My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 1177

Not far away, a middle-aged woman wearing a long skirt and soft armor with a noble and elegant temperament also saw them, and immediately walked towards them with a smile.

Thor first introduced her to two people around her.

“Jane Foster and the commander!”

Thor looked towards Chen Mo and Jane Foster, and said sternly.

“This is Frigga, the queen of Divine Realm, my mother!”

Jane Foster was suddenly surprised, she didn’t expect Thor to bring What they saw was his mother, which made the unprepared Jane Foster a little nervous.

Some complaining quietly glanced at Thor next to him, secretly blamed him for not saying clearly in advance, then quickly put his hands in front of him, moved towards Frigga who was standing in front of them, smiling at her nodded said hello.


Frigga looked at the beautiful Jane Foster wearing an Asgard dress, nodded with a smile, obviously looking for his son This earth girlfriend is not as opposed to Odin. On the contrary, she seems very satisfied with her look.

And Chen Mo, who had been loyal to Odin before, also moved towards Frigga nodded.

At this time, Chen Mo not at all was wearing steel battle clothes. Frigga looked at Chen Mo, who had a young face but a very calm temperament, and smiled nodded to him.

Immediately, Frigga turned his head and looked towards his son, and asked.

“Thor, what can I do for you?”

Thor said to her with a straight face.

“Mother, I need your help!”


Thor was about to tell Frigga all about the etheric particles and Malekis However, Frigga was not as arrogant as Odin, and soon realized the seriousness of the problem, and immediately looked at Thor with a serious face and asked.

“How do you want me to help you?”

Thor not at all mentions the mobilization of the army. Although Frigga is the queen of Asgard, he does not have the right to command the army.

Looking at Frigga, Thor said with a serious face.

“The dark elves may attack Asgard at any time, and it is likely to be today!”

“I need you to help me protect Jane Foster and prevent her from being taken by Maleki Snatch it!”

Frigga not at all doubted her son, and didn’t ask too much. She knew Thor would not be alarmist, and it must have a certain basis.

Frigga immediately glanced at Jane Foster, nodded said.

“No problem! I will protect her!”

And while the four were talking in the garden, in the dungeon under the Golden Palace, one was held In the cell of the robber prisoner who was just escorted back yesterday, a tall man with a fierce helmet with horns and fangs on his head, wearing a leather armor, a robust man who looked no different from other robbers walked to the cell alone Innermost.

Through the special communication device of the dark elf, it is confirmed that Malekis has reached the periphery of Asgard and is ready. Algorim, disguised as a robber captive, faces the transparent energy barrier with his body behind him. The gazes of other prisoners and patrolling guards in the corridor.

Gritting his teeth and enduring the severe pain, he put his hand into the bleeding wound on his stomach, and took out the cursed stone hidden in his stomach!

Holding the cursed stone completely stained with blood in his hand, Algorim couldn’t help but hesitate.

Although the cursed stone can turn people into a powerful cursed warrior, and the strength is raised to a terrifying point, it is not without a price!

The incomparable power obtained by cursing warriors is at the cost of the rapid loss of life force, and this process is irreversible and cannot be stopped!

As long as he uses the cursed stone and transforms into a cursed warrior, his life will enter the countdown!

But when he decided to accept this task, Algorim was ready to sacrifice!

As long as he can regain the etheric particles and revive the dark elves, his sacrifice is worth it!

Algorim immediately stopped hesitating, and squeezed the Cursed Stone tightly!

A scorching sensation came from the palm of his hand, and the intense pain immediately drowned him!

The prisoners behind him were all in a boring daze. The movement on Algorim’s side quickly attracted their attention.

Immediately they were horrified to discover that one after another dazzling red light was pouring out of his within the body, like lava spreading around his body, the leather armor and The helmet was melted and burned in an instant!

Several prisoners were horrified when they saw this strange scene, and they rushed to the energy barrier and beat them hard, shouting at the same time, asking the guards to let them out.

In cell No.1 Tianzi at the entrance of the dungeon, Loki was lying on the bed and playing with his cup boredly, but his mind was always thinking about yesterday.

He knows that what he said under impulsive anger yesterday broke Frigga’s heart. While regretting in his heart, he hates Odin even more!

While he was thinking about how to comfort Frigga, there was a loud noise in his ears, and the lights in the cell suddenly dimmed. It seemed that the energy of the dungeon was affected. Interference!

Loki, who felt something was wrong, immediately caught the cup that had fallen from the air, and quickly got up and walked to the energy barrier.

The voice came from the depths of the dungeon, and Loki couldn’t help but think of the silhouettes of the prisoners who had just been taken in yesterday. It seems that someone hit the idea on Asgard!

Listening to the louder and louder sounds from the depths of the dungeon, the guards in the corridor moved towards the inside and rushed in. Loki couldn’t help but look forward to it. These guys had better bring Odin a little more trouble. !

At this time, Algorim in the cell is undergoing terrible changes!

Puffs of black smoke emerged from him and fell to the ground, covering the entire cell floor.

The body has also been completely covered by red light, and the whole person seems to have become a hot rock wrapped in lava. Under intense pain, Algorim knelt on the ground, beating the ground like crazy , The hard cell floor was hit and cracked directly!

At the same time, his body is also being raised and enlarged a little bit. Bone spurs have emerged from his body in the lava surging on his body!

When the red light on the body surface gradually dissipated, Algorim stood there roar towards the sky, his eyes flashed tyrannical and cruel!

At this time, Algorim has completely changed his appearance. Under the transformation of the cursed stone, his tall figure has become more burly and majestic, even more powerful than the strong robbers in the cell. To be a lot higher.

The helmet with fangs originally worn on the head has been melted and burned, but his head itself has become more hideous than that helmet!

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