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Chapter 52 No One Can Escape



Lin Taixu's face suddenly turned cold. This is your fault. I treat you as a rich man, but you don't want to give me money.

What about trust between people?

Can you still have fun playing?

"No, then just die."

Murong Wushuang said coldly that it didn't matter to her whether it was money or not. The key was that she had been deceived for so long, and the bad anger in her heart was hard to get rid of.

So, as soon as he finished speaking, he held the purple gold hammer and hit Diao Bu Gree on the head.

"No, I'll write an IOU."

Seeing this, Diao Bugua couldn't help but be so frightened that his soul was gone, and he shouted hurriedly.


When Murong Wushuang heard this, she said with disdain in her heart that although she wanted to beat Diao Bu greed to death, she knew that Lin Taixu would definitely not agree to her killing him, so she stopped her attack.


I saw the Purple Gold Hammer suddenly stop three inches above Diao Butan's head. The fierce wind carried by the hammer hit the top of his head, causing Diao Butan's head to sink several inches uncontrollably. Almost broken.

"Hoo ho ho."

Diao Buchan's body collapsed to the ground like a puddle of mud, breathing heavily, with a look of fear on his face. If he shouted slower, he would be hit in the head.

This compares to someone who really dares to kill himself.

Really hammered.

"If you haven't written yet, what are you waiting for?"

Lin Taixu immediately said displeasedly when he saw Diao Bugua still panting like a mangy dog ​​on the ground and not moving.

"Yes Yes Yes"

"I'll write it right away."

Diao BuGan wiped the cold sweat from his face, crawled to the desk, picked up the paper and brush and started writing. He finished it in less than a minute.

This operation was as fierce as a tiger's, and I owe a hundred and fifty debts from now on.

"Master Master, please take a look."

Diao Buchan handed the IOU to Lin Taixu with respectful hands and said, with a fawning and flattering smile on his face.

He wrote this IOU very seriously and did not dare to cheat at all. He even stamped it with the seal of the Famous Master Hall with great caution.

Just to prevent Lin Taixu from being dissatisfied or having any excuse to get angry.

"Well, it's okay."

Lin Taixu picked up the IOU, looked at it casually, and then put the IOU into the storage ring, and it was done.

One thousand Yuan Ning Dan was obtained.

Now it's just a matter of finding someone to cash it in.

"Is this okay?"

Huang Baihai on the side was a little dumbfounded. Blackmailing the Famed Master Hall?

This is not the point. The point is that he was so successful.

It's that simple?

He wanted to try it.

A thousand Yuan Ning Dan, this is a huge amount of wealth. The key is, if you have money, you may not be able to buy so many in a short time.

My heart is moved.

"what's going on?"

"Who dares to cause trouble in the Famed Master Hall?"

At this time, a group of chaotic footsteps could be heard, and a group of angry famous teacher guards with murderous intent rushing in.

The two famous teacher guards at the head were two men in their thirties, one of whom had a slender figure and sinister brows, giving people a cold feeling.

The other person is strong-backed, rugged and fierce.

These two people were none other than the other two deacons of the Master Guard, Cheng Wuwei and Li Yuanxing.


"It was discovered that one of the target characters associated with the main mission appears, Cheng Wuwei. The controller will be rewarded with 1,000 system experience points and the controller will be rewarded with 1,000 silver coins."

“Scan Cheng Wuwei.

Sex: Male

Age: 36 years old

Physical strength: 1000 pounds

Martial Arts Level: Level 2 Warrior 1st Level

Body training level: 0

Martial arts talent: 30 (talent 50 is a genius, the higher the value, the stronger the talent, up to 100)

Martial arts body: none

Kung Fu: Yi Zi Jue Famous Master’s Mind Technique (increases practice speed by 0.01)

Combat skills: Black Fox Sword Technique, Master Sword Technique (increases strength by 0.1%)

Equipment: Soul-Chasing Knife (ordinary)


"It was discovered that one of the target characters related to the main task appears, Li Yuanxing. The controller will be rewarded with 1,000 system experience points and the controller will be rewarded with 1,000 silver coins."

“Scan Li Yuanxing.

Sex: Male

Age: 32 years old

Physical strength: 1000 pounds

Martial Arts Level: Level 2 Warrior 1st Level

Body training level: 0

Martial arts talent: 30 (talent 50 is a genius, the higher the value, the stronger the talent, up to 100)

Martial arts body: none

Kung Fu: Famous Master’s Mental Technique (increases practice speed by 0.01)

Combat skills: Master swordsmanship (increases strength by 0.1%)

Equipment: Soul-Chasing Knife (ordinary)

"Currently, the controller has 18,000 system experience points, 23,000 famous teacher experience points, 5 points of creation value out of nothing, and 4,300 silver coins."

Seeing Cheng Wuwei and Li Yuanxing appear in front of Lin Taixu, the system sound immediately rang in Lin Taixu's ears.


Lin Taixu suddenly raised his brows and showed a happy smile. What could be more satisfying than receiving system experience points?


If there is, there isn't enough.

"Deacon Cheng, Deacon Li, help me."

When Diao Buchan saw the famous master guard arriving, he ran to Cheng Wuwei and Li Yuanxing with a leap as if he were seeing his long-lost biological father.

"Guanshi Diao, what happened?"

Cheng Wuwei looked at the mess on the ground and asked Diao Bucai, his cold eyes sweeping over Lin Taixu, Huang Baihai and others.

The Master Guards will be guarded by deacons every day, and today it is Liu Sandao's turn, because Liu Sandao was sent by Lin Taixu to the Li family to blackmail, uh, get money.

Therefore, the two maids who served Diao Buqi couldn't find Liu Sandao, so they had to run to the famous master guard's station to ask for help.

This time, the day lily became cold.

Uh, no,

This has been delayed until now.

"It's him, it's him."

Diao Buchan pointed at Lin Taixu and roared angrily. With the support of the famous teacher guard, his fear of Lin Taixu disappeared instantly, and was replaced by deep-seated hatred.

Ever since he was appointed as the resource manager of the Qingfeng City Famous Master Hall, his status in Qingfeng City can be said to be respected. From the heads of the four major families to the traders and lackeys, whoever sees him does not respect him and let him do whatever he wants. scold?

It is no exaggeration to say that even a dog would squat aside and ask him respectfully if he wanted to eat shit.

So, when did Diao Bucove suffer such humiliation?

"It's this good-for-nothing Lin Taixu. He pretended to be a famous teacher and came to collect resources today. He wanted to grab the resources when we disagreed. I didn't agree, so he beat me up. If it weren't for the two deacons who came here."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to be greedy again in this world."

"Two deacons, hurry up, catch this madman quickly and cut him into pieces."

Diao Bugua roared angrily, with a ferocious expression on his face, as if an evil spirit wanted to choose someone to devour.


Hearing Diao Buqi's words, Cheng Wuwei and Li Yuanxing's faces suddenly showed shocking anger. They came to rob the resources of the Master Master Hall. What the hell, are you looking for death, or are you looking for death?

"Get it for me, life or death."

Cheng Wuwei roared angrily, looking at Lin Taixu, Huang Baihai and others with murderous intent in his eyes.

Picking quarrels and provoking trouble, robbing resources, and beating stewards

No matter which one, it is enough to make their heads fall to the ground.

What's more, if Lin Taixu and others committed multiple crimes, they would die without redemption.

Today, our deacons will enforce the law impartially.

No one can escape.

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