"you are welcome."

"It's a small skill, not worth mentioning."

Lin Taixu sat on the stool and said modestly.

It sounds so comfortable to beat a loser of the ninth level of a first-level martial arts disciple and be praised as brave.

This kid has a future.

"Humble, humble."

Huang Baihai said with a smile, "A useless person who cannot practice can push a ninth-level martial artist to the ground and beat him like a son. How dare you say that his skills are not worth mentioning?"

You are so shameless.


Lin Taixu glanced at Huang Baihai lightly and said to Murong Wushuang.


Murong Wushuang immediately bowed to Lin Taixu and said, "Disciple is here."

"Ask that damn fat guy why he deprived you of your resources as a teacher."

Lin Taixu said, and then he turned his hand, and a purple gold hammer with purple light appeared in his hand.


As soon as Lin Taixu let go of his fingers, the Purple Gold Hammer fell to the floor, making a dull sound and the whole room shook.

"Master, what are you doing?"

Murong Wushuang looked at Lin Taixu in surprise and asked, and then looked at the purple gold hammer on the side. It was visually estimated that the purple gold hammer weighed at least a thousand kilograms, otherwise, it would never have been able to make such a big impact.

"If he doesn't say anything, use this little hammer to hit him on the head."

Lin Taixu said lightly.

When Murong Wushuang heard this, he couldn't help but twitching the corner of his mouth. He looked at the purple gold hammer, which was the size of a dustpan, and felt speechless in his heart. Small hammer?

You call such a big purple gold hammer a small hammer?

I'm afraid you have some misunderstanding about Xiao.

I'm afraid this little hammer can smash Diao Bu Gre's head to pieces with just one blow.

Forget it, that's not the point.

Murong Wushuang immediately stepped forward, grabbed the handle of the Purple Gold Hammer, lifted it hard, and walked towards Diao Bucai who was lying on the ground.

The point is, she also wants to kill this fat pig now.

I lied to her for more than a year.

If not, who will you kill?

"Is this the rhythm of beating people to death?"

Seeing this, Huang Baihai's eyes couldn't help but glazed over, and he subconsciously moved his steps backwards, killing people in the Hall of Famed Masters, and the one he killed was a resource manager. This was going to defy the heavens.

He was a little scared.

I even thought that if Lin Taixu could escape safely after this time, he would be safe.

He felt that Lin Taixu could no longer be called a useless famous teacher in the future, and had to be renamed Lin Daxu.

"No, no, no, I said, I said."

Diao Buchan saw Murong Wushuang coming over with a hammer that was bigger than his head. He was so frightened that he trembled all over. He hurriedly got up from the ground and begged for mercy.

Judging from the quickness with which he got up, it was as if the person who had been beaten just now was not him.

My waist no longer hurts and my legs don’t cramp anymore.


Murong Wushuang stopped and said, looking at Diao Buqi coldly, the purple gold hammer in his hand kept spinning, and saw bursts of purple light flashing, like a purple thunder ball, exuding a terrifying momentum.

"Master Master, I was wrong."

"I shouldn't have deprived you of your resources. I'm guilty. Please be generous and forgive the villain. The villain will never dare to do it again."

Diao Buchan immediately knelt in front of Lin Taixu and said, looking at Lin Taixu in panic. He was really scared now. In addition to being scared by Lin Taixu, he was also scared by Lin Taixu's courage. .

Who dares to cause trouble in the Famed Master Hall?

However, Lin Taixu dared.

Who dares to attack a resource manager in the Famed Master Hall?

However, Lin Taixu dared.

Who dares to kill someone in the Hall of Famed Masters?

Although it hasn't happened yet, he doesn't know if Lin Taixu dares, but he doesn't dare to try.

Therefore, when his own reliance became insignificant in the eyes of others, Diao Bu Greed immediately gave up.

He calls Diao Bu Greed, not Diao Bu Die.

"Just admit it."

"If you know your mistakes and can correct them, there is no greater good."

When Lin Taixu heard this, he smiled and said, "No one has any faults. If you can correct your mistakes, there is no greater good."

Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi were stunned when they saw this. This scene looked so familiar.

The next plot direction has already appeared in their minds.

"Yes, yes, thank you so much, Master Master, I am very grateful."

Diao Bucuan thanked you quickly, but he made up his mind in his heart to let you be proud for a while. As long as he waits for the famous teacher and guard to come over, the labor and management will definitely break all your bones and make you wail for seven days and seven nights, and then chop you into pieces. dog.


Do you really think this manager is easy to bully?

"What about the resources that were withheld? Is it time to return them to the famous master?"

Lin Taixu asked with a smile.

"Repay it, I will definitely pay it back, no one will be missing."

Diao Bucuan said quickly that as long as Lin Taixu bypasses him now, even if he calls Lin Taixu his father, he can call him closer than his own father.

"Well, good."

Lin Taixu nodded with satisfaction, then stretched out his fingers and started counting slowly, "According to the regulations, I am a one-star famous master with five disciples, and I can receive fifteen Yuan Condensing Pills every month, right?"

"That's right."

Diao Bucai nodded.

"Twelve months in a year, that's one hundred and eighty coins, right?"

"That's right."

"That's right, nine hundred coins in five years."


Diao Buchan was stunned and looked at Lin Taixu stupidly, five years? Have you inherited your father's famous teacher order for five years?

Don’t you have any idea?

However, under Lin Taixu's cold eyes, Diao Bucai still nodded and said, "That's right."

Lin Taixu nodded, "Rounding up, it's one thousand, that's right."


Diao Bucuan looked at Lin Taixu blankly, wishing he had a knife in his hand and moved it back and forth against Lin Taixu's chest to let him know why the knife was so red.

Can you please have some face?

More blackmail than labor?

What is your rounding algorithm?


"So cruel."

Huang Baihai couldn't help but tremble in his heart, being frightened by Lin Taixu's algorithm.

What the hell, if he calculated things like this, maybe the entire Hall of Famed Masters could be counted on him.

Show, is that you?

"Okay, I won't bully you. Just bring me a thousand Yuan Ning Dan and this matter will be revealed."

Lin Taixu sat comfortably on the chair and said, tapping the armrests of the chair with his fingers, looking extremely happy.

Can you be unhappy?

One thousand Yuan Ning Dan, according to the market price, is 10,000 silver coins each. No matter how you calculate it, even with a discount, there are still 1.5 million silver coins.

Windfall comes.

Isn't this considered bullying?

So what counts?

Diao Bugua's heart was bleeding, and his fat face was moving with anger, as if he was playing the piano.

fed up.

It's simply unbearable.

However, I have to endure it a little longer.

"I don't have that many Yuan Ning Dan."

Diao Buqi answered honestly that since he took charge of the Resource Department, he has been very restless and greedy for a lot of resources, but he has basically spent them all. If he is allowed to take out so many Yuan Ning Dan in one moment, even if You can't even kill him.

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