My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1181

Four sharp-edged aircraft like the one just now detached from the sides of the hull, and no longer concealed their bodies. They flew directly along the Rainbow Bridge towards the Golden Palace at extremely fast speeds. !

In order to sneak in, the aircraft flew very slowly, and Heimdall could catch up. Now the four aircraft have given up camouflage and fly at full speed, and Heimdall has nothing to do and can only watch. Watching the four aircraft moved towards the Golden Palace quickly approaching!

I hope Thor can stop them!

Although Heimdall failed to stop all the aircraft, his timely discovery still gave Asgard’s defensive power time to prepare, and the circle of anti-aircraft turrets around the Golden Palace was ready. Prepared, the soldiers responsible for manipulating are ready!

Four sharp-edged flying Artifact Spirit shuttled between various buildings alive, and soon broke into the range of the anti-aircraft guns, and the several anti-aircraft guns that could be fired immediately opened fire, moved towards disease The four flying vehicles that are flying fast are pouring golden energy beams!

However, the bladed aircraft of these dark elves are very agile. Although the anti-aircraft guns of Asgard are also very advanced and the formidable power is equally good, they still cannot help them.

The four flying Artifact Spirits dodge, rotate, and change their attitudes alive. The more than 20-meter-long blade sometimes stands upright and sometimes flies horizontally. All attacks are avoided, but the speed is not reduced. Quickly approach the center of Asgard!

A flying vehicle that flew in front of the gunfire rushed to the anti-aircraft turret first. The aircraft swept past the turret. The long sharp blade directly cut the turret at the waist, and the towering turret was directly Cut off, collapsed, and fell down together with the anti-aircraft gun above!

The aircraft itself is not at all damaged. The slender blade is so strong that it is not a decoration but a real combat weapon. It was originally used for high-speed cutting!

Four aircraft successively passed through the fire blockade of the anti-aircraft turret, and continued to move towards the Golden Palace unscathed!

Asgard’s airship quickly took off and intercepted.

It’s just that their speed is much slower than that of Dark Elf’s bladed aircraft, and there is a huge gap in flexibility.

The Gatling gun-like weapons on both sides of the airship fired one after another golden energy beam, moved towards the oncoming sharp-edged aircraft shot away, but was dodged by the opponent’s flexible spinning and tossing Come.

As the two sides approached, a sharp-edged aircraft suddenly flew across from the side. The sharp-edged blade directly chopped the airship into two sections and exploded in the air!

The four bladed aircraft just cover each other, and continue to move towards the Golden Palace. The airship is hit by the faster bladed aircraft from time to time, and the number of airships fighting in the sky is rapidly reduced!

A thrown airship circled behind the four rampaging sharp-edged aircraft. Seeing that it could not catch up with the surprisingly fast-edged aircraft, the distance got farther and farther, the airship moved towards the last one. A sharp-edged aircraft launched more than a dozen light bombs with tracking functions.

The speed of the light bombs is capable of catching up to the bladed aircraft, and they can quickly change directions with the tracking function, no matter how the last bladed aircraft rotates, it still fails to avoid all the light bombs. , Hit by most of the light bombs, explode directly in the air!

However, the remaining three bladed aircraft are already not far away from the Golden Palace at this time!

At this moment, on the Rainbow Bridge, Heimdall had quickly returned to the console, holding the giant sword with both hands, and inserted it into the sword slot.

The spherical building of golden lighted up, and in the Golden Palace, in a heavily guarded palace, a gyroscope-like device made of golden metal was quickly starting to turn!

As the device rotates, a golden ball of light quickly forms outside the device.

At the same time, outside the Golden Palace, a huge golden energy shield that just encloses the Golden Palace is slowly spreading upwards, and soon encircled most of the huge Golden Palace. The remaining top area is still exposed!

A sharp-edged aircraft crossed the fuselage and wanted to rush in from the top of the energy shield that was spreading upwards. However, he obviously underestimated the rising speed of the energy shield, just as its fuselage was about to pass through the energy. When it was above the hood, the energy hood spread quickly, just blocking it!

The speed of the blade aircraft was too fast to react, so it hit the energy shield so straight!


The strength of the energy shield is unexpectedly high. The sharp-edged aircraft that can easily smash the turrets and airships, but after hitting the seemingly thin energy shield It exploded directly on the spot, shattered into a pile of parts and scattered, but only a burst of golden light flashed on the energy cover, naturally stable, and simply had no effect!

The sharp-edged aircraft at the front was too close to escape, but the remaining two at the back had time to react, and quickly rose up, flying against the rapidly extending energy cover Go up!

However, as the hole above the energy shield continues to shrink, their aircraft can no longer break in!

The danger of the Golden Palace is temporarily relieved, but the remaining two bladed aircraft did not at all give up and quickly evacuated. Instead, they continued to circulate around the energy shield and the Asgard airship that was catching up, seeming to be waiting What are you doing!

In the Golden Palace, outside the palace where the energy shield is located, a massacre is taking place!

The dozen or so Divine Race guards who were responsible for guarding here were easily tortured and killed by Algorim, who turned into a cursed warrior. A dozen corpses were lying on the ground outside the temple, and their faces were black and dry under the helmets. But all life force was sucked up and turned into a corpse!

Algorim threw the last guard who turned into a corpse to the ground, opened the door, moved towards the running energy shield generator and strode up.

Standing in front of the golden ball of light, Algorim, who knew that the bladed aircraft was blocked, did not stop at all. He directly raised his arms, just like when he broke the dungeon energy barrier before, moved towards the golden in front of him. The light ball hit it so hard!

The dazzling golden light ball was directly smashed, and huge energy burst out directly. The extremely fast rotating energy shield broke down directly, and the huge explosion directly enveloped the entire palace!

Algorim’s tall and powerful silhouette was also directly lifted off by this strong explosion, and hit the palace wall fiercely, but his body was not at all hurt.

When the fire dissipated, Algorim glanced at the messy palace and the energy shield generator that had been completely destroyed, then turned and walked out with satisfaction.

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