My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 113

Seeing that the little girl was about to be trampled on by the horse’s iron hoof, many people shouted anxiously, and many closed their eyes unbearably.

Fortunately, Chen Mo has slowed down since entering the workshop area. The horse is only jogging in small steps, not at all sprinting at high speed.

Seeing the little girl’s headless moved towards the war horse ran over, Chen Mo quickly took the reins.

The black horse under the seat of Chen Mo has been strengthened by serum, reacts swiftly, and moves quickly. It feels Chen Mo’s instructions. Even though his limbs start to slow down, he stops in time before stepping on the little girl. .


Received the news that Chen Mo was coming over in advance, the workshop Chief-In-Charge Kane arrived slowly, but happened to see it. In this thrilling scene, I didn’t even bother to salute Chen Mo, hurriedly shouted the little girl’s name and ran forward and hugged her.

Checked up and down carefully and found that the little girl was not at all injured, and finally sighed in relief. Only then did he remember that Chen Mo was still here, and quickly put the little girl down, moved towards Chen Mo bowed and saluted.

“Sir Lord!”

Chen Mo looked at the little girl standing next to Old Kane with some doubts, carrying a white linen in her left hand for sewing At this time, she was biting the finger of the other hand with a face of not knowing what to do, tilting her head and looking at Chen Mo riding on the high war horse.

Seeing Chen Mo’s doubts, Old Kane quickly explained.

“Sir Lord, this is my granddaughter, Selena. His father Bert also works in the workshop and is responsible for the manufacture of watches.”

nodded, Chen Mo I have some impressions of Bert, that he successfully created the clock drawings he drew. He is a very talented young man.

Release the doubts in his mind for the time being, Chen Mo explained his intention to Kane. He came here this time to build the dungeon where William was imprisoned. William’s damage was too great and he must be held tightly.

When Chen Mo said that the source of the werewolf disaster was successfully captured by the Knight regiment, Kane was excited and quickly said that his son Bert was the best candidate.

Bert likes to study sophisticated mechanisms and traps. He is very obsessed with the clock drawings given by Chen Mo. He tried to study neglect sleep and forget about food, and finally successfully produced it. At the same time, he He is proficient in forging, locks and construction, and is currently the most suitable candidate for dungeon construction.

Chen Mo has no objection to Kanes recommendation. Chen Mo can still trust his words. Bert was responsible for the construction of the prison where William was held. He just decided on a candidate. Chen Mo looked towards Little Girls Match Linna’s eyes were even more strange, it seemed that there was something inexplicable.

Looking at Selena, Chen Mo suddenly thought that vampires need not only powerful fighters, but also Scholars and scientists. The craftsmen in the workshop have been working hard for him. He has made a lot of contributions to the territory, and his loyalty has not said that he should be rewarded.

Just do it if you think about it, Chen Mo immediately ordered Kane to gather all the craftsmen and family members of the whole workshop together. He had something to say.

Chen Mo’s order was quickly executed. Soon, the entire workshop with more than 300 people, men, women, and children gathered on a clearing in the center of the workshop, looking excitedly Chen Mo riding on a tall war horse in front of him.

Feeling the admiration and eager gaze of everyone below, Chen Mo said slowly while he was secretly nodded.

“You have been in the workshop all these years, working for me. I know what you have done.”

“Now, I ask you.”

“Would you like to work for me forever and never see the sun again in your life?”

Faced with Chen Mo’s question, the craftsmen below did not at all think too much, shouting together Tao.


“We do!”

Everyone present remembers very clearly what they were like before .

It is Sir Lord who protects them from the killing of werewolves and allows them to live a comfortable life without worrying about food and clothing. Compared with the sun, they are more afraid of hunger, cold and death, and can work for Sir Lord. It is even more of an honor for civilians like them. This kind of opportunity is not available to anyone who wants it.

The tens of thousands of people in the entire territory, apart from hundreds of powerful and noble Lord Knights, only these people are qualified to work for Sir Lord.

“We are willing to be loyal to Sir Lord as soon as possible!”

Chen Mo’s gaze swept across everyone’s face, only to find that everyone agrees with him from the heart, and his eyes are extremely sincere.

Even the children, although they don’t quite understand Chen Mo’s words, but under the precepts and deeds of their parents, the gaze looking towards Chen Mo is full of gratitude, awe and strong worship.

They know that its all because of Sir Lord that they dont need to be hungry and cold anymore. Everyday all can eat and wear warmth. Its also because Sir Lord killed all terrifying werewolves that they can every day. Have fun playing.

