"Holy shit, it's poisonous?"

Lin Taixu roared angrily, startling everyone in the hall, and all of them threw the chopsticks in their hands far away.

Some even reacted so violently that they overturned the table.

Suddenly, the chopsticks were flying, and the table and dishes were dancing together.

The whole hall crackled, as if a concert was about to begin, and in the blink of an eye the place was in a mess.

Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi looked at Lin Taixu speechlessly.


Master, you are poisonous, that’s right.

"What happened?"

Hearing the chaotic noise, a man in his forties walked in quickly from the corridor in the corner of the hall, followed closely behind him by a dozen burly men dressed as guards.

The man's face was angry and his eyes were cold.

He is the steward of Zuixianju, Du Lengfeng, martial arts level: level two warrior, first level.

As the name suggests, wherever he goes, there is a cold wind effect.

His appearance immediately silenced the entire noisy hall.

"Eat, eat."

Seeing that Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi had nothing to do, Lin Taixu knew that he had made a big mistake, so he immediately sat down calmly and said to Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi.

As for the rest, he is not from Zuixianju, so he does not bear this responsibility.

Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi glanced at their master, then at the scene in the hall that looked like they had experienced a battle between strong men, and quickly sat down and started eating.

Although they caused this accident, as adults, can't you be more cautious?

Learn to learn, learn to respect the master.

How graceful he was to not flip the table over.

"I am Du Lengfeng, the steward of Zuixianju."

"Now who told the manager what happened?"

Du Lengfeng glanced at the mess in the hall and couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his eye.

There are a total of sixty-six hundred and thirty-eight tables in the hall. Except for Lin Taixu's table, which was unharmed, the other thirty-seven tables were either overturned or stained by the food and dishes on other tables, which affected the fish.

He was backstage and thought that everyone in the hall was collectively asking for the Overlord meal, so he rushed out in a hurry.

"It's him."

Dong Jiba pointed at Lin Taixu and said.


Du Lengfeng glanced at Lin Taixu, Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi. Although his eyes showed a bit of surprise and was shocked by their handsomeness and beauty, it was only a momentary absence and he soon returned to his original cold expression. .

In terms of control ability, he completely surpassed Lin Taixu by hundreds of blocks.

"Reporting to the steward, this is what happened."

"We were having a good meal in the lobby, but this loser suddenly shouted, Damn, it's poisonous."

"Due to the suddenness of the incident and the loudness of his voice, we were immediately shocked when we heard it."

"It ended up like this."

Dong Jiba said, he completely restored the truth of the matter in just a few words without adding any exaggeration.

Ask him why not.

In fact, there was no way he could distort the facts. It was just Lin Taixu who said, Damn, it's poisonous.

He poisoned everyone in the hall.

What fuel can he add? What to add vinegar to?

Call Oli for Lin Taixu?

All he wants now is to put all the responsibility on Lin Taixu and let him buy everyone's orders.

He will be satisfied.

Of course, if Lin Taixu couldn't afford it and was killed by Du Lengfeng on the spot, he would be more content.

"But the truth?"

Du Lengfeng asked everyone in the hall.


"That's the way it is."

"That's right."

Immediately, everyone in the hall nodded one after another.

Du Lengfeng nodded and said expressionlessly, "When everyone pays the bill, remember to pay for the tables, chairs, and dishes."

"Don't let me send the bill to your family. When the time comes, it won't be solved by simple compensation."

After saying that, Du Lengfeng took a group of guards and prepared to leave.

Just because of someone else's words, you flipped the table, what the hell, you are a bunch of idiots.

He felt that if he told the joke to the lady, the lady would laugh for a year.

Seeing Du Lengfeng about to leave, Dong Jiba couldn't help but be dumbfounded. This is wrong. Why did he leave?

Aren't you going to stand up for them?

If Lin Taixu, a loser, hadn't yelled, would they have lifted the table and dropped their chopsticks?

"Wait a moment, Master Steward."

Shi Zhenxiang shouted.

"What's the matter with you?"

Du Lengfeng stopped, looked at Shi Zhenxiang and asked.

He knew Shi Zhenxiang as the eldest historian in Qingfeng City.

Of course, what can make him remember Shi Zhenxiang is definitely not the power or wealth of the Shi family.

But because of Shi Zhenxiang's name.

Shi Zhenxiang, Shi Zhenxiang

Well, it's a tasteful name.

Taste it, taste it carefully, do you feel it?

Is there a picture?

"Master Steward, this matter is not our fault. Why is it that the instigator is safe but we, the victims, have to pay compensation?"

Shi Zhenxiang said, and as soon as he finished speaking, everyone in the hall nodded in agreement.

They are all people who are not short of money. It is natural for them to pay for their meals. However, they are not convinced because they were obviously frightened by Lin Taixu and asked to pay plus compensation.

The key point is that Lin Taixu still knows all the nonsense, and Du Lengfeng doesn't even ask, which makes them even more dissatisfied.

They are rich, but they are not fools.

They don't want to be taken advantage of.

"Master, do you think we should compensate them?"

Wang Luoyi asked in a low voice. If they really have to compensate, it will cost a lot of money.

But if she doesn't compensate, she feels a little guilty.

"What does it have to do with us?"

Murong Wushuang said in a low voice, eating the dishes by herself.

"That's right, what does it have to do with us? Can't people talk in a restaurant?"

Lin Taixu agreed with Murong Wushuang's words very much. In order to show his appreciation, he picked up another piece of meat and put it in front of Murong Wushuang.

Murong Wushuang trembled all over, thinking that Lin Taixu picked up the same kind of meat as before, and was thinking about how to refuse, but when she saw clearly that it was not, she was relieved.

She was traumatized by Lin Taixu's picking up the dishes.

"Zuixianju is a proper restaurant. It will not restrict customers from shouting. If you feel that you are at a disadvantage, you can also shout."

Du Lengfeng glanced at Shi Zhenxiang and said indifferently.

After saying that, he left with the guards of Zuixianju.

Damn, what do you mean we can also shout?

What are we shouting?

Shi Zhenxiang and others couldn't help but feel that countless grass mud horses were whistling in their hearts.

It's really like a scholar meeting a soldier, and it's hard to explain the reason.


"Forget it, just consider yourself unlucky, I will never come here again."

A young man said dissatisfiedly, his kindness was betrayed, justice was not upheld, so why come here.

As soon as the young man finished speaking, he immediately aroused everyone's contempt.

I don't believe you.

In Qingfeng City, except for this Internet celebrity building, uh, I said it wrong, Baibei Building, where else can you go to pretend to be 13?

They dare to guarantee that as long as this guy gets his monthly salary, he will definitely come here again.

Even Jiu Tou Long can't stop him.

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