Chapter 576 Sister, your speech is very dangerous

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows in surprise, “Is it possible that your parents have come here as guests? Where are they?”

Jiang Xiaoxin quickly grabbed Jiang Xiaobai and glared at him, pointing at the two kneeling people on the ground, her expression extremely uncomfortable and disgusting, “You see clearly!”

I saw that the man who was kneeling on the ground had died long ago.

There are a large piece of severe burn scars on his face, and even the marks of being cut off by a knife. The real face is no longer clear. However, under these contiguous blood-red scars, you can vaguely see, three or four. , A small face.

Those human faces were not the size of a child, and they were crookedly squeezed on the normal-sized face.They were extremely weird.The moment Zhou Jia spoke, she opened her eyes and screamed frantically.

Two of the distorted faces actually look exactly like Zhou Jia’s parents!! What’s more terrifying is that those…screaming faces actually spoke to Zhou Jia , “I’m so painful…Save me, daughter…Save me…”

Under the huge impact, Zhou Jia’s mind was only empty and white, and her eyes went black, and she passed out directly.

Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly took a step forward, picked Zhou Jia from the ground, shook her, and rolled her eyes angrily.

“Fuck, Zhou Jia, aren’t you? You can be fooled. If your parents know that you treat these… ugly things as them, you must be angry… ……!”

Those…the strange faces seemed to understand Jiang Xiaobai’s words, and they screamed at Jiang Xiaobai with extreme dissatisfaction, as if they wished to grow a leg and rushed to kill him.

“My parents’ faces are in there too!”

“Me too!!”

“Damn, is my father’s style that you can imitate”

Not only Zhou Jia’s parents, Wang An’an, Zhang Tianlei and others also found faces exactly like their parents in others, even Jiang Xiaoxin! Jiang Xiaoxin stared at those…twisted faces , Scalp numb, and cursed with disapproval: “These…what’s going on with the face, it’s really disgusting!”

Jiang Xiaoxin and Jiang Xiaobai’s parents were sacrificed in a certain dimension because of missions ten years ago.

Even if Jiang Xiaoxin always felt that they were not dead, she would never believe that they would become such a ghost, and only Zhou Jia, a silly girl, would be shocked.

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head and said with a pity: “These human-faced ghosts are too young and have no legal awareness, otherwise you can still sue them for infringing on the image rights, maybe a huge sum of money!”


Wang An’an and others twitched their mouths, Jiang Xiaobai’s brain circuit is really enough! “Let the little master help them out!”

Zhang Lang raised the spear in his hand, added a few star powers, and pierced the distorted faces with force.What caught him off guard was that these faces were harder than he thought.

The corpses parasitized by these faces became shattered, but those…the faces stood on the ground unscathed, and even bit his spear and refused to let go.

Click, click, click! “Fuck, Laozi’s cannon!”

Chewing: Zhang Lang’s eyes widened when he heard the sound, shocked to see that the two human face ghosts directly chewed his weapons to pieces!!! What made Zhang Lang panic was that at this moment, this The two small faces suddenly showed a very strange smile, and disappeared in the next moment.

“What’s the matter, those two faces are strange”

“Be careful around!”

“Hey, why is Laozi’s backpack gone! Why are your backpacks gone!”

Except for…Jiang Xiaobai and Jiang Xiaoxin, everyone started to panic.

That…The backpack not only has the Star Orbs for them to replenish the star power, but more importantly, there is also the portal button left by Zhang Xunkun, which can at least help them save their lives when they are in danger.

As a result, the backpack has disappeared!! “Fuck, you won’t be secretly eaten by those monsters!”

“What do they eat? Laozi still felt carrying it for a second!”

Jiang Xiaobai touched his chin and said quietly: “Actually, what you are carrying may not be a backpack…maybe a full-fed human face ghost…”


Hearing Jiang Xiaobai’s words, thinking of that… horrible and weird picture, everyone’s scalp exploded, and their backs became cold.

Zhang Lang was even biting his tail like a puppy. He went around ten 360-degree circles on the spot, looking for the face monsters and backpacks in a panic, and subconsciously yelled, “Jiang Xiaobai! Jiang Xiaobai, hurry up!” Help me, where are those people just now!!”

However, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t even look at Zhang Lang, desperately shaking Zhou Jia, who was limp in his arms.

“Sister smelly! Sister smelly wake me up! Damn, you won’t wake up after playing like this, so don’t blame me for sending you a post!”

The backpack is gone, and it is impossible to send Zhou Jia back.There may be danger around at any time. God knows when the monsters behind the dark clouds will fall, and it is really a burden to bring a person who is scared and fainted.

Thinking of this, a cluster of star power has disappeared with Jiang Xiaobai’s thoughts.

At the same time, Zhou Jia lying in Jiang Xiaobai’s arms suddenly felt as if there was a wave of electric current echoing locally, making Zhou Jia’s entire part numb.

In the dizziness, a familiar inexplicable sensation spread instantly.

The sense of fear that was originally frightened by the ghost of the human face disappeared without a trace, and turned into bursts of refreshing comfort, which continued to pour in from the local area.

Zhou Jia, who was fainting, frowned slightly, with a blush on her cheeks, and her legs were slightly close together and clamped subconsciously, as if there was something unspeakable.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for achievement points +60.”

The system prompt sounded in Jiang Xiaobai’s mind, but Zhou Jia still didn’t wake up, Jiang Xiaobai twitched his mouth, “Fuck me, this won’t work, Zhou Jia, you are too fierce, do you want more”

Jiang Xiaoxin slapped Jiang Xiaobai irritably, “When is the time, and she still says this kind of bastard, she will give it to… she! Are you a man?”

…Sister, your speech is very dangerous.

Jiang Xiaobai immediately lost another shot to Zhou Jia, and also instantly increased the star power to 100 points.

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