My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 112

Another village was destroyed by William, the ancestor of the werewolf, completely turned into ruins.

After Chen Mos order was issued, the Knight regiment moved quickly. Andrew and Victor and the others led the Knights to follow the traces left by William, and launched a search in the vicinity. Miria led her Knight to burn the dead civilians killed by William.

“Divide into two teams and pour the oil on them. Before they deform, they must all be burned!”

If these corpses are not processed in time, they will all be transformed soon Into a werewolf.

Marcus drove his horse to Chen Mo’s side.

“We can’t hurt him!”

Looking at Chen Mo’s posture, Marcus is very worried that Chen Mo will directly kill William.

“I promised you, didn’t I? But William must be controlled!”

“I will never allow this to happen again!”

Chen Mo’s voice is cold and decisive!

Marcus stopped talking, and was about to lead his Knights to find William, but Chen Mo stopped him.


“Stay with me!”

Chen Mo doesn’t believe that Marcus will obey his orders.

Marcus didn’t dare to disobey Chen Mo’s orders, so he stayed unwillingly and watched Amelia’s Knight search the corpses from house to house, and poured them all into oil and burned them.

This village is not large, with a population of less than 100 people. Hundreds of Knights under Amelias command quickly searched the village for half of the time. All the bodies found were set ablaze and soon burned. A pile of coke.

But as time went by, the remaining villagers’ bodies began to undergo corpse transformation, and quickly turned into hideous and tall werewolves.

However, they have not been able to make too many waves. These newly transformed werewolves are not the opponents of the powerful vampire Knight at all. At best, they just added a little trouble to their cleanup operations, and they still cant escape being caught. The fate of beheaded and burned.

Just as the Knights under Amelia killed these newly transformed werewolves, a Knight who was searching for William suddenly rushed back.

“We found him!”

Chen Mo hearing this A sharp light flashed in his eyes, and he glanced at the dilapidated village with flames everywhere, coldly said.


After speaking, Chen Mo pulled on the reins and drove the horse to follow the Knight moved towards where he found William rushed over.

Marcus’s eyes flashed with deep concern, and he quickly followed along.

Chen Mo followed the Knight to a forest not far from the village. In the circle of dozens of Knights, one of them was covered in white hair, which was stronger than the ordinary werewolves they had encountered before. The taller and stronger werewolf was roaring constantly.

Only facing the fully armed vampire Knight, for a while, it couldn’t escape their surroundings at all.

Special crossbow arrows specially made to capture werewolves with chains attached to the back.

This kind of crossbow arrow is launched by a powerful crossbow. Once it penetrates the werewolfs body, the arrow part will automatically open and be firmly stuck on the werewolfs body. Knights only need to pull the The iron chain can control the werewolf shot from a long distance.

Now this huge werewolf has several such crossbow arrows stuck in his body, several iron chains are pulled by Knight, and several iron chains are tied to the trunk of the big tree. Being firmly controlled in place, there is no way to break free.

Marcus, who was following Chen Mo, also saw the scene in the field, and quickly jumped off his horse and rushed up.


“Dont hurt him!”

Marcuss face was full of anxiety, he stopped him loudly, but was there Knight didn’t at all pay attention to what he said, and still pulled hard on the chain in his hand.

The werewolf roared in pain, struggling constantly, trying to break free from the shackles of his body.

Marcus was furious when he saw this.

“Stop! You will kill him!”

Marcus rushed forward, pushing away a vampire Knight who was pulling the chain hard, and then He pulled out the long sword from his waist and looked towards the other Knights on the side.

The other vampire Knight next to him immediately turned the crossbow arrow in his hand to point at him, and the Knight pushed away by him also pulled out the long sword and stared at him with a murderous aura.

Victor, who directed the scene, glanced at Marcus and waved the long sword in his hand.


The two Knights on the side stared him firmly, and with Victors warning, Marcus didnt dare anymore. to act blindly without thinking, can only watch the field anxiously.

Under Victor’s order, the vampire Knights pulled on the chains in their hands. A Knight raised the crossbow arrow in his hand and aimed at the calf of the giant werewolf.

In Marcus’s worried gaze, the Knight buckled the crossbow, and the sharp crossbow bolt flew out with a long chain, accurately hitting the werewolf’s ankle.

After the crossbow bolt passed through the ankle, the mechanism of the head bounced away instantly and stuck firmly on its leg.

The other Knight next to him hurriedly stepped forward to help. Together, they finally pulled the chain and pulled the giant werewolf to the ground.


