My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 37: Group Promotion

"Are there any level restrictions?"

Lin Taixu thought for a while and asked.

It seems that he only has one black tiger boxing technique now. If there is no level limit, he plans to upgrade to level 100 first to see what effect it has.

Will this destroy the world?

Looking forward to it.

"The highest level is ten."

The system replied, directly shattering Lin Taixu's illusions.


Lin Taixu couldn't help but sneer, the highest level is ten?

What's the use of level ten?

"Forget it, let's upgrade the Black Tiger Fist to level ten first."

Lin Taixu said, anyway, he only has the Black Tiger Fist now, so he has nothing to do when he is idle.


"The level of Black Tiger Fist has been improved. The current level is 10. 55,000 system experience points will be deducted from the controller."

"The current controller's system experience value remains 0"

Soon, the system followed Lin Taixu's instructions to increase the level of Black Tiger Fist to level ten.


Hearing the system's beep, Lin Taixu's expression froze. Then, as if someone had slashed him with a knife, he jumped up from the soft couch, and a terrifying anger and murderous intention shot into the sky.

Angry, shockingly furious.

What the hell, is it easy to earn some experience points through labor?

Upgrade a black tiger fist, and you will destroy all my system experience points.

Is this justified?

Is there any royal law for this?

"The labor and management will not be upgraded. Please return the experience points quickly."

Lin Taixu roared, "Damn it, I finally saved up some experience points and planned to upgrade in a pinch to save my life, but now it's all gone."

What should you do if you encounter a powerful opponent who wants to kill you?

Waiting to die?

"Sorry, once the experience points are used, they will not be refunded."

The system said indifferently.


I have a saying in my mind that mom sells batches, but I don’t know whether I should say it or not.


If there was a knife at this moment, Lin Taixu would definitely kill the cheating system without saying a word.

In the next two days, Lin Taixu was listless, feeling that life was gloomy and there was no happiness left.

Seeing Lin Taixu's gloomy and serious expression, Zhao Feixue and others couldn't help but feel frightened, thinking that they had not worked hard enough in cultivation and had not met Lin Taixu's requirements. Therefore, after serving Lin Taixu three meals a day, they practiced even harder .


"Congratulations to the controller's disciple Zhao Feishang for advancing to the first level. The system rewards the controller with 1,000 experience points and the famous teacher with 1,000 experience points."



As the days passed, Zhao Feixue, Zhao Feishuang and others were promoted one after another, and the system experience value given to Lin Taixu changed from 0 to 15,000 points, and the famous teacher experience value was 22,000 points.

Lin Taixu finally felt a little relieved, and the long-lost sense of security finally returned.

Seven days later, Lin Taixu was walking in his small courtyard with a smile on his face. At this time, Zhao Feixue had found someone to repair the courtyard. The ruined gate had been repaired and the pavilion had also been repaired.

Moreover, it is even more majestic and bigger than before.

The tall vermilion gate, the neat bluestone pavement, and the flowers and plants in full bloom in the courtyard.

This is what a famous teacher's mansion should look like.

"See Master."

As soon as Lin Taixu sat down on the stone bench in the pavilion, he saw Zhao Feixue, Zhao Feishuang, and Ouyang Yanran coming to him and shouting respectfully.


Lin Taixu nodded, looked up at the three women, and said with a smile, "How's it going?"

"Master, my disciple's qualifications are stupid and he is only at the seventh level of martial arts disciple."

"Master, this disciple is only at the seventh level of martial arts disciple."

The two little girls Zhao Feixue and Zhao Feishuang said with mournful faces, seven days ago, they were at the third level of martial arts cultivation. These days, they have been practicing without sleep and food, and they have only managed enough Condensation Pills to advance to four minor levels. This makes them very sad. Sad.

"Master, this disciple is only at the ninth level of martial arts, and he has lived up to his high expectations."

Ouyang Yanran also wrinkled her face and said distressedly, she was a little better than Zhao Feixue and others, and was promoted to one more level, because she was a fourth-level martial artist seven days ago, which meant that she only advanced four levels in seven days. Small level.

Being promoted to the fourth level in seven days is equivalent to being promoted to one more level in one day. If word of this spreads, the entire Crescent Kingdom will be boiling, but they are still not satisfied. If this word gets out, they will probably be beaten to death. .

Because usually martial arts disciples can only advance to one level a year, and it takes more than half a year or seven or eight months for those with good talent. However, they were able to advance to the first level in more than a day, and they were still not satisfied.

If you're so pretentious, if I don't beat you to death, who will I beat?

"Haha, haste makes waste, you have done a good job."

Lin Taixu chuckled and said comfortingly. In fact, the system had already told him which level they had advanced to. He just wanted to comfort their fragile hearts by asking.

After all, Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi's levels improved quite quickly.

"Yes, Master, thank you Master."

Zhao Feixue, Zhao Feishuang, and Ouyang Yanran said that although they were comforted by Lin Taixu, they were still very unhappy, and they all stood aside with their mouths pouted.



After a while, Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi both walked up to Lin Taixu and bowed respectfully to Lin Taixu.

At this time, they have undergone earth-shaking changes compared to seven days ago. Murong Wushuang has been promoted from the eighth level of martial arts apprentice seven days ago to the second level of martial arts apprentice, and Wang Luoyi has also been promoted from the fourth level of martial arts apprentice seven days ago to the first level of second level martial arts apprentice.

Even though Lin Taixu knew the extraordinary power of Ningyuan Pill, he couldn't help but be amazed when he heard the sound of the system's upgrade.

What kind of extraordinary disciple did he accept?

Although Murong Wushuang only advanced to the third level of cultivation on the surface, the amount of vitality required to upgrade from the first level of martial arts apprentice to the second level is the sum of the third and fourth levels of martial arts apprentice.

A peerless monster.

Wang Luoyi is also not bad, just a little worse than Murong Wushuang, and is also a monster with outstanding talent.

Of course, the Ningyuan Pill given by Lin Taixu also contributed to it.

You should know that it takes a whole day to absorb other Ningyuan Pills, but it only takes thirty minutes to absorb the Ningyuan Pill given by Lin Taixu.

The efficiency is dozens of times that of ordinary Ningyuan Pills.

This is simply cheating.

If Murong Wushuang still cannot be promoted to a warrior, then she can only say goodbye to cultivation.

Looking at the martial arts levels of Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi, Zhao Feixue and the other two became even more depressed.

At the same time, they became more determined to practice hard.

"Second level warrior, first level warrior."

Lin Taixu nodded, and when he turned his hand, two storage rings appeared in his hand, saying, "Master keeps his word. This is a reward for you. Take it."

"Thank you, Master."

Murong Wushuang reached out and picked up a storage ring. She glanced at Lin Taixu, full of shock. One storage ring was already beyond her expectations. She didn't expect Lin Taixu to take out two. This simply overturned her perception of storage rings.

Are storage rings now cabbages?

Can you get them casually?

At the same time as being shocked, the mystery of Lin Taixu was added a little more.

"Thank you, Master."

Wang Luoyi reached out and took the storage ring from Lin Taixu's hand. Her pretty face was full of smiles, and she looked extremely happy.

Seeing this, Zhao Feixue and the others looked at Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi with great envy, and they almost forgot to move their eyes.

Storage rings, there are not many in the entire New Moon Country.

Don't you want it?

Anyway, they want it.

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