Mark 43 looks Battered and exhausted, but actually not at all suffered any substantial damage, the protection is still intact, compared to the situation where it was almost taken down last time, there is still a great improvement!

The actual combat test of Mark 43 can be considered Perfection!

However, Tony Stark, the name of the anti-flame giant dragon armor, is never mentioned again!

If you really want to say it, you can only reverse the ultimate creature!

Still leaving the flame giant dragon at sea, Chen Mo took Tony Stark back to the Avengers Building.

Now that Tony _ Stark’s battle armor research has been completed, it is time to upgrade his battle clothes!

Of course, the outer Edman alloy armor does not need to be replaced. The other internal parts except for the Bone Armor, which is also made of Edman alloy, can be said to have been changed from beginning to end!

After the upgrade, Chen Mo’s steel battle clothes battle strength soared again!

Needless to say, the increase in flight speed and resistance to extreme environments, Chen Mo is most concerned about the power and extreme speed improvements brought about by the upgrade of the drive device!

After the previous battle clothes were upgraded to the consciousness control system, the problem of slow reaction speed has been completely eliminated, and the attack and movement speed of the armor itself can be fully utilized, basically reaching the attack speed of Chen Mo itself. , So that Chen Mo can directly wear battle clothes to fight with the top powerhouse, and then get the bonus on defense and strength!

But once Chen Mo’s strength increases again, his own reaction and attack speed will increase, and the speed of steel battle clothes will not be able to keep up. On the contrary, it will restrict Chen Mo’s strength.

When the time comes, he can only make a trade-off between power and speed as before, either without wearing battle clothes, using his own power to achieve full speed, or sacrificing part of the speed. Keep the power bonus of battle clothes!

In this way, the low position of battle clothes will be more embarrassing.

Now the driving speed has increased by 70%, which means that for a long time, Chen Mo will not have to worry that his battle clothes will not keep up with the improvement of his strength, restricting his speed!

Chen Mo has always attached great importance to steel battle clothes. In fact, the most important purpose is to use him to make up for his lack of strength!

Actually, compared with the top powerhouses of the universe such as Thor and Thanos, the biggest difference between Chen Mo and them is power!

Only by relying on the body itself, his overall power is only a few tons. Compared to an ordinary person, he is considered a superman, but it is a far cry from the cosmic powerhouse with hundreds of tons of power. !

Now that the steel battle clothes are upgraded again, the gap in strength has shortened a lot!

Although the body size has not changed, the upgrade of the driving device has once again greatly improved the strength of the steel battle clothes. The strength of one arm has reached 30 tons, and the total of both arms is 60 tons, combined with Chen Mo Grandmaster With Level’s fighting skills and extraordinary sword technique, Thor, whose overall strength is no more than a hundred tons, is no longer Chen Mo’s opponent!

But Chen Mo knows that this is not enough!

The current Thor is still far from reaching the peak of strength, fully awakening the Thunder God’s Force, reaching the heavenly Father Thor, and the power can reach thousands of tons!

Thanos and Hela, who have no power gems, exist as sub-heavenly fathers. Although they are not so scary, they also have hundreds of tons of power. Now Chen Mo is still no opponent at all!

The distance is truly invincible in the whole world, rampant in the universe, Chen Mo still has a long way to go!

But if the desperate situation virus research can be successful, this road will undoubtedly be taken a big step closer!

I just want to create a Spiritual God comparable to Thor, but it is not that simple. Chen Mo’s steel battle clothes have been upgraded, but there is still no news on SHIELD. Chen Mo has to go to experiment again room.

After learning about the latest research progress and the research progress predicted by Abraham Erskine Court Academecian, Chen Mo resolutely gave up waiting and chose to return to the real world!

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