My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 108

Without a pause, Chen Mos two guns continuously fired one after another dazzling blue energy beam.

Each beam of light accurately hits a werewolf hiding in the woods. At the moment of hitting, a strong blue light burst out to fully reflect their huge silhouette, and then It was directly turned into fly ash by this powerful energy.

“weng! weng! weng! _”

In the low sound of emission, one after another blue light beams fly, one after another werewolfs silhouette appears, accompanied by the sky flying away The ashes of, a wonderful sight that has never been seen before appeared in front of all Knights.

Two NS-2 type energy pistols produced by Hydra exerted a powerful lethality in the hands of Chen Mo. The rate of fire was fully opened and there were no false shots. In a short time, they were latent. The werewolves brought a lot of casualties.

The same kind around him were constantly killed by Chen Mo, and the remaining werewolves finally reacted, no longer lurking and hiding, Qi Qi launched an attack, howling and rushing towards the Knight regiment below!

Countless tall and strong werewolves rushed out of the woods without Danger Land, and many werewolves rushed directly from the tall tree canopy moved towards the Knight below. They opened their huge mouths, revealing their mouths full of whiteness. With sharp fangs, waving sharp claws in the air, the Knights moved towards the lower side rushed fiercely and bit them.

With the momentum of their leaping from a height, coupled with the great power of the werewolf itself, Knight’s sturdy armor can hardly withstand this fierce attack, and it will definitely be torn apart by their sharp claw. .

But the Knights below were not afraid, they raised the long spear in their hands and pointed their spears at the werewolves who fell. Even if they die, they will follow these nasty werewolves. perish together!

The werewolves rushing in the air are getting closer and closer to the Knights below, and they can even smell the strong wild beast smell on them.

Just as the Knights squeezed the long spear and prepared to fight to the death, a dazzling blue light flashed, and the werewolf with a hideous face in the air instantly turned into fly ash, lightly scattered below Knight Above the armor.

Seeing the werewolves launching an attack on the Knight regiment, Chen Mo turned his gun, and killed the werewolves who fell down from the canopy one after another. None of them could successfully plunge into the Knight array. , All was burned into fly ash in midair.

But there were too many werewolves attacking. The werewolves from the air that threatened the Knight regiment were all resisted by Chen Mo, but they rushed out of the woods in all directions and moved towards the Knight regiment array. Chen Mo didn’t have the energy to resist the werewolf who rushed.

After all, the rate of fire of the NS-2 energy pistol is limited, and the formidable power of the ordinary pistol is too weak. Unless it is accurately shot into the eyes and destroys their brains, it will be difficult to combine these powerful werewolves. Kill, and these werewolves are different from the ordinary enemies that Chen Mo faced in front of them. Their speed and agility are very strong. Even Chen Mo can hardly ensure that every bullet can accurately hit the eyes of a werewolf in high-speed motion.

Thats why Chen Mo chose to have a slower rate of fire, but the huge energy pistol with formidable power is more difficult to hit the werewolfs eyes, but its not a problem for Chen Mo to hit their body. .

As long as the hit, the powerful energy carried in the beam bursts out, even if the werewolf’s body is extremely powerful, it will only be burned to fly ash.

While Chen Mo continued to use energy weapons to destroy the werewolves that were constantly leaping down in the air, a large number of werewolves rushing out of the woods finally rushed to the front of the Knight regiment array.

The werewolf rushing to the front, showing sharp claw fangs, roared and ran into the Knights who were blocking the formation.

Knight in the first row holds a shield in front of him, and the other hand holds a sharp long sword tightly against the edge of the shield. The tip of the sword points directly at the werewolf who is rushing. There is no fear in his eyes. Keeping a close eye on the key to the werewolf.

Behind them, Knight set up a long spear. Senhan’s sharp spear tip crossed the first row of Knights and extended out of the formation, forming the first barrier against the werewolves.

Just as the werewolf rushed to the front, several long spears stabled out quickly and fiercely into the werewolfs body. Knight holding the gun and the horse made force together, and several people joined forces. Down, Cancan withstand the ferocious impact of the werewolf.

At this moment, the Knight in the first row launched an attack, and the werewolf who was resisted by the long spear was right in front of them, within reach, and even some werewolves paws had already scratched theirs. On the shield.

They raised the shield in one hand to block the werewolf’s attack, and the sharp long sword in the other hand quickly cut out.

The bodies of these werewolves were stabbed by several long spears, and it was difficult to dodge for a while. They could only quickly wave a sharp claw to resist, and some werewolves arms were also stabbed, unable to resist, they could only watch. Watching long sword slash towards their necks.

The first wave of werewolves rushed up with the cooperation of the previous rows of Knights. Even if a few of them were beheaded on the spot, the rest were successfully resisted and did not cause any damage to the Knights. Kill.

But behind them, more werewolves are rushing from all directions moved towards the defensive Knight regiment, the outermost Knight of the formation is under their fierce attack, and the pressure is increasing. Big.

