My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1178

Three pairs of long horns on both sides of the head protrude outwards, on both sides of the cheeks, two ivory-curved fangs extend out, wrapping the entire chin, and waiting behind the shoulders. The place is covered with thick and long spikes, which look like rare beast, hideous and terrifying!

After the transformation, the violent pain has completely disappeared, and replaced by the seemingly infinite power surging within the body!

Algorim glanced at a few prisoners who had been shaken to the ground, stepped forward and grabbed one of them by the neck, lifted him up, and pressed him against the energy barrier!

The energy barrier of the prison cell is not only extremely strong, but also has a certain counterattack ability against foreign attacks. The prisoners face was fiercely pressed against the energy barrier by Algorim, triggering the energy barrier. Even seeing a dazzling golden energy light curtain clearly appeared at the door of the cell.

And the prisoner screamed desperately under the burning of this hot energy barrier!

At this moment, two dungeon guards heard the sound and ran over. They stood outside the cell and looked surprised at the screaming prisoner and the monster behind Algorim. They could not help but clenched tightly. The weapon in his hand is on guard!

The cursed warrior Algorim ignored the screams of his captives, looked at the fully exposed golden energy barrier, his eyes swept across the two dungeon guards who were waiting outside, and then raised his sturdy arms. , Clenched his fists, and suddenly moved towards the energy barrier in front of him and blasted past!

In the incredible gaze of the two guards, any prisoner can be blocked so that they cannot escape. The extremely strong energy barrier, in the hands of Algorim who has become a cursed warrior, has no The difficulty is broken!


The dazzling golden energy barrier burst open, and the prisoner whose head was attached to it was suddenly burnt, and the mournful scream came to an abrupt end. .

Throwing away the dead “prisoner”, Algorim strode out of the cell.

The two dungeon guards looked at Algorim who had escaped from prison, and immediately waved the long sword and lance in their hands, moving towards Algorim and rushed up!

The body of the long sword and the tip of the lance are all lit up with a dazzling white light, which is obviously not an ordinary cold weapon.

The long sword, shield and lance in their hands are all standard weapons of the Asa Divine Race soldiers. They seem ordinary, but in fact they are all advanced magic weapons. Swords and spears can emit energy to enhance attack power during battle. , Destructive power is not inferior to thermal weapons, and shields can stimulate energy shields, which can receive attacks from energy weapons!

Each of this weapon is called Divine Weapon, and it can be easily cut when cut on a rock, but at this time, under the full attack of the two people, it is not at all. Destructive power as usual!

The long sword was slashed right on Algorims shoulder, but only a little bit was cut in, and it was jammed by the hard shell of the body, and it couldnt be cut in or pulled out. !

Moved towards Algorim’s abdomen stabbing Lance was completely blocked, and he simply didn’t hurt him.

Algorim then slapped the arms of the two of them casually, and immediately pinched the necks of the two with one hand, and lifted them up slowly.

Under his overwhelming power, the two of them were actually there’s no resistance, and they could only be lifted in the air by him, struggling weakly.

But then, with the scarlet rays of light shining on Algorim’s hands, the faces of the two dungeon guards instantly lost their blood, turned into a green, and It quickly shrivelled and withered, turning into two corpses in a blink of an eye!

The life force of the two was directly absorbed by him!

Throwing the bodies of the two guards to the ground, Algorim waved his hand and knocked the long sword embedded in his shoulders into the air. Then he began to break the energy barriers of other cells one by one, The prisoners inside were all released!

His purpose is to create chaos from within, distract Asgard’s attention, and make them unable to respond in time to the subsequent raid of the dark elves!

This dungeon is located under the Golden Palace. After these prisoners are released, they can just help him create chaos!

The defenses in the dungeon were originally very strong. The prisoners inside were simply impossible to escape, so there were not many guards at ordinary times, and they were all killed by Algorim soon, and before the support arrived, He opened all the prison cells and released all the hundreds of prisoners inside!

If you want to rely on these prisoners to capture the Golden Palace, it is naturally impossible, but it is also enough to disrupt the defense of the Golden Palace, so that they have no time to take care of them!

Algorim walked all the way from the deepest part of the dungeon, breaking all the cells holding the prisoners, but when he came to the last cell at the entrance of the dungeon, he found it inside only one person!

And unlike the other prisoners in a mess, shouting and screaming, the man inside is neatly dressed, with a calm expression, standing behind the energy barrier and looking at him with a smile, it doesnt look like being imprisoned. Prisoners here.

Algorim stared at him for a while, then he didn’t at all break the energy barrier and let him out.

Just when Algorim turned around to leave the dungeon, Loki, the only one in the entire dungeon who was still locked in the cell, was looking at the direction he was going and suddenly reminded him.

“You should take the stairs on the left!”

Algorim hearing this, who was about to go to the right, couldn’t help but turned his head and glanced at Loki. He hesitated, or Reverse the direction, and move towards the left staircase as Loki said!


Just as Chen Mo and Frigga were talking in the garden, a horn suddenly sounded in the direction of the Golden Palace.

Frigga frowned as he listened to the voice.

“Something went wrong in the dungeon!”

Thor hearing this is also expression changed.

“Loki is inside!”

Although he personally caught Loki back, Thor cares about Loki no less than Jane Foster.

But Chen Mo just said that the dark elves are likely to launch an attack today, but the dungeon happened at this time, and Thor has to suspect that it has something to do with the dark elves!

Just when Thor was hesitant to go there, Frigga, who was also worried about Loki’s accident, said.

“Go ahead, I will take care of her!”

Thor did not leave directly, but turned his head and looked towards Chen Mo.

Knowing that happened in the dungeon and so on Chen Mo moved towards Thor nodded, said solemnly.

“Don’t worry, I will guarantee her safety!”

With the protection of Chen Mo and Frigga, Thor is more assured of Jane Foster’s safety.

Although Frigga is best at Illusion Technique, his own battle strength is also not weak. It is a bit worse than Odin and Thor, but it is not weaker than Immortal Palace Three Warriors and Sif!

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