My Steel Suit

My Steel Suit 107

In the woods on both sides of the valley, there are hidden existences that even Chen Mo must be afraid of.

Without human destruction, the trees here grow tall and luxuriant, and the dense branches and leaves hide everything in them, but Chen Mo, with five senses, can see clearly through the gaps in the branches and leaves. To the large number of werewolves hidden in the canopy.

Many werewolves hide in the depths of the woods, even Chen Mo cannot see, but their heavy breathing and strong heartbeat are caught by Chen Mo’s keen hearing.

According to the information he received, there are at least a hundred werewolves hidden in the woods!

This number of werewolves, even if Chen Mo meets alone, would be very dangerous.

Although there is Edman alloy armor that can withstand the attacks of most werewolves, the number of these werewolves is too much. If they are swarmed by them, Chen Mo can’t completely rely on the sword of the king. Block.

Once you get close by them, they have three or four times the power of ordinary people, and a dozen or so of them work together, enough to suppress Chen Mo. When the time comes, he really becomes to be slaughtered. Lamb.

This suit of armor is not Iron Man’s armor after all. The partial defense is very strong, and the Edman alloy armor plate is sufficient to resist all attacks.

But the connection between the armor plates is the weak point of the entire combat uniform. Although Chen Mo has reduced the gap to a minimum through a special design, and the connection of bulletproof fibers is enough to withstand sword attacks. , But it does not have the same supporting defense function as real steel battle clothes.

In other words, the pressure from the front and back of the body cannot be offset by the armor support.

Once Chen Mo falls into the suppression of the werewolf, he is likely to be bitten by the werewolfs sharp teeth through the armor, breaking his arm, twisting his neck, or directly passing the sharp claw through the only unarmored place, stabbing In Chen Mo’s eyes.

So these amazing numbers of werewolves can completely threaten Chen Mo’s life.

As for the Knight regiment, it is even more dangerous. Although the Knight regiment has many people, well equipped, and battle strength far higher than ordinary Knights, such a number of werewolves are still very dangerous for them.

Although their armor is far stronger than the ordinary Knight armor of this era, it still cannot completely resist the fangs and sharp claws of the werewolves. Even if they can win in the end, the result will be heavy casualties.

Be aware that when Knight is usually sent to wipe out the werewolves in the territory, Chen Mo will send five to ten times the number of werewolves to ensure safety. A dark iron Knight leads four men who are also equipped with full body armor. Knight’s attendant can ensure that a werewolf is destroyed without damage.

If this ratio is reduced to three times as much as it is today, a lot of damage will inevitably occur, not to mention that they are now in the valley, besieged by the werewolves hiding in the woods, and the speed of Knight The advantage of the charge cannot be fully utilized. Once this battle breaks out, it will inevitably suffer heavy casualties.

Actually, Chen Mo really wants to fight these werewolves alone.

In the first rescue of Andrew and the others, although there were dozens of werewolves attacking the village, they were scattered and easily beheaded by Chen Mo. Only a dozen of them were besieged the stone house in the end. The werewolf made him feel some pressure, and his strength improved a little in the short and intense battle.

The many battles with werewolves since then have also made Chen Mo feel progress, but in the most of them, the werewolves encountered were only more than 20, which only made Chen Mo feel the pressure, but Not at all is too dangerous, so the increase in strength is very limited, and the increase in spirit strength is even minimal.

There are more than a hundred werewolves gathered here this time. Chen Mo believes that this battle will bring him even greater gains.

Although it is indeed a bit dangerous, whether its fighting skills or the spirit strength directly related to his space-time travel ability, the usual exercise is very slow, and it can only be quickly improved through the tempering of life and death. .

Furthermore, he is not recklessly taking risks blindly, even if he really encounters a crisis, he still has something to do.

If only Chen Mo himself, he would draw out the long sword without the slightest hesitation and launch an attack.

But it doesn’t work now, there are three hundred Knights under his hand.

Once the fighting broke out, Chen Mo could not take into account the safety of the Knight regiment members. Under such a huge number of werewolves, the Knight regiment would inevitably suffer heavy casualties, which Chen Mo could not accept.

In order to cultivate these loyal subordinates, Chen Mo has spent a lot of time and energy, and it has been very effective. Whether it is loyalty or battle strength, he is very satisfied. He has no patience to spend a lot of time. Retrain a group of subordinates.

Moreover, in this chaotic world, there are a lot of werewolves. Even if you miss this opportunity, there will be more werewolves for him to kill in the future. Compared with these, these are still limited. The subordinates are more valuable.

All kinds of thoughts flashed through Chen Mo’s mind quickly, and he quickly made a decision.

Looking at the large number of werewolves hidden on the surrounding trees, Chen Mo shook the head a little regretfully, put his hands into the robe, and took out two cool silver pistols from it.

“There are werewolves! Defensive in a circle!”

Following Chen Mo’s shout, the members of the Knight regiment who were on guard were all surprised. Hearing Chen Mo’s The tone, the number of werewolves must be quite large, encountering werewolf attacks in the woods, which is very unfavorable for them.

The speed advantage of the cavalry cannot be deployed and cannot form a powerful charge, but the agile werewolf can use the surrounding trees to launch a sneak attack, and the agility advantage can be better utilized.

Everyone was cast a shadow in their hearts, but under Chen Mo’s order, they quickly contracted their formation, gathered together in an orderly manner, and formed a circular defense.

The knight on the periphery holds a sword and a shield, ready to resist the werewolf’s attack at any time. The Knight behind them puts away the long sword, holding the Rider Head gun in both hands, and the tip of the gun is pointed forward. Above, ready to give a fatal blow to the werewolf.

Knight in the middle picked up the strong crossbow hanging on the side of the saddle, quickly set up the arrow and pointed it at the woods on both sides of the hillside.

Just as everyone was standing in line, clenching their weapons to concentrate attention completely observing the surroundings, guarding against werewolf attacks, Chen Mo took the lead in attacking the werewolves lurking in the woods.

A dazzling blue beam shot from the muzzle in Chen Mo’s hand, instantly crossing several dozen meters, and hitting a werewolf hiding among the dense branches of a big tree.

Under the shocking gaze of the Knights witnessing Gods Vestige, this huge werewolf was directly burned into fly ash, and was instantly blown into the air by the wind, disappearing without a trace.

After that, a denser beam shot from Chen Mo’s hand to the woods on both sides, reflecting the huge silhouette of the werewolf hiding one after another.

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