Seeing everyone’s willingness, Chen Mo slowly nodded.

“Very good, then today, I will deprive you of the right to live in the sun, but at the same time, I will give you strength and eternal life!”


Following the Knight regiment, Chen Mo ordered Marcus to transform everyone in the workshop into a vampire. The workshop was moved into the huge cave on the mountainside of the castle, which was safer and more concealed than before.

Now that both Marcus and William are in the hands of Chen Mo, Alexander Covinus is likely to be hidden in his territory, or even near the castle.

After all, after hiding in the dark and wiping the ass of two sons for hundreds of years, Alexander Covinus’s method of hiding is still very powerful.

When he arrested William before, Chen Mo always paid attention to the surrounding movement, but never found anything. It can be seen that either his concealment method is strong enough to escape Chen Mos perception, or he was far away. To avoid it.

The former is not very probable. After all, he doesn’t know that Chen Mo has abnormal perception ability. Impossible prepares in advance to avoid Chen Mo’s perception.

Then there is only one possibility. The sophisticated Alexander Covinus has long discovered Chen Mo’s horror, and he is unwilling to have direct contact with Chen Mo and chose to take the initiative to avoid it.

I dont know if he has left Chen Mos territory. If he has left Chen Mos territory, it will be very difficult to find him again.

Without delay, Chen Mo mobilized all the power in his hands and began a comprehensive search in the territory.

The power of the Knights of Vampires and Chamber of Commerce were all mobilized. Every piece of land in the entire territory was searched through a dragnet, but they were never found, even a little bit. No traces were left.

Chen Mo is certain that Alexander Covinus has definitely been to his territory, but it is very likely that something was found after the search operation started, and he quickly evacuated Chen Mos territory, even possibly He had discovered the powerful power in Chen Mo’s hands a long time ago, and has already left.

Although Alexander Covinus didnt have the heart to kill his two sons after they became monsters, he let them go, and kept solving the mess they left behind for them, but he was actually more Most of them do not want them to destroy the human world.

In the movie, William was locked up by Victor. He did not save him, but chose to hide and wait.

Actually, Chen Mo didnt expect him to appear. He just wanted to lead him into the territory, and then use his hand to find him out, but he didnt expect him to be so alert and cautious, and his ability to hide It is also so strong, silently escaped the dragnet search, disappear without a trace.

But Chen Mo is not discouraged. Since this method has not succeeded, he will continue with other plans. Anyway, he has time. It is only a matter of time to find him. He is not in a hurry.

The territorial expansion, which had been stagnant for a long time, started again. Under the direction of the soldiers of the incomparable vampire Knight regiment, new territories were captured, and the lords who had just been sighed in relief could not help but become Everyone is in danger.

Many lords who claim to love their people actively surrender to Chen Mo in exchange for the preservation of life, freedom and wealth, and become rich with peace of mind, and those who are capable are also reused under Chen Mo , Joined the management and construction of Chen Mo’s vast territory.

As for those who have ghosts in their hearts to choose to resist, without exception, they are directly and strongly destroyed by the vampire Knight group, and they can’t stop the slightest progress of Chen Mo. The entire territory expands in all directions at a very fast speed.

Time passed quickly in the battle of the Knight regiment. With the roar of the horse’s iron hooves, three years passed in an instant.

Three years later, Chen Mo has occupied most of the European continent, but he has never found a trace of Alexander Covinus.

At this time, the European continent, except for the British, Irish, and Icelandic islands located on the surrounding sea, the entire western part of Europe is almost completely under the rule of Chen Mo, and now only the last one is located in Europe The westernmost part of the mainland is still fighting.

The location here is the future of Portugal. It is located at the westernmost point of the Iberian Peninsula and also the westernmost point of the entire European continent. To the west of this territory is the endless Atlantic Ocean.

When Chen Mos Knight regiment broke through the last castle blocking them, and wiped out the last lord who persisted in resistance, after occupying the last piece of land, Chen Mo took After the battle, the Knight regiment passed through the castle and came to a cliff behind the castle, adjacent to the sea.

This narrow cliff is more than one hundred and forty meters high from the sea. Standing here, you can see the infinite and vast ocean in the distance. The entire continent seems to be behind you. This is the westernmost part of the European continent. Roca from the side.

Standing on the edge of the cliff, Chen Mo and the others moved towards the sea, and saw a huge sailing boat sailing towards the depths of the sea to the west.

“Alexander Covinus!”

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