My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1213

While Tony _ Stark was marveling at the huge and slender body passing by under his feet, he did not notice that a huge tail was facing him from behind him. Pump!


Tony _Stark only felt a burst of force behind him, and his whole body was moved towards the distance and flew out uncontrollably!

Fortunately, the shock absorption system of the steel battle clothes is very powerful, except that Tony Stark’s brain fainted while rolling, there is nothing serious about it.

Having finally stabilized the silhouette in the air, Tony _ Stark saw a bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl appeared in front of him, moved towards him fiercely bitten down, the huge sharp white mouth Each tooth is more than half a meter long. Once bitten, Tony _ Stark wonders if his armor can hold it!

When Tony _Stark was about to maximize the power of the thruster, he wanted to move towards and avoid it, but the giant dragon’s reaction was surprisingly fast. Tony _Stark’s body just moved towards As soon as it flashed out, its huge head turned to move towards violently, and at the same time, it quickly bit down the opened huge mouth!


Tony _Stark couldn’t dodge and was bitten in the mouth by the giant dragon fiercely. Most of his body entered the giant dragon’s mouth, only the chest was exposed Out!

The upper and lower two rows of hard and sharp teeth bit fiercely on the armor of the chest and back of the battle clothes. The strong armor that can withstand the artillery attack is deformed under the huge bite force of the giant dragon. Sparks emerging from the gaps in the armor seem to be scrapped at any time!

Tony _Stark was bitten by the giant dragon, and he instinctively reached out and pressed his hand on the dragon’s mouth in front of him, trying to break it open, but even if the output power of the battle clothes had been turned to the maximum, Still can’t pry open a little gap.

Tony _ Stark immediately raised his hand moved towards giant dragon and fired the Arc Pulse Cannon on his head. However, as before, the formidable power of the Arc Pulse Cannon did not damage the giant dragon at all, and shot towards The beam of giant dragon’s eyes will be blocked by the eyelids when it closes its eyes in time.

Tony _ Stark saw that the arc pulse gun was useless, and quickly changed his strategy. Since the outside is not good, then attack from the inside!

The thrusters under the feet are fully activated, and two hot flames are ejected from under the feet, carrying strong heat and ejected from the throat of the moved towards giant dragon!

If it is an ordinary monster, he will definitely suffer severe damage under this kind of attack, and he will be forced to open his mouth to release him.

But Tony _ Stark forgot that this giant dragon is a powerful magical creature that can control fire!

The scorching flame of the propeller does not at all cause any damage to it, but it makes it feel a little itchy in its throat. It knows that this little thing in the mouth is tricking the ghost, and immediately mobilizes the flame energy within the body moved towards rushed in the throat!

Tony _ Stark’s leg thrusters were fully activated. At first he didn’t feel at all, but soon, he felt a hot sensation under his feet.

Tony _Stark’s eyes could not help but a hint of doubt flashed, the energy of the thruster was not enough to raise the temperature in this giant dragon’s mouth to the level that he could feel through the battle clothes That’s right!

This familiar feeling is more like…

Tony _Stark remembered the big bird that would breathe fire before, and quickly moved towards giant dragon and looked in his mouth. Through the gap between the sharp teeth, Tony _ Stark was horrified to find that a dazzling flame was accumulating in the giant dragons throat. As the rays of light of the flame became more and more prosperous, the heat from under his feet also stronger!

Damn it!

This giant dragon will also breathe fire!

And it certainly looks much stronger than the big bird before!

Tony Stark has no doubt that if he is shot by this flame, the steel battle clothes will be scrapped, and he will be roasted into a ball of coke along with him!

The self-healing ability should not be able to revive a bunch of coke!

At this critical moment of life and death, Tony _ Stark mobilized all his strength and roared loudly.

“Daddy help!”

Tony _Stark’s screams resounded across the sky, Chen Mo also found the flame brewing in the giant dragon’s throat, and immediately took out the king’s Sword, a teleport appeared beside the giant dragon.

In fact, when this giant dragon appeared, Chen Mo recognized its origin at a glance.

This giant dragon is not the same as the legendary dragon in the West. Although it can fly, it does not have wings. Instead, it flies forward like a rocket, relying on the flames ejected from the back of the body. !

Moreover, its size is more slender, with two slender and curved dragon horns on the top of the head and four sharp claws on the abdomen, making it look more like the Divine Dragon in Eastern mythology!

But Chen Mo knows that this giant dragon that can control the fast flight of flames is neither the Western giant dragon nor the Eastern Divine Dragon, but one of the nine countries, the country of flames. A powerful creature in Sbelheim!

In the movie, this flame giant dragon is a pet of Flame Giant Sirtel, which is tied to a cave underground by a huge chain.

Later, after breaking the chain, the chasing Thor flees everywhere and almost eats him directly. This shows the power of this giant dragon!

However, Chen Mo also specially observed just now. Not at all chains on the neck of this flame giant dragon. I think it should have not been caught by Sulter at this time. It should be chasing just now. That big bird would accidentally break into the earth.

Originally, Chen Mo wanted to see if Tony Stark, who has the protagonist’s halo, could clean up this flame giant dragon, didnt expect this to be a service post that was cleaned up by the flame giant dragon when he met. Dip it in your mouth directly as a snack.

Seeing that Tony _Stark was calling for help, Chen Mo did not continue to wait and see, and immediately shot!

A teleported to the flame giant dragon in the air, Chen Mo directly pierced the long sword in his hand into the body of the flame giant dragon, the giant dragons hard dragon scales were no stronghold one The sword of the king that cannot overcome is pierced, and the entire body of the sword is completely pierced within the body!

Although the size of this flame giant dragon is quite huge, it is still much smaller than the original Chitauri Legions Leviathan giant beast, with a diameter of only two or three meters and one meter long. The blade pierced into the body, and the damage it caused was still very large!

Originally, I was about to spew out flames to bake the hard Tie Family guy in my mouth and eat it, but the sudden pain on my body made this flame giant dragon scream. stand up!


With this roar, a huge flame ejected from the flame giant dragon’s mouth, and as its head swings from side to side, it is hot The flames burned and twisted the surrounding air!

Fortunately, Tony _ Stark reacted quickly. With the opening of dragon’s mouth immediately, Tony _ Stark turned on the power of all the thrusters and moved towards the front!

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