Chapter 98 Can you be a little self-aware (6/7 seeking subscription)

Facing the giant sickle praying mantis who lay on the ground directly on the opposite side, a humanized disdain flashed across Dahan’s face.

After that, the short limbs and short legs jumped to the front of the giant sickle mantis, and with a light leap, they jumped directly on the head of the giant sickle mantis.

With a small mouth, a blood blade rushed out, directly cutting the head of the giant sickle mantis in half, and then turned out from it: the star orb belonging to the giant sickle mantis.

However, an ordinary giant sickle mantis may not be able to fight against an ordinary bloodthirsty wolf king.

Not to mention the blood wolf king transformed from the bloodthirsty wolf king.

The pressure in the blood of the dimensional creature is enough to make this giant sickle mantis unable to lift its head.

Therefore, during the entire process, this ferocious giant sickle mantis was killed when facing this little milk dog without even the slightest resistance.

In this scene, everyone around was stunned.

This kind of picture is like a few months old child who easily killed a strong adult.

Pidian Pidian ran back to Jiang Xiaobai’s side, spit out the star ball on the ground, and shook his little tail.

“I’m going, when this little milk dog was so cruel, I just came in and saw it, I thought it was two.”

“Don’t say it’s you, I thought it was Erha, I just wanted to come forward to tease the little milk dog, but luckily I didn’t have time.”

“This little milk dog, what kind of dimensional creature, why the giant sickle praying mantis dare not even move when it meets”

…At this point, everyone is still unclear.

This big guy who looks like a little milk dog is definitely a powerful dimensional creature.

Some people even can’t help but guess that Daha is probably a silver-level dimensional creature.

At the same time, the…long and very abstract boy on the opposite side looked at the dead giant sickle mantis on the ground, and looked at the little milk dog next to Jiang Xiaobai. The whole person was a little bit ungrateful. Really feel.

Picking up the star orb on the ground, then slowly walked to the boy on the opposite side.

Daha continued to move his four short legs and followed Jiang Xiaobai.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai approaching slowly, the boy who had already sensed something was panicked and took a step back subconsciously.

But after reacting, the boy seemed to have thought of something. He raised his face and yelled: “What do you want to do here is a public place, do you still want to continue working on me?”

After all, it is the real world, and there is nothing to kill the dimensional creature of the other party, but if it is to kill people, the situation will be different.

Unless it is Jiang Xiaobai who reaches the Stardust Realm and gets the Awakened Certificate.

Otherwise, before that, absolutely can’t kill people in front of so many people.

Walking slowly in front of this boy, glancing at the other person’s raised face, Jiang Xiaobai took a few deep breaths and cursed in his heart, then turned his hand over and slapped it over.

“You and he have grown into this look, can you know for yourself, don’t raise your head to face me”

Being slapped with a slap on his face, the boy buzzed directly.

The madness that had just loomed out of fear faded quickly, as Jiang Xiaobai said, bowing his head obediently.

A typical picture of bullying and fearing hardship.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai snorted softly.

Because of the awakened person, the world has a lot more, once the awakened person’s mentality changes dramatically.

If the previous experience is a bit miserable, there will even be a certain degree of distortion.

Now many wanted awakeners in various countries are similar to this kind.

For these people, Jiang Xiaobai is not interested in taking the initiative, but if he is bullied to his head, Jiang Xiaobai does not mind letting them recognize himself.

As it is now.

After all, when it comes to conflicts, Jiang Xiaobai has always felt that, for a while… the more you think, the more angry.

The more you think about it, the more you lose.

Only by hands can the thoughts come through.

After this slap made Jiang Xiaobai feel comfortable, Jiang Xiaobai put the blood-stained brain of the giant sickle mantis directly on the boy’s clothes.

When there was an extra blood stain on the boy’s white shirt and the star beads were clean, Jiang Xiaobai took Daha and turned away.

There are no…

After all, pretense and mockery depend on people.

With this kind of guy, Jiang Xiaobai was not even interested in the idea of ​​using his talent skills.

0 The change in strength has made Jiang Xiaobai’s mentality inevitably changed at some time.

…After ignoring the previous things, in the afternoon, Jiang Xiaobai was already holding Daha in one hand and went straight back to the school.

But just walked to the gate of the school, the uncle who guarded the gate… stopped Jiang Xiaobai.

“Hey, that student, why did you bring your pet to the school”

Jiang Xiaobai scratched his head and said, “So what, uncle, this is not a pet, this is a dimensional creature that I tamed, and it must be carried at any time.”

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai’s words, the gatekeeper took a close look at the Daha in Jiang Xiaobai’s arms.

…After a while, he sneered, “Heh, don’t tease me, I have raised Erha in my family, you only… .Hair, it’s exactly… Erha, I’m so old-eyed and dizzy.”

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai had no choice but to show the guardian master the certificate he got from the Dimensional Creatures Reporting Office in the morning.

Seeing this proof, although the gatekeeper is still strange, he can only rest assured.

It’s just that before leaving, Jiang Xiaobai could clearly hear the uncle’s muttering behind him.

“What the hell can become a dimensional creature”

In this regard, Jiang Xiaobai can only respond with a wry smile.

After all, Daha is like this, it is indeed too confusing.

Along the way, whenever you see the cute daha in Jiang Xiaobai’s hands that can make people bleed, the girls around are constantly looking at him.

Even some girls who can’t stand it still come forward and want to kiss and hug them high.

After finally rushing out of the siege, Jiang Xiaobai unexpectedly found that there were some lip marks on his face and body.

When thinking of being surrounded by those girls at the time, Jiang Xiaobai still felt that he was pinched in some places.

Suddenly, Jiang Xiaobai understood that some unruly people took advantage of the chaos.

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt that facing those…crazy girls, he was even more tired than facing those…dimensional creatures in the dimensional space.

“Is this the exhaustion of enjoying the body and the soul”

Smelling the various perfumes from his body, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly thought of B.

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