Chapter 575 I treat you as a classmate, you treat me as a father?

In the next moment, Jiang Xiaoxin took the lead.

She was pulling the ice bow and arrow in her hand, opening her bow and full moon, and shot it in the direction where one of the willow blades flew back, and the arrow flew into the mist.

The others also recovered and used their skills to launch various violent attacks towards the place where Willow Blade flew back.

However, when everyone was desperately attacking, Zhang Tianlei was busy, and he did not forget to glance at Jiang Xiaobai, wanting to see what powerful auxiliary skills he has.

It turned out to be okay if he didn’t look at it.At first sight, he staggered and almost fell to the ground.

I saw Jiang Xiaobai standing leisurely among them, appreciating the way they were attacking hard and clapping their hands and cheering. He almost took a bag of melon seeds and was like a crowd eating melons next to me! Zhang Tianlei was angry, “Jiang Xiaobai, you watch the monkey play. Yeah! Not yet “zero zero zero”

Come and help!”

Jiang Xiaobai was surprised, and said in a strange way: “This is the first time I heard someone call myself a monkey, but I, Jiang Xiaobai, have to be fair. Zhang, you are not like a monkey, you are more like a pig.”


In the past, many people in the school secretly said that he looked like a pig’s head, but no one dared to scold him on the face.However, Jiang Xiaobai not only said it directly, but also appeared to refute it seriously.

Zhang Tianlei was mad and shouted: “Who is asking you what I look like! Clean and help, are you not a god assist! Also, Laozi Mingming Yushu Linfeng, you are like a pig!!!”


As soon as the word yelled, Zhang Tianlei suddenly felt that someone had punched his knees.

With the irresistible strength and the tingling feeling, Zhang Tianlei directly bent his legs and knelt on the ground heavily.

Zhang Tianlei was originally a power awakener, and he had just used his talent skills to fill his whole body with power.

Kneeling like this, his knee sank three centimeters to the ground, and the pain caused him to cry on the spot, and his kneecap almost broke.

“Let’s take a look, open your eyes and talk nonsense and your conscience starts to hurt.”

Jiang Xiaobai spread his hands helplessly, “I have said so many times, don’t scold me, but I still can’t remember, you said you are not a pig or something, hurry up, call Dad and let you get free.”

Zhang Tianlei knelt on the ground, pounding on the ground with breath and pain, “Ouuuuuu your father…”

The fierce attack lasted for two minutes.If the position of the human face ghosts did not change, even the steel and iron bones would have to be beaten into a sieve by them.

“Ah ah ah ah ah, all to Laozi’s death!”

A scream came from Zhang Lang’s mouth, Jiang Xiaoxin and the others stopped attacking, only he was crazy, still: closed his eyes and kept firing skills in a certain direction, in a state of rampage. .

Jiang Xiaobai clapped his hands and said loudly, “Hey, learn to wake up, let’s finish work and finish work, we can get a box lunch!”

“Die to me! Hard to hard!! Laozi is not afraid of you, all to death!”

Zhang Lang seemed to be stunned by the devil, and he was still outputting crazily.The long-range talent skills of one hand were blindly placed, and Zhang Tianlei, who was still kneeling on the ground, was almost beaten into a sieve by him, and immediately yelled.

“Fuck, Zhang Lang, you grandson, open your fucking eyes and hit me!”

Zhou Jia smoked the corners of her mouth, “How do I feel that the most dangerous thing is not the person, but this stuff?”

Jiang Xiaobai was too lazy to spend time with Zhang Lang, condensed a few points of star power, and directly sent Zhang Lang “Father’s love is like a mountain”

, And at the same time couldn’t help being speechless.

How do you feel that his skills are used to all of these…The pig teammates! Zhang Lang had always been in this eerie and eerie environment that would be attacked at any time, psychologically, and withstand ability He had reached the limit, and at this moment, a feeling that he had never felt before suddenly surged in his heart.

This sense of happiness is as turbulent as the sea and as heavy as Mount Tai, and it is yearning, as if someone is touching his head kindly.

Who is this feeling of paternal love for so many years!! Zhang Lang stopped attacking, eagerly looking for the source of paternal love. When he saw Jiang Xiaobai standing ten meters away, picking his nose, he felt this way. The feeling of paternal love reached its peak in an instant! “Dad!”

Zhang Lang rushed over and knelt, because he was running too fast and was in a state of rapid motion.The strong motion thrust led Zhang Lang to slide forward, and he quickly passed by Zhang Tianlei, who was also kneeling on the ground and stunned. Sitting on her knees, she slid in front of Jiang Xiaobai, and shouted loudly, “Dad!”

Zhang Tianlei: “…”

Wang An’an: “…”

Zhang Lang who reacted: “”

Jiang Xiaobai silently put down his nose and looked at Zhang Lang who was kneeling in front of him. After hesitating, he patted his dog’s head, “My dear son, your father understands your heart, hurry up and get up. ……”

“Me, what happened to me just now!”

Zhang Lang’s eyes stared like bronze bells, and he couldn’t believe that he actually regarded Jiang Xiaobai as his dad for a moment! Jiang Xiaobai said with sorrow, “Student Zhang, I treat you as a teammate, you and he actually treat me as a dad. , By the way, is your mother beautiful?”


Zhou Jia couldn’t help but smiled.

Others didn’t know that she had suffered from the loss of Jiang Xiaobai’s skill.

Encountering Jiang Xiaobai, Zhang Lang is considered to be unlucky for eight lifetimes.

“It’s alright, it’s not the first time to call his father, get up and see how those human-faced ghosts are going!”

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai and others immediately moved forward and walked vigilantly towards the place they had just attacked.

In the mist, the backs of four or five people can be vaguely seen: 1.

1 Ying, they all knelt on the ground, motionless, only their wrists were cut off, and their bodies were riddled with sores, but no blood came out.

Probably before they attacked, they caught Jiang Xiaobai’s passive skills and knelt on the ground.

Thinking of this, Zhang Tianlei, Wang An’an and others couldn’t help but look at Jiang Xiaobai, who really is the first assistant of Jiangnan University, and he is well-deserved.

Everyone held their breath, held their weapons tightly, and cautiously stepped forward to check.

However, when they approached to see the appearance of these people clearly, the whole person seemed to have fallen into the most terrifying nightmare. Kind of expression.

Zhou Jia knelt on the ground tremblingly, “Why are you here?”


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