Chapter 99 Days are like years (7/7, subscription required)

Fortunately, after entering the class, although the girls in the class also surrounded him when they saw Daha, they were all acquaintances, so they wouldn’t be so crazy about the girls below.

However, what is worthy of surprise for Jiang Xiaobai is that Li Zixuan, who was surrounded by a bunch of punks a few days ago, also appeared in the class today.

According to Jiang Xiaobai’s estimation at the time, Li Zixuan should continue to stay in the hospital for more than a week, but he did not expect to return so soon.

To be able to return to school so quickly, either Li Zixuan’s house bought Li Zixuan’s healing potions, or he invited some Awakeners who had awakened their healing talents to treat Li Zixuan.

But no matter…

Either way, the cost is bound to be no less.

I didn’t see that the situation in this guy’s house was pretty good, hidden local tyrant! But Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Li’s “Four Nine Three” over there.

When Zixuan was in Zixuan, Li Zixuan was also staring at Jiang Xiaobai.

The hatred in his eyes is hard to mention.

After Li Zixuan was taken to the hospital, who would have thought that fate was so unexpected.

The attending doctor in charge of Li Zixuan happened to be the middle-aged doctor that Li Zixuan had visited the anorectal department alone before.

After seeing Li Zixuan and Li Zixuan’s injuries, the doctor was silent at the time.

After stitching up the wound for himself, the middle-aged doctor called his parents out for ten minutes. Seeing… his parents are like this, Li Zixuan, who vaguely guessed what the situation is now, wished to give himself a single blow.

In the next time, in the ward, Li Zixuan’s old father, who was so upright, unexpectedly put a small movie next to him all night, and also openly invited Li Zixuan to watch it together.

Li Zixuan’s mother, when she was taking care of Li Zixuan in the ward, she turned on the TV in the ward and watched those…shows in bikinis.

In the process, even if Li Zixuan explained it, his parents didn’t care at all.

God knows what kind of torture Li Zixuan has endured in this ward these days.

Almost every day, Li Zixuan can feel that he is completely congested.

But he couldn’t walk, and his parents took turns to guard, and he couldn’t solve it by himself.

That kind of…invisible physical and mental torture has made Li Zixuan understand what it means to live like years and suffering these days.

It’s sad and weeping.

And all of this is because of Jiang Xiaobai.

Therefore, when he was in the hospital, Li Zixuan couldn’t swallow this breath at all.

After thinking deeply, I didn’t notice the strength in my hand for a while, and accidentally broke the pen in my hand.

“Jiang Xiaobai, you wait for me, this matter is not over.”

After a roar in his heart, Li Zixuan took a deep breath, and then forced himself to calm down.

After the other girls returned to their positions, Yu had the opportunity to get together, and curiously looked at the Daha in Jiang Xiaobai’s arms, and couldn’t help but want to take a look at the Daha.

But before Yuan Yang’s hand approached, he was already stared fiercely by Daha.

Suddenly, Yuan Yang knew something, just like the staff at the Dimensional Biology Reporting Office today, so scared that he did not dare to move for a long time.

After a while, Yuan Yang was shocked and asked, “I, Cao, where are you dimensional creatures who are clearly wearing the appearance of a husky, but they are so scary.”

“Blood wolf king, a dimensional creature of the bloodthirsty wolf wolf king mutation, equivalent to a ninth-level star mechanic.”

Jiang Xiaobai shrugged and responded.

“Nine, Level Nine Star Mechanics Apprentice Do you and he tease me”

Yuan Yang was shocked when he heard this.

Jiang Xiaobai didn’t have a good air: “What benefits can I lie to you?”

Taking a close look at Jiang Xiaobai, based on Yuan Yang’s understanding of the goods, he found that Jiang Xiaobai really didn’t seem to be a lie, and he was immediately shocked.

“No, isn’t your awakening talented skill that makes people kneel down? How come you suddenly tame a dimensional creature is still so fierce.”

Jiang Xiaobai said quietly: “It’s not as troublesome as you think, sometimes, it doesn’t matter…

Is it a human or a dimensional creature, as long as you kneel more often, you will naturally be obedient.”

Although this is a bit casual and simple, Yuan Yang can fully imagine how cruel and inhumane Daha will go before he directly succumbs.

For a time, Yuan Yang expressed deep sympathy for the Daha in front of him.

But after sympathy is envy.

Jiang Xiaobai just awakened not long ago, but because of the particularity and strength of his talent skills, not only was he qualified to enter the silver dimensional space with Yuan Xiaoning, but now he directly conquered a dimensional creature equivalent to a ninth-level star mechanic. …Seeing Jiang Xiaobai touching Daha’s dog’s head, Yuan Yang was also envious in his heart.

Such a dog, he really wants a fight! “How about your fighting skills training situation depends on you being a little listless today.”

While touching the dog’s head and enjoying the softness of the hair on Daha’s head, Jiang Xiaobai asked smoothly.

It’s okay not to mention this.When I mention it, Yuan Yang next to him…can’t help but wailing.

“Don’t say it, it’s terrible! You don’t know, once I go back in these two days, my old sister will have to drill in the basement. It’s hard to live, and if I regress, my old sister will fight harder.”

“The responsibility is deep, the love is deep, you have to understand what you understand with good intentions! Just like me, now I have to have a hearty battle with your old sister, and I don’t have this opportunity.”

Speaking of this, Jiang Xiaobai also looks regretful.

Not to mention the achievement points obtained by Yuan Xiaoning when using the skills, just in the process, the screen is also enjoyable! I knew it, Jiang Xiaobai was a little leisurely.

It has become a one-off transaction now, and after it is gone without the pleasure, it is simply disappointing.

Yuan Yang “嘁”

After a cry, I felt deep contempt for Jiang Xiaobai’s act of standing and talking without backache.

“By the way, I was 1. last night.

1 Sister suddenly told me that she was going to take me to the dimensional space to see it in two days.”

At this moment, Yuan Yang suddenly said as if thinking of something.

“Take you to the silver level of the dimension space, you are sure you are the older sister’s brother”

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai was really shocked.

With Yuan Yang’s current strength, let alone the silver dimensional space around Yucheng, even the dimensional creatures in the bronze dimensional space can kill Yuan Yang.

Entering the Silver Dimensional Space, it is completely a child entering the Guizi Village, which is dangerous! “Yes! So I have been thinking about this all day today, it’s terrible!”

It was also at this time that Jiang Xiaobai’s phone suddenly vibrated.

I took it out and took a quick look, and found that it was not someone else who was calling, it was Yuan Ningxiao’s old sister, Yuan Ningxiao.


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