Chapter 76 Is it pretty beautiful? (4/10 begging for the first order!)

Wei Houshan cursed in his heart, and the whole person felt like a dog.

But the pain that kept stimulating him made Wei Houshan unable to say a word.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai from behind said leisurely: “Then what, the fool over there, don’t look at it, it’s just…you guys.”

When Jiang Xiaobai spoke out, Wei Houshan, who had just been pulled up, looked at each other, as if they didn’t know which one Jiang Xiaobai called.

But when a few people looked around and looked around, when Jiang Xiaobai’s words sounded, the faces of the few people all sank.

And Jiang Xiaoxin also changed her expression.

Obviously, I didn’t expect Jiang Xiaobai to take the initiative to speak out at this time.

But after thinking about it for a while, Jiang Xiaoxin didn’t stop her, she just tightened the alloy longbow in her hand.

“Boy, what do you want to do”

Wei Houshan took a breath and said impatiently.

“What do you want?”

Jiang Xiaobai sneered.

“You guys came over and screamed and provoked us. Now you want to go like this when you pat your buttocks. Each one is as long as a crooked melon and jujube. What I think is… ….. It’s pretty”

Wang Lao Er, who was holding the knife on the opposite side, heard Jiang Xiaobai’s words and already raised the long knife in his hand.

However, seeing Wang Lao Er raising the long knife in his hand and watching the blood stained on the tip of the knife, even now Wei Houshan knew that his problem had nothing to do with Wang Lao Er.

But Wei Houshan still couldn’t help but moved a little to the side.

However, being so ridiculed by the few little hairy children who did not have the same hair, Wei Houshan also had anger in the hearts of several people.

And Wei Houshan, who had calmed down, had a thought in his heart at this moment, but suddenly he said: “Okay, if you don’t speak, I almost forgot you all for a while.”

Although the two sides have not done anything today, Wei Houshan has already expressed hostility before.

Once Jiang Xiaobai and others on the opposite side left the dimension space, they turned to the Yucheng Awakened Coordinating Bureau to report a wave.

Even if there is no evidence, there is still a lot of trouble.

Although Wei Houshan was worried about his own problems at the moment, he was more of a panic about the explosion of his own part for no reason.

If you want to talk about the injury, it is not too serious.

Thinking of this, Wei Houshan didn’t say much, waved his hand and said: “The old rule, the man directly kills and snatches his body, and the woman leaves you to enjoy yourself, and then leave after you have solved it…”

Wei Houshan’s words fell, and the eyes of the four companions around him were bright.

After all, several people were reluctant to give up on Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia, but they had to give up because of Wei Houshan.

There are even some who want to wait: after being sent to the hospital, they will return with other people.

But I didn’t expect things to turn around.

For a while, the four of them all sneered, one by one, they jumped out and rushed towards Jiang Xiaoxin and others quickly.

As soon as Wei Houshan and others appeared, Jiang Xiaoxin had already activated his talent skills, and ice thorns around him floated behind Jiang Xiaoxin.

“Swish, swish, swish…”

When they saw these people moving, the ice thorns beside Jiang Xiaoxin already shot away at the people in front.

Facing Jiang Xiaoxin’s attack, the awakened man with a big waist among the few people gave a soft sigh, and the shield in his hand was held high. The ones that were originally scattered to attack several people… When it was attracted, all the same turns were attracted by the awakened person with a big waist.

At the same time, the speed of the other three awakened people did not decrease but increased, and the time of just a few breaths had already shortened the distance between the two parties by half, and the separation was already less than three meters.

The previous few people’s inspections have predicted that Jiang Xiaobai’s awakening is most likely to be a talented skill in beast taming, and his strength is bound to be the worst among the team.

Therefore, all the four people thought in their hearts were to deal with Jiang Xiaoxin and others first, but no one would take care of Jiang Xiaobai who was on the side.

In the face of these three people, Zhou Jia, Jiang Xiaoxin, and Thu Hai’s three people 3 did not have the slightest fear or thought of backing up, and they all greeted them with a cold snort.

In the eyes of Wei Houshan and others, they were just a few middle school students. Biological trouble.

But after the fight really started, these awakened people suddenly realized something was wrong.

The Jiang Xiaoxin and others in front of him are completely different from those they used to deal with in the dimensional space…The middle school students are completely different.

Regardless of….

Whether it is fighting skills or cooperating with the above, it must be a lot stronger.

Even if they had fewer enemies and more enemies, they still couldn’t take these little guys down even if they were higher than Jiang Xiaoxin and others.

Looking at this scene, Wei Houshan’s eyes on one side were even more cold.

Just by looking at the performance of Jiang Xiaoxin and others in the field, you can fully see the excellence of Jiang Xiaoxin and others.

I’m afraid to put it among those… the peers are also among the best.

Once they have not been killed this time, after a few years of growth, it will be…their big problem.

At this moment, Wei Houshan was a little grateful, but fortunately he didn’t leave directly.

Otherwise, it might leave a big trouble.

“However, just as Wei Houshan focused on the people fighting in the field, a low growl suddenly sounded from the side.

Being in this meta-space all the year round, for…this time Wei Houshan, who is so familiar with the dimensional creatures in the meta-space, almost immediately recognized that it was the roar of a bloodthirsty wolf.

Unprepared, Wei Houshan was… was directly shocked by the sound, and couldn’t help but take a step back.

However, Wei Houshan didn’t move directly with other people.

Now this suddenly took a big step back, the action was too big, and it directly caused the wound that had just eased a little to collapse again.

In an instant, Wei Houshan could clearly feel the blood flow once again.

Enduring the pain, Qing Qing turned his head, and in his eyes, Jiang Xiaobai, who had been completely ignored by a few people before, didn’t know when he had already walked five meters away and looked at him with a smile on his face.

And the call just now came from Daha next to Jiang Xiaobai.

Glancing at the corner of his mouth with a smile of Jiang Xiaobai, Wei Houshan’s eyes half-squinted.

Noting Wei Houshan’s turning gaze, Jiang Xiaobai grinned, then patted the head of the dog next to him and pointed at Weihou Shannong.

As Jiang Xiaobai’s actions fell, Da Ha beside him rushed out instantly, with fierceness and bloodthirsty in his eyes.

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