My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1198

Chen Mo finished speaking quickly. Without waiting for Thor and Loki to speak, he teleported and disappeared in place, and once again appeared on the reclaiming gangway under the dark elf battleship!

Chen Mo released his thoughts and enveloped the entire battleship. The situation in the battleship instantly appeared in Chen Mo’s mind.

At this time, there were only more than 20 dark spirit Spirit Warrior soldiers left in the battleship. Most of them were concentrated in the control room at the top of the battleship. Chen Mo did not stop at all, and the silhouette disappeared again in an instant and moved to the control room. in!

The dark elves who stayed behind in the battleship have just received a message from Algorim, and learned that their leader Malekis is dead, and there is no hope of reviving the dark elves. At Algorims order Next, they are preparing to launch a suicide attack in a battleship, perish together with these enemies who killed Malkis and destroyed their last hope!

Its just that they just started to retract the gangway and prepare to start the battleship, but suddenly a tall silhouette appeared in the control room. Before the dark elves could react, a dazzling silver sword light was here. Shining in the dim space!

“chi! chi! _”

A sound of sharp blades piercing the body sounded in the silent space, and the dark spirit Spirit Warrior soldiers had not had time to react , Was cut by Chen Mo!

However, the twenty-odd dark spirit Spirit Warrior soldiers in the control room were not gathered together. No matter how fast Chen Mo was, he couldn’t kill them all in an instant, but the dark spirits outside still reacted. , Facing the powerful enemy that appeared out of thin air, someone directly reached out and touched the space grenade on the waist!

But Chen Mo knows the formidable power of the space grenade. This is the only weapon that can pose a threat to him, so he has always been guarding against this. Under the cover of thought power, no one’s actions can escape. His perception.

Seeing someone touch the space grenade, Chen Mo immediately teleported to the opponent and cut off his head with a sword!

Immediately, Chen Mo did not stop, and again swung his sword to kill the other dark elves. He was wearing steel battle clothes and holding the sword of the king. These ordinary dark spirit Spirit Warrior soldiers are simply not his one. Enemy, only to be slaughtered by him!

Anyone who stretches his hand to a space grenade will be hit by his teleportation. Before they can touch the grenade, they will be killed by Chen Mo. No one can pose any threat to him. !

The silhouette of Chen Mo kept flashing in the control room, and the sword light of silver swayed everywhere. In a blink of an eye, all the dark spirit Spirit Warrior soldiers in the control room were all killed by him!

But Chen Mo not at all stopped, and the silhouette disappeared into the control room again.

A few seconds later, Chen Mos silhouette reappeared, but the remaining dark elves in the other parts of the battleship were also eliminated. This dark elves battleship was captured by Chen Mo in just a short time. Complete occupation within one minute!

Standing among the corpses of the dark elf, Chen Mo raised his hand and took out his customized mobile phone from the space, moved towards the main console and threw it away.

The phone quickly deformed in the air, and when it landed on the console, it turned into a black robot twenty centimeters high!

It is Jarvis in the state of miniature deformed Vajra!

“Jarvis, help me control this battleship!”

“Yes, Lord!”

Received Chen Mo’s order, Jarvis bowed his head , Then stepped to a socket on the console and crouched down.

Extend the right hand, and the entire palm of the hand changed in a burst of combination, and it quickly became a special plug, just inserted into the socket in front of him.

Immediately, the rays of light in Jarvis’ eyes flickered. There seemed to be countless data flowing through. At the same time, the scarlet lights inside the battleship flickered slightly.

At this time, the dark elves in the battleship have all been killed by Chen Mo, and there is no need to invade secretly to avoid being discovered, so Jarvis directly started the battleship in the most direct and rude, but also the fastest way. Control the invasion of the system.

Chen Mo is not worried about Jarvis’ safety. Although the Dark Elfs technology is powerful, it is limited to very limited aspects such as spaceship and weapons.

From start to finish, the dark elves did not show any traces of advanced artificial intelligence, including the battleship and the operation of the blade aircraft, which were all manually controlled by the dark spirit Spirit Warrior soldiers.

The dark elves seem to be technologically advanced and possess an extremely advanced space battleship, but in fact, like Asgard in many aspects, they are extremely primordial.

Chen Mo has long discovered that the current or former rulers of these nine countries, although they also mastered extremely advanced technology, in fact have always been relying on their innate Racial talent dominates Nine Realms!

Whether it is Asgard or Dark Elf, technology can be said to be extremely advanced, but at the same time the development is extremely uneven!

For example, Asgard has mastered cutting-edge technologies such as Space Teleportation and energy barriers, but almost all Asgard soldiers use cold weapons in battle, and the aircraft they are equipped with are extremely retro ship-shaped airships!

They can unify Nine Realms by relying on the strong physical fitness and fighting talent of the Asgard people, as well as the divine force mastered by Asgard Divine Race!

Although the dark elves are better than Asgard, battleships, aircraft and energy guns are equipped with a large number of troops, but the battleship and aircraft themselves have very limited attack methods, except for the energy in the hands of the dark spirit Spirit Warrior soldiers. The gun formidable power is almost the same as the energy weapon, the most important attack method is not the formidable power larger long-range energy weapon or the artillery or missile, but the weird physical attack!

In addition to the cockpit, the most important structure of the sharp-edged aircraft is a huge sharp blade that is more than ten meters long. The attack method is like a flying knife.

Although the dark elf battleship is huge in size, strong in defense, and invisibility, the main attack method is also physical attack!

It’s not so much a battleship, it’s more a mothership of bladed aircraft!

And the real strongest battle strength of the dark elves is actually a curse warrior!

At the expense of life, the cursed warrior born after fusing the cursed stone has extremely powerful battle strength, even if it is a cursed warrior turned into an ordinary dark spirit Spirit Warrior soldier, the strength is far beyond that of Asgard Immortal. Palace is an elite fighter at the level of three warriors.

They are the greatest support for the dark elves to rule the nine kingdoms!

Dark elves and Asgard are more like mythological races that accidentally light up the science and technology tree. Mythological power is the core power they really value.

Technology is only used as an aid. Good aircraft and space battleships become flying knives and troop carriers in the hands of the dark elves, while Asgard puts large energy weapons in the lair and becomes An anti-aircraft turret that hasn’t been used once in a thousand years!

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