My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1212

From the Hydra Legion of World War II to the powerful alien races that invaded New York, every major crisis that could destroy the world was successfully resolved by Chen Mo, and in the hearts of all people , The commander is like the Great Wall guarding the earth, a rock that stands in front of everyone and can help them resist any danger!

As long as he is there, it seems that all enemies can be defeated even though! No matter how dangerous the situation is, they can feel at ease!

In fact, Chen Mo had already spotted this drone when it was just approaching the University of Greenwich.

But Chen Mo not at all prevents the drone from approaching.

The enemy they have to deal with now is a monster from another world, not a human being.

Through the logo sprayed on the drone, Chen Mo knew that the drone was a television shooting drone. Apart from the high-definition camera below the drone, it is not at all weapons. It is nothing to pose any threat to them and let them photograph them, and it can also comfort the people!

The eight huge space channels above the University of Greenwich must have been broadcasted on TV and known to the whole world, and there will inevitably be a huge panic. At this time, I will appear. For all people, it is undoubtedly a reassurance!

In fact, it is true. As Chen Mo’s silhouette appeared on TV, and he was sitting under the eight space channels, the panic in people’s hearts quickly dissipated!

At the same time, after the climax of the celestial convergence, the phenomenon of celestial aggregation began to turn from prosperity to decline. The eight space channels arranged in a straight line in the sky gradually staggered, and their diameters began to gradually shrink.

On the ground, the number of small space channels has also begun to decrease rapidly. Sylvie Court Academecian looked at the ever-decreasing number of wormholes on the detection device and said excitedly moved towards Chen Mo.

“The wormholes are beginning to decrease! At this speed, it will not take long before the wormholes will all disappear!”

Chen Mo hearing this not at all like Sylvie Court Academecian is just as easy.

In Chen Mo’s view, the number of wormholes is not a problem, and the number of alien creatures crossing over does not matter much. Under normal circumstances, everyone in the Avengers can handle it.

What he is really worried about are the super creatures and top powerhouses hidden in the nine kingdoms!

Chen Mo, who is familiar with the Marvel plot, knows that in addition to the Dark Elves and Asa Divine Race, there are also powerful creatures such as Frost Giant and Flame Giant in the nine kingdoms!

Frost Giant invaded the earth more than a thousand years ago, but was defeated by the Asgard army led by Odin, and then returned to Jotunheim.

At this time, Asgard has just been hit hard. If Frost Giant uses this celestial gathering and space channel to open the opportunity to invade the earth again, Asgard will not be able to support it in a short time!

After all, the Avengers superheroes are limited, and they are barely able to deal with a small number of enemies. If Frost Giant pops out, their role will be very limited. If you cant say Chen Mo, you have to deal with the last time. Chitauri’s remaining nuclear bomb is being thrown at them!

Musbelheims Flame Giant Sirtel is also very powerful, and he will destroy Asgard himself in the future All Gods turn to Dusk!

If he is crossing over to the earth, the damage will be devastating!

In addition to the powerful races and super powerhouses that have appeared in these movies, Chen Mo is not sure if there are other top powerhouses or powerful creatures hidden in the nine kingdoms.

Although in the movie, only the Dark Elf tried to take advantage of this celestial gathering to plunge the entire world into darkness, including Frost Giant and Flame Giant not at all appearing, but what he is in at this time is not a movie after all. It’s the real world, and it’s a world that has been changed a lot by him. Various accidents can happen at any time, and Chen Mo has to be careful!

Actually, Chen Mo is most worried about Hela!

This Odin’s eldest daughter helped Odin conquer the dead Goddess of the nine kingdoms together. Her strength is only below Odin during the peak period. Now Thor simply is not her opponent!

She is now imprisoned by Odin in the underworld. As long as Odin is not dead, she cannot escape.

Its just that Niforheim, one of the nine kingdoms, is connected to the underworld. Chen Mo is not sure if this celestial gathering will happen to affect Odins seal, allowing Hela to escape through Nifore. Heims space channel is coming to earth!

Although this probability is extremely small, Chen Mo has to remain vigilant!

However, Chen Mos worries seem to be a bit redundant. As the celestial bodies continue to weaken, the eight space channels lying in the sky continue to shrink toward the middle, and they have shrunk to less than 100 meters in diameter. The unexpected situation Mo was worried about did not happen at all!

There is neither Frost Giant nor Flame Giant. Except for rare beasts that break in from small wormholes on the ground from time to time and flocks of alien birds flying out in the sky, not at all other powerful The enemy appeared.

Just as the wormhole in the sky shrank to about 50 meters in diameter, and was about to be completely closed, a dark shadow suddenly flew out of one of the Dao Insect holes.

The agent responsible for monitoring the eight Dao Insect caves in the sky zoomed in on the screen captured by the HD camera, but what flew out of the wormhole was a huge bird with a wingspan exceeding five meters. !

