My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1199

In fact, from his contact with Odin and Malekiss, Chen Mo can also feel their arrogance for their race and strength!

The ability to master such advanced technology may only be due to the accumulation of long enough life. To say that the importance of this kind of technology is the Overlord level of these two universes that have powerful forces. The race is obviously far inferior to weak humans!

But this is a good thing for Chen Mo. If Asa Divine Race and the dark elves really value and develop technology like human beings, they already have powerful strength, plus With the help of extremely advanced technological forces, Chen Mo will have a hard time fighting against them!

If the Golden Palace has sound detection and alert equipment like Hydra and SHIELD bases, even if Chen Mo has teleportation and stealth capabilities, it will be difficult for Chen Mo to leave the dungeon silently, or even pass through The stone gates immediately will be discovered!

If the Dark Elfs battleship were equipped with powerful long-range weapons, they would have already suffered a devastating blow. Even if he could teleport away, Loki and Jane Foster would be hard to escape!

Another result of the dark elves twisting the technology tree is that although their battleship is simple to control, it is still controlled by humans. Not at all, the advanced artificial intelligence equivalent to the technological level of battleship is used as battleship. The control system.

And today’s Jarvis is not ordinary artificial intelligence. The technological level of Transformed Vajra is not weaker than that of the dark elves. The source of fire is comparable to the ultimate treasure of Infinity Gem, which contains infinite mysteries and powerfulness. Ability, after the transformation of the fire source, Jarvis has surpassed the limits of artificial intelligence, even Ultron and Skynet, it is also impossible to be Jarvis’ opponent!

In addition, Chen Mo tried to invade the sharp-edged aircraft that fell in the Palace of the Golden Palace before. The whole process went very smoothly. Now the sharp-edged aircraft is lying quietly in Chen Mos space, becoming One of Chen Mo’s collection!

Usually he plays with small flying knives the size of a dagger. Whenever you can consider trying these giant flying knives produced by dark elves!

Although it is not easy to cut a mountain directly, it is still easy to cut a building and cut an aircraft carrier!

When Jarvis invaded the Dark Elf battleship, Chen Mo stepped onto the bridge. Through a porthole in front, you could just see the silhouette of Thor and the others fighting in the distance!

After Chen Mo teleported away, Thor held up the Thor’s hammer and took the initiative to meet Algorim who was striding forward!

Algorim found Chen Mo disappeared. First he was taken aback. Seeing Thor rushing towards him holding Thors hammer high, Algorim turned his eyes to Loki and Jane. Foster!

Before Thor rushed over, Algorim reached out and took a space grenade from his waist. After activation, they moved towards Loki and threw them over!

Loki has always been very vigilant. Seeing the space grenade thrown by Algorim, his face changed involuntarily, and he quickly turned around and pushed aside Jane Foster who hadn’t reacted. !

But when he wanted to escape, the space grenade had already exploded in midair, forming a two-meter-diameter black hole out of thin air, and powerful suction swept over it!

The dirt on the ground was rolled up from the ground, moved towards the black hole, a large amount of influx, and an intense dust storm formed in an instant. Although Loki, who was very close to the black hole, turned around to escape, he was still a step late , The body was involuntarily sucked from the ground by this powerful force, moved towards the black hole and flew away!

While in midair, he felt that he was getting closer and closer to the black hole. Loki, who was unable to struggle, couldn’t help but wonder why he just pushed Jane Foster away involuntarily!

If it used to be, let alone Jane Foster, a human who has nothing to do with him, even Thor, he would run first without the slightest hesitation, and would never ignore himself Save people in safety.

When did he become so kind?

Because she is his future sister-in-law?

But to say regret, Loki doesn’t seem to feel that way.

Loki couldn’t help but feel confused. Is he still the selfish, indifferent, vicious and vicious Evil God Loki he is familiar with?

Just as Loki’s life hanging by a thread, when his thinking was chaotic, a silhouette wearing a red cloak suddenly flew from the side, holding Loki and rushing out of the gravitational range of the black hole.

But after seeing Algorim throwing a space grenade, Thor quickly turned to rescue.

Originally, he was worried that Jane Foster would not have time to escape, but he didn’t expect anyhow. Loki stepped forward at a critical moment and saved Jane Foster, but saved himself Placed in a dangerous place!

Seeing Loki being sucked in by the suction of the black hole, Thor didn’t care about dealing with Algorim, and hurriedly threw Thor’s hammer and flew over, finally saving Loki in time!

The two bodies broke free from the gravity of the black hole and fell to the ground. The black hole gradually disappeared after absorbing a large amount of mud. Loki looked at Thor, who rescued him by his side, but his heart was chaotic. Could not help but warm up.

Perhaps, this is why he chose to save Jane Foster without hesitation!

Through childhood, Thor has saved him more than once, and after letting go of jealousy and anger, Loki will treat him in the same way, helping him save his lover who is extremely important to him!

The two looked at each other, and they both saw the warmth in each other’s eyes. At this moment, the two of them let go of their previous suspicions, as if they had returned to their closest childhood!

But it is obviously not the time to hug and celebrate. After Algorim threw the space grenade, he moved towards them and continued to walk. Thor, who had just almost lost his beloved woman and brother, turned his hands angrily. The Thor’s Hammer, directly moved towards Algorim and flew over!

His Thor’s hammer is not only flying at an amazing speed, but also powerful enough to smash the rocks into pieces!

So far, no enemy can stop him from the impact of Thor’s Hammer!

But Algorim is obviously stronger than all the enemies he encountered before!

At Frigga’s sleeping quarters, when Algorim was holding the injured Malekis and fled, he was hit in the back by the Thor’s hammer that he threw.

If someone elses bones were broken and broken by the terrifying power of Thors Hammer, he would suffer serious injuries even if he didnt die, but Algorim would only have a crooked figure and a hard back. Jia directly bounced Thor’s hammer into the air, and he himself was unharmed, holding Malkis and escaped smoothly!

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