My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 73: Unfilial Disciple

"Master, you ordered so much, can you eat it?"

Wang Luoyi looked at the table full of dishes and was a little confused, especially when he looked at the plates of meat strips in front of Lin Taixu, which were rich in color and fragrance, charred on the outside and tender on the inside. Many black spots could not help but fall off his smooth forehead. Wire.

She was good at cooking, so she knew a lot about ingredients. She could tell at a glance that those dishes were made from the whips of monsters.

She can understand a man eating that, but she doesn't understand why he eats so much at once?

Aren't you afraid that if your deficiency is not replenished, your Qi and blood will flow backward?

Murong Wushuang looked at the dishes in front of her and was a little speechless, feeling like she didn't know where to take her chopsticks.

"Eat it. If you can't eat it, you can't eat it."

Lin Taixu said nonchalantly, reached out and picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

After taking a piece of whip meat, Lin Taixu immediately felt warm blood flowing in his body, and then it was absorbed by himself.


"When blood energy is detected, the controller's system experience value will be increased by 15."

The system sound immediately gives a warm reminder.

"Increased by 15? Let me go, this is 5 points more than the sword-tailed tiger, not bad."

Lin Taixu immediately started eating happily.

"Come, Master, have a drink."

"The name of this wine is called Sanwei Puree. It is said that the three flavors in it are Zhuyuhua, Xulongguo, and Tianyacao, which are beneficial to the increase of Qi, blood and vitality of warriors. Drinking it can increase the Qi, blood and vitality of the drinker. Such a small pot sells for one thousand silver coins in the market."

Wang Luoyi picked up the wine bottle at the table and poured a glass of wine for Lin Taixu, then another glass for Murong Wushuang, and then himself.

Lin Taixu glanced at the jug and estimated that there were at most about ten cups. One jug cost one thousand silver coins, and one cup was one hundred silver coins. Damn, it was so expensive.

After the three-flavor puree was poured out, the aroma of the wine immediately overflowed and spread in the hall, causing everyone around to become intoxicated.

Well, it smells like rich people.

Wang Luoyi is right. The three-flavor puree is only sold for one thousand silver coins outside, but here at Baibeilou, sorry, it is one hundred thousand silver coins.

Ninety-nine point ninety-nine percent of the people in the hall have never drunk such expensive drinks.

Don't ask why you haven't had a drink. If you ask, it's just because you are too poor.

Even wealthy owners like Dong Jiba and Shi Zhenxiang only ordered it once, and felt sorry for them for several days afterwards.


Looking at Lin Taixu, Dong Jiba shouted angrily in a low voice, his face even colder. He originally thought that Lin Taixu was a poor man, but in the end, he turned out to be that younger brother.


This time, he became more determined to kill Lin Taixu.

It's okay for me to insult you, but not okay for you to insult me.

This is Dongjiba’s code of conduct.

In the words of Lin Taixu's previous life, it is a double standard, a famous double standard.

And it is an internationally renowned double standard.

"Taste it."

Lin Taixu smiled slightly, picked up the wine glass and took a sip. The wine tasted sweet and left a fragrance on his lips and teeth.

Give him a sense of déjà vu as he drank fruit wine in his previous life.

Fragrant, sweet, um, okay.

A real man has to eat a lot of meat and drink a lot of wine.

Thumbs up!


"When blood energy is detected, the controller's system experience value will be increased by 5."

The system sound immediately rang in Lin Taixu's ears.

"Fuck, just add 5 points?"

Lin Taixu couldn't help but complain. He felt that the three-flavor puree seemed a little sorry for him, so he couldn't drink it next time.

Am I the kind of person who lacks 5 system experience points?

I am someone who lacks a lot of system experience.

"How is it? Master, does it taste good?"

Wang Luoyi asked in a low voice, looking at Lin Taixu quietly with his eyes.

"Not good."

Lin Taixu put down his wine glass and said lightly, the key is that 5 experience points are too little.

"This kind of thing that can increase blood and vitality is just a gimmick, don't take it seriously."

Murong Wushuang said, if it is really so effective, then why should you practice?

Just drink.

Although she does not deny that there is such a wine in the world, at least it is not three-flavor puree.

Even if you drink a large vat of this three-flavor puree, it won't increase your blood and vitality much. It can only be considered better than nothing.

"Eat vegetables, eat vegetables. This is the time when you are growing, so you need to eat more meat."

Lin Taixu laughed loudly, picked up two pieces of meat and placed them in front of Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi.

Sorry, you guessed it right, it’s the whipped meat of the monster beast.

As for what kind of monster it was and what kind it was, Lin Taixu didn't recognize it.



Seeing this, Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi were stunned. They looked at the meat on the bowl in front of them stupidly, and their beautiful eyebrows were about to be knotted.

Lin Taixu couldn't recognize such meat, but they knew each other.

Snow wolf leopard.

A second-level low-level monster.

It is a new breed born from the combination of wolf and leopard.

It possesses the wisdom and ferocity of a wolf, and the agility and speed of a leopard.

In the monster forest, the Snow Wolf Leopard is the most powerful enemy for warriors.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that you let them eat the whip of the Snow Wolf Leopard.

Is this appropriate?

"Eat it quickly, it won't taste good when it's cold."

Lin Taixu said, he picked up a large piece of snow wolf leopard whip meat and put it in his mouth. He chewed it a few times and swallowed it. In an instant, 15 more system experience points were received.

So cool.

"Master, can you not eat?"

Wang Luoyi picked up the whip meat of the snow wolf leopard with chopsticks and looked at Lin Taixu with a sad face.

What are you thinking about letting a girl eat this?

If Lin Taixu was not her master, she would have thrown the meat in her hand directly on Lin Taixu's face.

In Lin Taixu's words, you spoiled her.

Murong Wushuang also looked at Lin Taixu pitifully. It would be better to give her a knife than to let her eat such a dirty thing.

She made up her mind that as long as Lin Taixu agreed, she would immediately throw the meat out to feed the dog.

"Why not eat it?"

"This is a good thing. Eating more of this stuff can nourish the kidney yang and beautify the skin. Don't you girls like cold hands and feet?"

"Eat more of this."

Lin Taixu said seriously. This is a good thing. It can increase the system experience value by 15 points. If it is not a good thing, is it a bad thing?

If Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi were not his precious disciples, he would not be willing to give it to them.

You see, at least 100 system experience points were lost by giving it to me.

And you don't eat it?

What family? Don't you know anything?

Lin Taixu felt that his kindness was betrayed, and his face was a little hurt.

Unfilial disciple.

But he only remembered the benefits of this whip meat and forgot what its raw materials were.

Seeing Lin Taixu's unhappy expression, Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi looked at each other, and had to bite the whip meat to their mouths and carefully took a small bite.

As soon as the small pieces of meat entered their mouths, they felt a fishy smell rushing into their minds. Thinking of the raw materials of the meat, the two of them couldn't help it anymore and vomited with a wow.

Seeing this, Lin Taixu was stunned, and then burst into a roar to the sky,

"Fuck, it's poisonous."

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