My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 38 Choose Your Face

"Don't be envious. When you advance to the second level warrior, I will find a way to get some more storage rings for you."

Looking at the expressions of Zhao Feixue and others, Lin Taixu said with a smile, there is pressure when there is competition, but too much is too much.

He didn't want Zhao Feixue and others to be too hard hit.

If you are hit too hard, love will easily lead to hatred and go to extremes.

It's not good for their senior sisters, nor is it good for themselves.

Ahem, ten thousand words are omitted here.


Zhao Feixue asked in surprise, with deep surprise in his eyes. Zhao Feishuang and Ouyang Yanran also looked at Lin Taixu suspiciously, as if to see if Lin Taixu was deceiving them. After all, the storage ring was too valuable, and Is it so easy to get?

If it were so easy to get, they wouldn't be so rare.

"When did my teacher lie to you?"

Lin Taixu deliberately made a stern face and said displeasedly, "If I want to cheat, I have to cheat you of your most precious thing."

It’s just a storage ring, why should I cheat?


"Master, calm down, this is not what I mean."

Seeing that Lin Taixu was angry, Zhao Feixue was so frightened that she knelt on the ground and said, with a pale look on her face, it was scary.

"Haha, get up."

Lin Taixu stood up and grabbed Zhao Feixue's arm and pulled her up.

"Thank you Master, this disciple will never doubt Master's words in the future."

Zhao Feixue said, looking at the face of Lin Taixu who was very close at hand, suddenly, a trace of rosiness and shyness appeared on his face.

Although she served Lin Taixu to dress and had a lot of physical contact with each other, she was accustomed to it, but now for some reason, she felt the strength and temperature of Lin Taixu's fingers gripping her arm, and the rush to her face. His masculine aura made his little heart beat wildly.

I actually felt like I was going to be dizzy.

Lin Taixu has always been naughty and vulgar, but this time he acted like a serious person and didn't think nonsense.

He let go of Zhao Feixue's arm, turned around and sat down again.

Murong Wushuang, on the other hand, gave Zhao Feixue a meaningful look, and then said to Lin Taixu, "Master, now that my disciple and Luo Yi have been promoted to the second level warrior, can the master be promoted to a two-star famous teacher?"

As he said that, there was a hint of expectation in those autumn eyes.

"As usual."

Lin Taixu nodded and said, he has not been idle these days. He has carefully sorted out the memories of the previous master in his mind. He basically knows everything about Fengyun Continent and New Moon Country except what he doesn't know.

The condition for promotion to a one-star master teacher is to teach two disciples of the second-level warrior level.

The prerequisite for promotion to a two-star master teacher is to teach three disciples at the level of a third-level martial artist.

The condition for promotion to a three-star master teacher is to teach four disciples of the fourth-level Wuzong level.

And so on.

"Then when will Master be promoted to a two-star master teacher?"

Wang Luoyi asked, although the difference between a one-star famous teacher and a two-star famous teacher is only one level, their treatment and status are vastly different.

Not to mention anything else, the monthly resources he receives from the Hall of Famed Masters are several times that of a one-star famous teacher.

The more resources you receive, the more powerful disciples you can naturally teach. This is a virtuous cycle.

"talk later."

Lin Taixu said with some lack of interest, he really didn't care whether he would be promoted to a famous master or not. Anyway, he did not lack the resources of the famous master hall.

As long as you are a famous teacher and pretend to be good enough, that's fine.

Everything else is just clouds.

"Master, today is the time to go to the Famous Master Hall to collect resources. I will go and collect the resources later."

Murong Wushuang said.


Lin Taixu nodded.


"The system releases a new task. The controller is promoted to a two-star master teacher. The reward system experience value is 10,000 and the master teacher experience value is 10,000."

"This task is a free task, and the controller can choose to accept or give up."

At this time, the system's voice sounded in Lin Taixu's heart.


When Lin Taixu heard this, he couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. Damn it, you just issued this stupid task as soon as the labor and management said it. Are you deliberately trying to get in trouble with the labor and management?

Knowing that I currently lack experience points, I still choose freely?

Choose your face.

"Master and disciples will go first."

Murong Wushuang said that she was used to it. Since she became Lin Taixu's master for more than a year, she had to go to receive resources alone.


Lin Taixu raised his hand and said.

"Master, do you have any other instructions?"

Murong Wushuang quickly stopped and asked.

"Let me go with you. Anyway, I have nothing to do at home."

Lin Taixu said, and as he spoke, he said to Wang Luoyi, "Luoyi is also here. It just so happens that I can upgrade my master's level by the way, so I won't have to make another trip later."

What he said was serious. He was not coveting the experience points of the system, but only when the level of a famous teacher increased, could he teach more disciples.

This is contributing to the cause of great famous teachers.

"Yes, Master."

Wang Luoyi responded quickly, her beautiful eyes showing deep surprise. She seemed to remember that the master was not very interested just now, so why did he become interested again in the blink of an eye?

However, this is not important, Master's decisions are all right.

"Master, please."

Upon hearing this, Murong Wushuang hurriedly said to Lin Taixu, a rare smile actually showing on his cold face.

"Feixue, Feishuang, Yanran, the three of you practice well at home."

Lin Taixu said to Zhao Feixue and the other three, and immediately walked outside with Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi.

"Yes, Master."

Zhao Feixue, Ouyang Yanran and others responded, in fact, there is no need for Lin Taixu to give orders. Zhao Feixue and others also know how to practice hard. The senior sister and second senior sister are already second-level warriors, and they are still first-level martial apprentices.

Are they shameless?

Lin Taixu's residence is in a corner in the north of Qingfeng City. It is inaccessible. In the words of the previous owner, this place is clean.

Stay away from the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy a quiet life.

In fact, to put it bluntly, if you are afraid of being laughed at and cannot afford to offend, can labor and management still not be able to hide?

"Master, let's go all the way south and we'll reach the Hall of Famed Masters in about an hour."

After leaving the courtyard, Murong Wushuang stretched out his hand and pointed in a direction and said, his cold voice was like pearls flying on a jade plate, extremely pleasant to the ear.


Lin Taixu's eyes twitched. He had to walk for more than an hour?

Don't have a taxi?

But looking at how desolate this place is, it looks like it’s gone.


No, I have to buy a horse or a carriage or something later. This saves effort, and it also makes me look better, uh, and fits my status as a famous teacher.

Besides, if a famous teacher needs to walk, that’s too low a price.

After all, a famous teacher cannot be insulted, right?

If Liu Sandao heard what he said, he would definitely spit on his face.

Famous teachers should not be insulted?

When you were blackmailing the Sun family, why didn't you remember that famous teachers should not be insulted?

If I ask you to take a different path, do you know that you have lost your own face and that a famous teacher cannot be insulted?


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