Knight in the rear of the formation is also constantly attacking the werewolves who are rushing up with the crossbow in his hand, but the powerful body and powerful life force of the werewolves make it difficult to be killed by a single blow. The werewolf had several crossbow arrows stuck in his body, and still wielding the sharp claw fiercely, moving towards the Knight in front of him attacked.

The sharp claws of the werewolves left deep claw marks on the Knights’ sturdy armor, almost tearing it apart.

Fortunately, the Knights have a close formation, a tacit cooperation, and cooperation with each other, they still barely withstand the impact of the werewolves.

So many werewolves rushed out from all directions at once, even Chen Mo couldn’t kill them all in a short time, and could only give priority to attacking the threat to the Knight regiment to the big werewolves from the air.

Once these werewolves jumping from the tall tree canopy successfully jump into the Knight group array, the tight Defensive Array type will inevitably be broken. The Knight who resists the werewolves in front will face the danger of being attacked by his stomach and back, when the time The situation will be completely out of control.

The wild roar of the werewolves and the angry shouts of Knight echoed in the valley, and the sharp claw waved left one after another deep claw marks on the hard armor, long spear, heavy sword, between Bring up the werewolf blood scattered in pieces.

“Boom! Boom!…” A crossbow arrow was shot out by a powerful crossbow.

“sou! sou! ……” The sharp arrow pierced the air and shot fiercely into the werewolf’s huge body.

The Knight regiment and the werewolves are fighting fiercely, and Chen Mo in the center of the formation is not idle at all.

All the werewolves that fell from the tree were killed by him. None of them could escape his attack and successfully jumped into the formation of the Knight regiment. Finally, all the werewolves in the woods rushed out, and the trees were also No more werewolves jumped down, and Chen Mo turned his gun and began to clear the werewolves surrounding the formation.

In fact, the situation of the Knight regiment was a bit precarious at this time. This way of staying in place could not bring out their full strength as Knights.

They are now more like a group of heavily armored infantry riding on horses. The speed and the advantages of group charge cannot be used. They only rely on solid armor and sharp weapons, although they temporarily resisted the ferocious attack of the werewolves, But as the battle continued, they had gradually been at a disadvantage.

In the previous battle, there were not many werewolves who died in their hands. Most of them were injured. On the contrary, they were inspired to become more violent.

Many long spears were bitten by the sharp teeth of the werewolf’s amazing bite force. It was gradually difficult for them to completely resist the werewolf out of the formation. Some werewolves were already close to the front of Knight in the first row.

They can only rely on the heavy shield in their hands to resist the werewolfs sharp claw, but their power is too strong. The Knights only feel their arms start to numb, although they still gritted their teeth and worked hard. Persevere, but obviously will soon be unable to hold on.

If the stalemate continues, Knight at the top will inevitably be damaged. When the time comes, once the formation leaks and the werewolf breaks in, what awaits them will be a thorough melee, how much will they survive in the end? People can only look at the will of God.

A huge werewolf has several broken long spears inserted all over his body, and several sharp arrows are inserted on his shoulders, chest and abdomen. Scarlet blood gushes from the wound, and its The long hair is dyed red.

It opened its red and bloodthirsty eyes and stared fiercely at Knight, who was wrapped in steel armor in front of him. A strong arm moved towards Knights head fiercely and patted it. Once the shot is slapped, even if the helmet can block the werewolf’s sharp claw, the huge force will definitely break the neck of this Knight.

Knight hurriedly raised the shield in his hand to resist, but the previous several attacks had almost completely lost consciousness of his arm. Although he tried to raise it, it was obviously too late to stop him. This fatal blow.

In Knights somewhat unwilling eyes, a bright blue light slashed across his head and directly hit the werewolfs body. A burst of even more dazzling blue light burst out, and this head The huge werewolf turned directly into fly ash.

Not only this Knight, several Knights in danger were rescued by Chen Mo in time.

Different from the werewolves who jumped down from the tree at high speed, the werewolves on the periphery of the Knight regiment were all supported by Knights long spear and shield, standing still and unable to move flexibly. Chen Mo could aim more easily and quickly They are naturally much more convenient to kill.

Along with one after another blue light shot out from behind the Knights, dozens of huge werewolves that surrounded them were burned to ashes in the blue light.

Knight, who was in a desperate battle, soon discovered that they had lost their opponents. Except for the corpses of a dozen werewolves who had been beheaded by them before, all the other werewolves had disappeared without a trace.

Thinking of the fantastic blue light beams that have been flashing just now, everyone involuntarily turned around and looked towards Chen Mo in the formation.

They clearly saw that the lightning-like blue light that instantly burned the werewolves was emitted from the hands of their Sir Lord.

The light beams emitting dazzling blue rays of light can instantly burn concentrated objects to ashes. In their perception, only thunder and lightning possess this characteristic and terrifying power.

Together with the deep thunder sound of the beam attack, and the magic of their Sir Lord until now, the name of a great Spiritual God in Myths and Legends appeared in their minds in.

The one who is in charge of lightning power–


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