My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 7 Murong Wushuang

"Bah bang bang."

I saw crisp and steady footsteps coming, and a beautiful girl walked in from the gate holding a sword in one hand and dragging a huge tiger that seemed to have been dead for a long time with the other hand.

The girl was only about fifteen or sixteen years old. She was dressed in a pure white warrior robe. Although it looked stained and there were some holes and blood on it, it still outlined her towering mountain peaks, her waist that was less than a hand's length, and that Her slender thighs exuded a dizzying power of temptation as she walked.

"Mamamie yo."

Lin Taixu watched the girl walking towards him and felt that his little heart was beating wildly. He stared at the girl without turning his eyes. His original anger had long been forgotten by him, and he was left with nothing. The next one is

Suddenly, Lin Taixu looked up at the sky, because he felt as if liquid was about to flow out of his nose.

"It's Senior Sister who's back."

"Ah, it's really senior sister."

Seeing the girl, Zhao Feixue and others said happily and ran towards the girl.

This girl is none other than Lin Taixu's great disciple, Murong Wushuang.

Seeing Zhao Feixue and others running towards him, a smile appeared on Murong Wushuang's cold face, and his pace quickened slightly.

"You guys take care of this sword-tailed tiger."

Murong Wushuang walked to the center of the courtyard and stopped, threw the sword-tailed tiger in his hand on the ground, and said to Zhao Feixue and others.

"Yes, senior sister."

Zhao Feixue and others responded softly, looking at Murong Wushuang with countless little stars in their eyes.

Sword-tailed tiger, the pinnacle of first-level monsters.

The senior sister's martial arts cultivation level is only the seventh level of a first-level martial artist, but she can actually kill a first-level peak monster. This strength is indeed worthy of all the senior sisters.

You must know that monster beasts are different from human warriors. They have strong blood and amazing defense. Generally, when monster beasts and human warriors of the same level fight, nine out of ten of them will be killed by the human warrior.

Therefore, if you want to kill a first-level peak monster, only those who are second-level or third-level warriors can do it.

Murong Wushuang did it with only the seventh level of a first-level martial arts disciple, which shows how terrifying her strength is.

Just think about it, why wouldn't Zhao Feixue and others envy and worship him?

After explaining the matter about the sword-tailed tiger, Murong Wushuang looked at Lin Taixu who was standing under the pavilion. She saw her cold eyes scanning Lin Taixu's face and body, and she couldn't help but frown slightly.

She suddenly discovered that her nominal master seemed a little different after not seeing him for a few days.

But when asked to tell her what was different, she couldn't.

His appearance has not changed, but his temperament has completely changed. If he was just a bastard with no knowledge and skills before, he is now calm and elegant.

It’s really rare.

"See Master."

Although Murong Wushuang had doubts, he still came to Lin Taixu and bowed respectfully.

She didn't want to, and there was no need to delve into why Lin Taixu became like this. At least, it was much better than looking at herself before and wishing her eyes were on her.


Lin Taixu hummed lightly, still looking at the sky at a 45-degree angle.

Master must have the airs and pomp of Master.

He felt that this was very powerful and imposing.

In fact, it wasn't that he didn't want to look at Murong Wushuang, but he was worried that if he lowered his head, his nose would bleed, which would be embarrassing.

"Is this trip going well?"

Then, Lin Taixu asked.


Murong Wushuang replied, in fact, after she killed the sword-tailed tiger, many people were jealous and wanted to snatch it away. If she hadn't been alert and powerful, she would have been buried in the monster forest by now.

However, these are all in the past, and it is useless to talk about them.

So, she didn't bother to talk anymore.

Moreover, she knew very well that Lin Taixu was weak in strength, and he was greedy for life and afraid of death. If she really told him what she had experienced, she was afraid that he would be so scared that he would not leave the room for half a month.

"A seventh-level warrior can kill level one peak monsters, which is good."

"It can be considered that I have not insulted my teacher."

Lin Taixu glanced at the sword-tailed tiger not far away, and said in a pretentious manner. After saying that, he walked towards his room. He couldn't leave without leaving. Although he did not go to see Murong Wushuang, the nosebleed did not flow. come out.

However, the two of them were so close, and Murong Wushuang's breath kept going straight to his nose along his breath, like an orchid, seducing the soul.

He couldn't help but feel distracted, and a certain part of him was about to raise his head.

If you don’t leave now, when will you wait?

Do you have to wait until you are attacked from above and below, and then killed by Murong Wushuang?

To be a human being, you have to be smart and energetic.

He was very sure of this.


When Murong Wushuang heard this, he couldn't help but blink his beautiful autumn eyes and stared blankly at Lin Taixu's back, unable to regain his consciousness for a long time.

The two big words "pretend to be better" suddenly popped up in her mind.


It doesn't fit with his timid style.

Could it be that you were stimulated by something?


"All five beautiful apprentices gather together to trigger the main mission."

"Please ask the controller to recommend five beautiful apprentices, no time limit"

"Every time you push a beautiful apprentice, you will be rewarded with a skill out of thin air, 10,000 silver coins and 10,000 experience points."

A crisp electronic voice sounded in Lin Taixu's ears.


Hearing the system beep, Lin Taixu, who was walking, suddenly slipped and fell to the ground.

Pushed to five beautiful apprentices?

What the hell, you dog system, is this something done by humans?

Labor and management are their masters.

Do you want me to go to primary school?


Seeing Lin Taixu fall, Murong Wushuang stepped forward without thinking and came to Lin Taixu's side. She reached out her arm and grabbed Lin Taixu from the ground.

Lin Taixu, who was lying on the ground, was beaten to pieces and had a splitting headache. He felt his body being lifted up uncontrollably. What came into his eyes was a towering mountain. Suddenly, the nosebleeds could no longer be suppressed. Squirted out.

"Ah, Master, are you injured?"

When Murong Wushuang saw this, he couldn't help but exclaimed. Then, he also had a clear understanding in his heart. Lin Taixu couldn't practice, and he was really just a commoner. After such a violent fall, and his head still landed on the ground, could he survive without being injured?

In fact, she never dreamed that Lin Taixu's fall was nothing serious, but the nosebleed was due to her.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

"Ah, Master."


Seeing this, Zhao Feixue and others also quickly gave up on taking care of the sword-tailed tiger, and swarmed to Lin Taixu's side, saying anxiously.

The five beautiful apprentices are each more beautiful than the other, and each is more seductive than the last. Suddenly, the fragrance is overwhelming and they are full of charms.

Suddenly, Lin Taixu's nosebleed became even more violent.

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