Chapter 75 Also comes with tracking and navigation functions? (3/10 for subscription, monthly pass)

“Wei, Brother Wei, are you all right”

Seeing Wei Houshan like this, one of Wei Houshan’s accomplices couldn’t help but whispered a question.

Hearing this, Wei Houshan roared: “Dammit, do you think it would be okay for me to do this, but you can’t help me and go back to the real world for treatment.”

Originally, a few people followed, and the tossing was delayed for nearly half an hour, but no one thought that this situation would happen in Wei Houshan now.

Although it is said that the rare top products such as Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia, a few people are still watching.

But when Wei Houshan’s face became paler due to the loss of blood at this moment, and his whole body couldn’t help trembling because of the local pain, the other people really didn’t dare to delay too much.

Therefore, the two nearest awakened people next to Wei Houshan have already hurried forward, one left and the other right, helping Wei Houshan turn around.

Together with the other two companions, he turned around and prepared to leave.

Seeing that the battle between the two sides started at 07, but because of Jiang Xiaobai’s intervention, Wei Houshan on the opposite side was frightened by his current situation and took the other people to leave.

Zhou Jia and Zhou Hai, who were already ready to fight, couldn’t help being stunned.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaoxin breathed a sigh of relief unconsciously.

After all, the strength of the opponents does not seem to be low, and once a conflict arises, there may not be too much confidence in being careful.

If you can avoid direct conflicts and battles, it is naturally a better thing.

However, although Jiang Xiaoxin and others did not have the idea of ​​continuing to pursue it, it does not mean that Jiang Xiaobai next to him thought the same way! From the previous few people who were able to follow this, after they appeared, the line of sight has been on: Jiang Xiaoxuan and the two girls of Zhou’s family have been circulating.

It couldn’t be more obvious what purpose these guys hold.

Now that I see something wrong, I want to leave.Where there might be such a good thing, Jiang is careful and won’t agree with anything.

After thinking about it, Jiang Xiaobai snorted softly as he glanced at the few people walking away there.

Then the right hand wave is… a skill.

After the two arrows condensed by the star power were condensed in the air almost indiscriminately, they had already turned into two streams of light flashing in the air without quickly swiping towards Wei Houshan who was facing away from him in the line of sight.

, The two arrows condensed by star power flew through the air, that is, when Hou Shan and others were waiting, suddenly a turn, after a perfect 180-degree arc, they directly hit Wei Houshan’s knee.

Although Wei Houshan and others have their backs to Jiang Xiaobai.

But Zhou Jia, Jiang Xiaoxin, and Thu Hai are right in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

Therefore, the movement of releasing skills from Jiang Xiaobai is very clear.

When seeing the arrow that suddenly turned in the air and shot on the knees of Wei Houshan and others, Thu Hai and Zhou Jia both picked their eyelids.

“It also comes with a tracking and navigation function. This is sure to be such an advanced talent skill.”

Looking at the calm face next to Jiang Xiaobai, who was totally unsurprising about the changes of those arrows in the air, Zhou Jia couldn’t help muttering, “This talent skill is completely cheating!”

After seeing the weird scene with his own eyes, Zhou Hai, who has always been accustomed to choosing Mingzhe and Jiang Xiaobai to choose Mingzhe to save his life and do more, couldn’t help but nodded, with a look of approval.

Although both of them know that Jiang Xiaobai’s talent is “an arrow in my knee”

However, everyone has turned their backs to you, and the skills released can complete a difficult turn and continue to attack the enemy’s knees.

This is obviously a bit too much! At the same time, almost ten meters away, Wei Houshan, who was originally supported by two companions next to him, was enduring a happy walk, suddenly felt that his knees were slammed with a hammer.

And with this feeling, Wei Houshan could clearly feel his legs spread rapidly from the center of his knees, and he was completely numb.

But because Wei Houshan is being supported one by one at the moment, under normal circumstances, nothing will happen at all.


But at the moment when Wei Houshan’s legs were numb, the two people supporting Wei Houshan felt that the hand supporting Wei Houshan seemed to be electrocuted, and they instinctively retracted their hands.

Therefore, after there is no support person, Wei Houshan is so “pussy.”

Kneeled down.


The part of the original 493 Wei Houshan has already exploded twice in a row, and it is already painful.

And this unexpected moment made the surrounding muscles inevitably get traction.

Therefore, under this kneeling, Wei Houshan can clearly feel that his local wounds have further intensified and become more serious.

That heart-wrenching feeling made Wei Houshan’s cold sweat “huh”

At once, it overflowed from the back and between the forehead, condensing into drops of sweat.

The body was irritated like a sheep’s madness and couldn’t help shaking.

The other two awakened persons alongside Wei Houshan noticed the movement behind them and quickly turned their heads.

When looking at Weihou Qi Qi kneeling in front of him, the two awakened people were shocked.

One of the awakened people even scratched his head and asked in a daze: “Brother Wei, you are so good to kneel for us. What do you mean?”

Hearing this, Wei Houshan almost vomited blood.

“Why don’t I give you New Year greetings half a year in advance?”


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