"I'll go, is that okay?"

When Lin Taixu heard the voice transmission from the system, he almost screamed. He had done nothing. How could he be rewarded with skill points out of nowhere?

I thought I was hallucinating, so I immediately entered the system character page with some worry, and saw that there were skill points out of thin air, from 0 points before, to 1 point now.

Moreover, the wallet inside the package also contained 10 more silver coins.

Only then was he sure that he was not hallucinating, but that the system was really rewarding him.

This is so damn cool.

"Although it's only entry-level, it's generally not satisfactory. Get up."

Lin Taixu resisted the urge to laugh out loud, looked at Wang Luoyi with a straight face and said seriously.

Stay steady and don't float.

He was worried that if he got carried away, the broken system would take back the skill point he had finally rewarded out of thin air.

Then, he still has to cry to death.

"Thank you, Master."

Wang Luoyi stood up and replied, secretly glanced at Lin Taixu, and then quickly looked back at his toes.

If Lin Taixu had not given her the impression of being a teacher in the past, now, he undoubtedly had the demeanor of a strict teacher.

"Martial arts is as vast as the sea. Although you have a little talent, you can't be arrogant and complacent. You must know that there are people outside the world and there is a sky outside the world."

Lin Taixu continued to preach pretentiously.

"I sincerely follow Master's teachings, and I will keep them in mind and never dare or forget them."

Wang Luoyi said respectfully.

"Well, you should stay aside and wait until the fellow apprentices and sisters complete their cultivation."

Lin Taixu said.

"Yes, Master."

Wang Luoyi immediately obediently walked to Lin Taixu and stood next to him, waiting for Zhao Feixue and others to wake up.

"System, tell me what's going on?"

After thinking about it, Lin Taixu still felt that he needed to find out what was going on. Well, just ask if you don't understand. This is a good boy.



After waiting for a long time, Lin Taixu saw that the system was silent, and immediately rolled his eyes speechlessly. He also thought that as long as he figured out what was going on, he could use some skill points for free.

As a result, this dog system was not fooled.

What a thief.

However, will this be enough to stump me?

That is impossible.

Lin Taixu thought carefully about what happened before and after the system gave him the skill points. After a while, he had a clear understanding in his heart, and felt that the key to the problem should lie in the words he and Wang Luoyi said. .

"You're only at the entry level, and your qualifications are a bit poor. After such a long time, most people can at least reach the adult level."

Yes, that’s it. Let’s not talk about the New Moon Kingdom. Even in Fengyun Continent, those peerless geniuses and martial arts demons will never be able to learn a skill in half an hour and be promoted from entry level to Dacheng level. .

Jump three levels in a row.

This is typical of making something out of nothing.

Since it was created out of nothing, is it too much for the system to reward you with skill points?

It's definitely not too much.

Lin Taixu thought happily in his heart, feeling that he had found a road to free prostitution skills.

Baby, play with me, you are still young.

Lin Taixu picked up the tea cup and drank while scorning the system. He was in a good mood and felt that he was only a little away from dominating the other world.

After drinking a cup of tea, Wang Luoyi on the side immediately poured it for Lin Taixu in a gentle and obedient manner. Lin Taixu was not polite and drank a cup of tea. Finally, the teapot of water made him drink to the bottom. Finally, Zhao Feixue He opened his eyes and looked happy.

Following this, Zhao Feishuang and Ouyang Yanran also woke up from their meditation.

"See Master."

"Thank you Master for teaching me."

Zhao Feixue and the others walked up to Lin Taixu and bowed respectfully and thanked them. Like Wang Luoyi, they clearly felt the power of Taixu Dragon Claw and knew that the level of Taixu Dragon Claw was at least Xuan level or Xuan level. It’s a skill above level 1.

In Fengyun Continent, each level of warrior has a corresponding skill, and each skill is divided into four levels: Heaven, Earth, Xuanhuang.

Heaven level skills are the strongest, earth level is the second, Xuan level is third, and yellow level is the lowest.

Each level is divided into three levels: upper, middle and lower, for a total of twelve levels.

Among the Crescent Kingdom, Huang-level skills are the most popular, while Xuan-level skills are rarely circulated in the market, unless they are owned by the royal family of the Crescent Kingdom or those super families.

Money can't buy it.

And Lin Taixu was willing to teach them such precious skills, which was undoubtedly a great gift.

Therefore, they are now extremely grateful and respectful to Lin Taixu.

Teacher's kindness is as great as heaven.

"Well, how far have you mastered your dragon claw hand?"

Lin Taixu asked with a pretentious snort.

"To tell you Master, Feixue has reached the entry level."

"Replying to Master, Feishuang has also reached the level of entry."

"To tell you Master, Yanran has also reached the level of entry."

Zhao Feixue, Zhao Feishuang and Ouyang Yanran replied, with the slightest trace of amusement on their faces as they spoke. Being able to practice a skill to the basic level in such a short period of time, they can be regarded as peerless geniuses.

Therefore, he looked at Lin Taixu eagerly, as if he wanted to be praised by him.

"You're only at the entry level, and your qualifications are a bit poor. After such a long time, most people can at least reach the adult level."

Lin Taixu looked at Zhao Feixue and the others, and once again said what he said to Wang Luoyi word for word, without missing a word or changing it. After speaking, he stood up and walked towards the outside of the pavilion. While saying, "Practice diligently. Although your qualifications are not good, there is a way to make up for your shortcomings through diligence."

"Yes, Master."

Zhao Feixue and the three girls responded, their faces suddenly changed. They originally thought they would be praised by Lin Taixu, but unexpectedly they were despised.

Fortunately, it was Lin Taixu who said this. If it had been anyone else, they would have had to argue with each other.


"Since the controller makes something out of nothing, the system rewards the controller who makes something out of nothing with 1 skill point."

"Reward 10 silver coins."

"The controller please pay attention to check."


"Since the controller makes something out of nothing, the system rewards the controller who makes something out of nothing with 1 skill point."

"Reward 10 silver coins."

"The controller please pay attention to check."

As soon as he stepped out of the pavilion, Lin Taixu heard the system's beep, which rang three times. This meant that including Wang Luoyi's one, he had now gained four skill points and forty silver coins in vain.

Sure enough, I guessed it right.

So cool, so cool.


At this time, the courtyard door was opened with a bang from the outside in, and the two wooden doors hit the walls on both sides. There was a loud noise, which made the dust on the walls shake and fall towards the ground. .


When Lin Taixu saw this, he couldn't help but feel furious. He looked at the gate coldly. He wanted to see who it was that dared to break into the famous master's mansion without permission.

Do you not want to live anymore?

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