My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1180

But before she raised her hand, she saw a ripple flashing across Chen Mo’s body, but his figure quickly disappeared on the stone platform, together with the black armor and silver sword , All disappeared, only a fruit plate in the corner remained on the stone platform, and no one was standing on it!

Frigga was surprised at first, and then he couldn’t help but show a smile on his face. It seems that this earthling who is regarded as a friend by Thor is really something unusual, and understands her weak and weak Ordinary earthlings are completely different!

But Frigga is not at all, so he thinks how strong Chen Mo is and does not expect Chen Mo to help much, but Frigga has enough confidence in his own strength. Unless the enemy is stronger than Odin, she is not afraid!

After telling Chen Mo not to act blindly without thinking, Frigga waved his hand, and a “Jane Foster” appeared on the steps beside the stone platform, which looked no different from Daoist, at least Naked eye can’t tell the truth from the fake.

However, Chen Mo’s mental power can perceive that “Jane Foster” sitting on the stone steps is just an illusory shadow that’s all composed of energy.

Looking at the Illusion Technique Avatar who is exactly the same as the daoist in every move, Chen Mo has to sigh that Friggas Illusion Technique is indeed very powerful. It can be fake and true. No wonder Loki can rely on Frigga to teach him. Illusion Technique, deceived Thor again and again.

For people who have no power of mind, they cannot see through this Illusion Technique at all. Being deceived is as it should be by rights.

Chen Mo and Frigga quickly prepared for defense in the palace, Odin was still leading his troops to the dungeon, and Thor had been fighting in the dungeon for a while. Hundreds of escaped prisoners were blocked in the dungeon by Asgard soldiers and Thor who had come to support them.

However, due to the small space in the dungeon and the large number of prisoners, it is impossible to solve them all at once. Thor can only lead the guards to advance step by step, but he is finally in Cell No. 1 Tianzi Seeing the only Loki who has not escaped from prison and is still in the cell, he can’t help but sighed in relief.

At this time, in the golden ball-shaped building at the end of the Rainbow Bridge, Heimdall was still standing on the console with his sword in both hands, not at all leaving because of the alarm from the Golden Palace.

His duty is to guard the Rainbow Bridge, while guarding the outermost periphery of Asgard!

As long as it is not a real critical moment, Heimdall will not leave Rainbow Bridge easily!

However, Heimdall became vigilant when he heard the sirens indicating that something went wrong in the dungeon, and Thor’s warning yesterday could not help but surfaced in his mind.

He doesn’t think this is just a coincidence!

Not long after the dungeon alarm sounded, Heimdall, who had been on guard, finally discovered the anomaly!

Although his eyes don’t see anything at all, his equally keen ears heard a very faint sound, like the sound of some kind of engine running!

The place where the sound comes from is right next to the Rainbow Bridge!

Heimdall quickly guessed that someone was trying to sneak into Asgard quietly!

Listening to the sound passing over his location, the moved towards behind Asgard flew away, Heimdall complexion changed immediately turned and moved towards the rainbow bridge and ran over!

Maybe to avoid the air breaking sound during high-speed flight exposing their existence, so the other party is not moving fast. Heimdall’s hearing tracks the position of the sound and runs wildly along the rainbow bridge. They chased it up!

Jumping from the bridge deck of the Rainbow Bridge to the left side of the oblique-stayed jib, Heimdall ran up the inclined jib, and did not stop after rushing to the highest point, but quickly pulled out The two short swords behind the waist immediately jumped up, moved towards the seemingly empty sky outside the Rainbow Bridge and rushed over!

Flying more than ten meters in the air, Heimdall raised the two short swords in his hands and moved towards the front stabbing.

Along with the sound of two metal tearing, Heimdalls falling body can be eaten, but the position where the two daggers in his hand stabbed suddenly rippled. A dark shell was exposed!

As the ripples spread rapidly, the thing that tried to sneak into Asgard finally revealed its full picture, but it was a high-tech aircraft that was more than 20 meters high and completely dark, like a black blade!

Heimdalls two daggers pierced the solid armor of the aircraft, and as Heimdalls body slid down, the two daggers also cut two lengths on the aircraft shell. The long crack, the structure inside is destroyed, has burned.

The raging flames, accompanied by billowing smoke, emerged from the damage!

But the flying attitude of the aircraft was not at all affected by this, and it still moved towards the center of Asgard and flew away. Obviously, not at all suffered devastating damage.

Heimdall hung on the outer shell of the aircraft, glanced down at the engine position under the aircraft where the hot red light was emitted, and then released the dagger in his left hand, and the body that had stopped sliding down again moved towards the lower part. .

Carefully adjusted his body shape, his two-handed dagger controlled the direction of the slide, and finally Heimdalls left-handed sword hung on the side of the main structure of the aircraft, and the engine that radiated hot energy was there. Not far in front of him!

Raising the right hand, Heimdall moved the short sword in his hand towards the engine and threw it in!


A fierce flame burst out of the engine, and the flying attitude of the aircraft quickly began to lose control!

Heimdall looked down at the Rainbow Bridge below, made a decisive decision, and quickly jumped from the aircraft.

His body was still in the air, and the aircraft began to explode one after another, and moved towards the downward direction and fell down!

When Heimdall landed on the Rainbow Bridge, he just stood up, and the exploding aircraft crashed on the Rainbow Bridge and continued to burn.

Not at all people in the aircraft came out, apparently all died in the explosion!

Heimdall could not help but gasp as he watched the crashed aircraft in front of him. The series of actions just now took place in a very short period of time. He also used his full strength to get close to the two short swords in time. Shoot it down!

But when Heimdall was sighed in relief, he noticed a slight engine sound similar to the one he had just heard, but a louder sound came from behind him.

Heimdall couldnt help turning around, but saw the sky at the end of the Rainbow Bridge, a ripple passing by, a black T-shaped spaceship much larger than the aircraft that was destroyed just now was passing the waterfall at the end of the Rainbow Bridge The next slowly rose up.

This huge spaceship floats in the air, blocking most of the light in the sky. The energy engine in the center of the spaceship emits dazzling red rays of light, like a blood day!

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