Marcus yelled in a heartache, this huge white werewolf is the twin brother he grew up with and has a very good relationship. William the ancestor of the werewolf!


Chen Mo walked from behind Marcus with a calm face and scolded him sternly.

Marcus hearing this turned and looked towards Chen Mo and said angrily.

“You shouldn’t hurt him!”

“According to our agreement, give him to me!”

“Otherwise, you will Break your promise and pay the price!” Hearing Marcus’s threat, Chen Mo flashed a fierce light in his eyes, staring at him with murderous aura and said.

“Then you will know your fate!”

“Your sympathy for this wild beast is simply stupid!”

” Your brother is completely out of control!”

“Things have to proceed according to my method!”

Seeing Chen Mo so determined, Marcus is afraid that he will kill William directly.

“You know exactly what the outcome will be if you kill me or William.”

Marcus once said that once he or William die, all their descendants will die.

Although Chen Mo had always killed the werewolves before, but since some time ago, the crossbow bolts specially used to capture the werewolves were made, Chen Mo also began to take the rest after the battle was set. The werewolf captured it back.

Of course, Chen Mo’s capture of these werewolves is not like in the movie, to protect vampires who are afraid of the sun and can only hide in the dark during the day.

With armor that can completely block the sun, there is simply no need for this. Chen Mo captures the werewolves to hone his fighting skills.

These werewolves are very powerful and fast. They dont have any reason and only know how to kill wildly. Every time they attack, they do their best. A sufficient number of werewolves can bring some pressure to Chen Mo and play a fighting skill. effect.

Furthermore, the werewolf physique is strong and has a strong recovery ability. As long as it is not fatally injured, it can recover quickly. It is the best partner for training.

When Chen Mo finally started to capture the werewolves, Marcus was very excited. As long as the werewolves are useful to Chen Mo, then he would not want all the werewolves to die, and Williams safety would be guaranteed. .

“If you dare to mention his name again, then you have chosen the ending for him!”

Chen Mo’s deep words carried a deep chill.

The trifling werewolf is not in Chen Mo’s eyes, let alone Chen Mo already knows Marcus’s lie, even if it is true, Chen Mo will not allow anyone to threaten him!

As his voice fell, the surrounding vampire Knights raised their crossbow arrows and pointed them at Marcus.

Being pointed at by so many formidable power and huge crossbow arrows, Marcus is also under great pressure. Even if he uses his hidden strength, it is difficult for him to retreat under the coverage of so many crossbow arrows.

looked towards the Knights who were always holding crossbow arrows on both sides and pointed at him, Marcus was forced to move towards Chen Mo helplessly, lowered his head and whispered.

“Master! What shall we do next?”

“Lock him up forever! The farther away you are, the better!”


Chen Mo led the Knight regiment back to Blackstone City Fort.

Grabbing the source of the werewolf disaster, the ancestor of the werewolf William, Chen Mo intends to call craftsmen to build a dungeon to imprison him, and the best craftsmen in the territory are all in secret workshops.

It happened that Chen Mo hadn’t been to the workshop for a while, so Chen Mo was going to go there in person.

At the beginning, the workshop also moved into the huge Blackstone City Fort along with the Knights. Chen Mo has set aside an area for these craftsmen and their families to work and live. They are here Work and life, so the whole workshop looks more like an independent town in the city.

Although the territory has expanded many times, the original workshops with dozens of people are not at all. The number of artisans has only increased to less than one hundred, and their families only have three hundred. people.

After all, Chen Mo manufactures mostly luxury goods or exclusive equipment items. The quantity in demand is not large and does not require much productivity. These people are already enough, and there is no need to expand too much.

Riding through the gate guarded by a fifty-man Knight squadron, Chen Mo rode slowly into the workshop area deep in the castle.

The new workshop area is much more spacious than the original manor. The living area and work area are completely separated. Many children are playing on the street.

While Chen Mo was looking around the situation in the workshop area, a little girl with pink jade was suddenly playing with her companion, giggling and moving towards the middle of the road, and she The running position is in front of Chen Mo’s horse.

The black horse under the seat of Chen Mo is tall and strong, with four strong and powerful legs. Even a powerful werewolf can kick a hoof and cause serious injuries, and an ordinary adult can kill him in one shot.

Once stepped on by this tall and heavy horse, her small body is definitely bode ill rather than well.

Someone behind her little friend discovered her dangerous situation and hurriedly shouted.

“Selena, come back soon!”

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