Tony Stark just used a high-explosive armor-piercing bomb to solve a monster on the ground that was rampant and similar to a wild boar. He flew into the air again and just noticed the big bird flying out of the wormhole.

“Father, leave this bird to me!”

After Tony _Stark finished speaking, he accelerated the moved towards the space channel and flew over.

Chen Mo didn’t stop him when he saw it. Everyone else was dealing with their own goals. At present, only Tony Stark is idle, or he can only do it himself.

Tony’s speed is much faster than this big bird. The big bird flew out of the wormhole for less than 100 meters before being stopped by Tony!

The appearance of this big bird is similar to that of a vulture, covered with black feathers, a long and slender neck, and sharp claws and beaks.

Seeing the oncoming Tony _Stark, he did not at all choose to turn around and run away. Instead, as if being aroused by ferocity, he continued to rush forward and moved towards Tony _Stark opened his mouth. !

In Tony _Stark’s surprised eyes, a hot flame spurted from the mouth of this big bird, instantly enclosing Tony _Stark in it!

Tony _Stark can’t help but feel fortunate when he sees the sharp rise in the outer temperature on the virtual screen in front of him!

This ugly bird is as capable of spitting flames like Kilian!

Furthermore, the temperature of the flame is a bit hotter than the flame that Kilian sprayed.

Fortunately, Chen Mo asked him to upgrade the battle clothes again and improve the heat insulation system, otherwise he would really not be able to withstand the sudden attack of this hot flame!

If the battle clothes before the upgrade were burned by this flame, the internal temperature would quickly exceed the tolerable limit. Even if he was okay, the control system would be down, and he would be together with the battle clothes , Fell directly from the sky above several hundred meters!

Even if you don’t die by relying on self-healing ability, you will definitely suffer serious injuries!

At this moment, Tony _ Stark is extremely grateful to Chen Mo for his foresight!

The old man is the old man!

He was still in the heart questioning before, except for Kylian, where else would he encounter fire-breathing enemies, but how long it took him to meet him!

Tony _Stark felt guilty for his doubts about Chen Mo before!

In the future, the old man said how to change, he will do it, listen to the old man, it is correct!

Just when Tony _Stark was fantasizing, the big vulture-like bird spit out flames, but also moved towards Tony _Stark and hit it straight!

Tony _ Stark only felt a shock in his chest, and found that the ugly head of the big bird hit his chest, and the flames in his mouth were still entangled in his body and continued to spray. The armor was all burnt red!

Fearing that his armor was burned and fell from the sky to death, Tony _ Stark suddenly opened his arms, hugged the big bird in his arms, and grabbed its slender with his left hand. Squeezing tightly on his neck, the flame from the beak suddenly stopped!

Enraged that this big bird’s unexpected flame attack made him a little embarrassed, Tony _ Stark directly lifted his right hand, and put the arc pulse gun in his palm directly in front of the big bird’s open mouth.

“weng! bang!”

A dazzling white light flashed by, and the big bird’s head in Tony _ Stark’s hand immediately disappeared.

Tony Stark triumphantly loosened the palm of the bird’s neck, and the headless body of the bird fell from the air.

But when Tony _Stark was about to leave, he found that not far ahead, in the shrinking space channel, another dark shadow was rushing out!

Thinking that it was another big fire-breathing bird, Tony _ Stark immediately raised his palm to start storing energy.

He won’t eat the same loss twice, this time, he wants to kill the big bird in one shot before it breathes fire!

But when this black shadow flew out of the wormhole, Tony _ Stark couldn’t help being stared wide-eyed!

This time, the simply flying out of the wormhole is not a big bird, but an extremely ferocious dragon head!

Tony _Stark was taken aback, and instinctively raised his hand and shot it up, but the arc pulse bombarded the giant dragon head, but it only burned out a little bit of black, not at all do any harm to it!

As the dragon head flew out of the space channel, the long body of the great cultivator behind also flew out.

Originally chasing prey, I didnt know how I ran to another space, and I was shot head-on. Although not at all, I felt pain, but this giant dragon couldnt help but look angry. Sweeping towards the guy who was floating not far in front and just launched an attack at it!

Feeling the huge cold eyes of this hideous giant dragon looking towards him, Tony _ Stark couldn’t help but feel cold.

What the hell is this monster!

Leviathan giant beast? Western giant dragon? Eastern Divine Dragon?

I didnt wait for Tony_Stark to understand what kind of giant beast was in front of him. When he found this rare beast and suddenly opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, Tony bit him. _Stark quickly turned on the thrusters, dodged aside at full speed, and avoided.

Standing firmly in the air again, Tony _ Stark’s expression on his face became serious as he watched the huge body that flew quickly by his feet!

This rare beast is so fast!

Moreover, there is a strong flame jet behind it, which seems to have the ability to control flames just like the big bird just now!

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